Hey girls,
Blow me down - I havent got time in my life to read 5 pages of posts like that again! especially when they are all so high drama - It was like reading a novel - i wanted to go straight to the back and see what happened!! lol.
Thanks EB for keeping us all posted. Elley - do what you're told in future woman!!

haha, its so hard to keep pregnant women in hospiatl for some reason! I'd love the chance at the minute though- bit of peace eh!
OK so I thought I was in labour yesterday. Seriously girls. Weirdly similar to Elley actually. Had bad back ache getting worse for the past 3 days. Yesterday I had my final exam (woohoo!) and popped out for a nice lunch with OH afterwards. We picked DS up after school, and I had this overwhelming urge to sleep. I literally fell asleep in the car on the way home, walked in the door and got into bed. My back was killing still too. I started to feel crampy and Ive had the dreaded bum wee for about 2 days too - everytime after I eat.
SO I woke up about 7pm feeling sick as a pig. Couldnt rest, couldnt get up. When I went into labour with DS I felt like shite all day before the contractions started - just like last night.
I couldnt eat, I was dizzy and felt so poorly. I stayed in bed and passed out about 11pm. I woke up at 11am today - no baby so obv wasnt labour!!
Still got back ache, still tired and just not right. I think thats what comes from overdoing it a tad!
Im keeping an eye on the pains, so fingers crossed. OH is franticlly decorating LO's room as we speak!
SJK - hope you have a good MW app hun.
Everone else - have a great day. Hope its nice and sunny where you are