Oh dear Gem,
Dont kill yourself love, think of the mess you'd leave for your OH..

I know mine went on (and decided to return last night for a bit!!) for around 2-3 weeks in total. Bloody cheek of it!
Sarah - What time is your scan tomorrow hun? I'll be thinking of you. Im sure the bleeding issue will be fine, but I can see why it'd be a worry. I would keep asking for answers though. Keep your chin up sweetie, you'll be grand xxxx
My back ached yesterday so much! I was out shopping for a couple of hours, but not exactly carrying lots or doing too much. All night it hurt too. I think LO is definately on the move. I can feel the very bottom of my tum getting firmer, and when I need the loo its really pushed up high - although I try not to press on it too hard as I might have an acident...ahem...lol
Has anyone else felt any movement yet? I posted in a thread started in 1st tri this morning. People are so bloody negative. I know I felt DS at 13-14 weeks, and I have felt this one for a week or so now. Only tiny little prods (apart from when I had that detailed scan monday - she pressed down that hard I had an actual kick! The specialist said its not a suprise cause of all the bouncing!!)
Anyway, a girl had posted that she had felt something and all these comments were lft saying there'sd no way she could of. How horrid is that? You know your own body FGS!! I can see how it can be mistaken as wind, but even so, she was so excited about it, and they rained on her parade. It made me cross and I left a comment about!! Some women are funny buggers.....
Anyway, I will bore you no longer. I hope all is well. Sarah - you are not going mad regarding moving over to 2nd tri... Gem and I however, lost it a bit yesterday...lol