Morning everyone!!
Well Im at home alone

OH has finally got some work, and DS is at his grandmas on holiday.

That leaves me alone with BnB for hours on end - DANGEROUS!!!!
I have a job interview tomorrow! Its only for temp staff (as cant get any work elsewhere) but it sounds great. Its really really simple office work, which I know I can do, so it should be fine. Only probem is - NO OFFICE CLOTHES TO WEAR!!! I literally have 1 pair of jeans that fit me now. Will have to indulge later today!!
Welcome Babymad!! I know what you mean about being inbetween stage. Its hard!!!!! Once you get past that bit, it seems to go a bit quicker. OH and I felt that the 13-14 weeks bit dragged on and on. Your scan date is the date of my parents birthday!! My mum is 50 this year. Anyone have any idea what I could get her that is nice (but on a budget???) Im so broke and DS birthday next week, and thiers the week or 2 later all feels a bit much!
SJK & Maybe - congrats on the halfway marker!!! You've climbed a big slide, now you just gotta slide down it

- if it was only that simple eh???!!!!
I think my LO is telepathic too. He/she had been quiet yesterday, so whilst watching tv last night I asked it to move for me - and it did!!! And it happened in bed this morning too. How weird is that?? I read you should talk to your LO (inside your head) and have secret chats. Im not sure about that - but its fun and very cute - especially if they respond!!! OMG - Last night I sneezed and my ligament pain - wow - It felt like I was being stabbed below my bump. It took my breath away - so be careful when sneezing girls...
Think thats it for now. Have been a bit obsessed with the Mutsy gift !!! I keep googling it haha. I messaged someone who's got one off BnB - she is so lovely! In 3rd Tri, but she is mad on the Mutsy's! We're going to start a campaign to share the Mutsy love!

TTFN ladies. Have a great day xxxxxxxxxxx