July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

I am planning to use 2 midwives. A doula would be nice tho.
very nice bump pics btw!
I think baby E has moved head down. Can anyone tell in these pictures if i am looking a little lower? The first picture is from last Friday at 31 weeks and the second picture (in the multi colored pants) is from last night at 31 weeks 4 days.


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reposting the pics because one is sideways... oops


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Yea, it does look like baby changed positions jmandrews.

I wish my little guys would drop down or better yet, flip. He's still breech and it's veerry uncomfortable because he sits super high. I can't really sit straight up and down it hurts. Been trying to sit on my birthing ball more to help encourage him to flip. So here's hoping!

I wasn't able to use a midwife due to my history, or at least it was just easier to stay with a doctor in my clinic. So hoping a Doula will help me through this birth with as little intervention as possible
Jmandrews looks like baby's dropped!

Ttcinbc- I feel your pain my lo is breech but he seems like he likes being low (my poor bladder) gonna try the ball too. Hope they flip! Mw says don't worry until 36 weeks but you can't help but worry.
Hi ladies :) Some fab pictures of bumps on here :D

Well I went to my midwife yesterday and she said my baby has turned head down which I am thrilled about and hope he stays like that!! As I stupidly went to a physic a few weeks ago who has petrified me with saying I am going to be in longer labour with this baby (my 2nd) and he will be breech and I will need assistance with the delivery ??? C Section!!!! O and to look out for pre- eclampsia = lovley!!!!

I have not had a easy pregnancy with sever hyperemisis and now very painful SPD so was kinda hoping for a straight forward birth!!

A quick question to everyone who is around the same time as me, has anyone experienced period like pain?? possible braxton hicks or things stretching some more :/

Just cannot wait for my beautiful lil bundle to be here, any time after 36 weeks would be nice :D X x X
I don't know about the period like pain, but I have been getting braxton hicks for sure. Last night I actually got my first one laying down. Usually I get them while I'm up and doing stuff and then need to sit down to rest. So that was a bit odd.

Are you concerned about the period like pains? If you are, give you doctor or MW a ring and see what they say. The things the psychic said would definitely freak me out too. But I'm a worrier as well.

Apple-definitely cant help but worry about them being breech. I know it's still early, but I'd feel a lot better if he'd just do what he's supposed to do :rofl: I'm just hoping he's flipped by my next scan at 33 weeks. Will ease a lot of my worries as I can't have a vbac if he stays breeched
i know i keep telling him to stop being such a lazy baby. he isnt a very active baby anyway which is what makes me think he wont bother turning. i really hope you get your vbac, i don't remember if you said, why did you have a c-section before?
Mine's not really lazy, not in comparison to how my DD was anyways! She was the laziest I've ever seen! I used to have to poke and prod my tummy to get her to move and make sure she was okay! lol

I had the c-section because my BP was rising and I had some protein in my urine, so they tried to induce me for 3 loooonnng weeks and by the time they got me to 1 1/2 cms where they admitted me and broke my waters and put me on the oxytocin drip, her heart rate would dip with every mild contraction and my OB wanted to get her out. The cord was around her neck on the last ultrasound. She was actually 4 days late by the time she was out ironically. The pediatrician said she was 2 weeks early due to the vernix cover still on her. So whooo knows. That could be why none of the inductions worked, she just wasnt ready. But I'm now considered a failure to progress. Makes yah feel great when they say that! lol
that would annoy me too. sorry you had to go through that. has it made you afraid of c-section or is it just you would like to have a natural birth?
So birthing class was very interesting to say the least. We got to watch "the video" with the birth and everything and let me tell you........wow. I've watched A Baby Story and all that stuff where they show you almost everything, but once they actually showed the birth and crowning....wow. Next week we get the tour of the birth wing and everything so it should be fun.
So birthing class was very interesting to say the least. We got to watch "the video" with the birth and everything and let me tell you........wow. I've watched A Baby Story and all that stuff where they show you almost everything, but once they actually showed the birth and crowning....wow. Next week we get the tour of the birth wing and everything so it should be fun.

yeah, the actual crowning part is by far the worst and most cringe worthy. my hubby's friend gave him one word of advice when he found out we were expecting, "don't look". after seeing a full video of it all i am still not over it... not sure if i even will be before bubs comes! :haha:
that would annoy me too. sorry you had to go through that. has it made you afraid of c-section or is it just you would like to have a natural birth?

I don't necessarily have a fear of another c-section. I just really don't want one. I want to experience natural child birth because I feel like I've missed out on something. But unfortunately I won't get to ever now. I'm having a repeat c-section. We saw our doctor this morning and when I had my u/s last week they got some more info on my scar and it's thinner then normal. Which would explain why it's tender and why I get some pains here and there. If it wasn't for that, I'd be full ahead for the vbac. I'm definitely sad, but there's just not much I can do about it. It's what's best I guess. That's how my DH is feeling.

Sigh...but it doesn't matter how he gets here as long as he gets here. That's what I've been telling myself since out appointment this morning
Is it just me or does every doc say the opposite of the other? I mean, can't they just agree and stop confusing us?

I know it is safe to say that if you have a baby that does everything when they should, then they are are an exception. By far, I have learned that even in utero, our chidren confound and suprise us always. This is something that never ebds of course. Each one is so distictly different so you just never know.

I wouldn't put allot of credence in what some physic says. (even though it is very tempting to see what could be)There is power to sugguestion so don't let it worry you. Keep thinking positive and good things will happen. Besides, A physic told my mom she would die in a crash at 32. She is 56 now and has no crashes of any kind. Save your money for diapers. lol
I've got to say that this pregnancy is SOOO totally different to my last, even down to the movements & the feel of the movements.

I went to the MW drop in clinic at my sure start centre on wednesday as i hadnt felt baby move much for two days. I had felt some but i went 12 hours without feeling any one day. Just as i was ready to phone ANAU the little monkey moved. I just felt like i should get checked out so went up. Baby sounded fine in there but she sent me to ANAU to get monitored for a little while for a bit of reasurance.

Ended up having a scan as my fundal height has measured behind. Unfortulately i had no money so couldnt get a picture :( but baby looks great & was moving lodes in there, i just cant feel it much. baby is very much curled up in there & is measuring great for the dates. I'm feeling much more reassured about things. Spent another hour been monitored before going home & everything been fine.

Thinking that baby must have just been having a growth day or two as today its not stopped moving & it feels like all elbows & knees. The movements still dont feel like they did with my son tho, he really did kick the hell out of me & made my belly ripple & move lodes & i dont see much of that from this baby.

I'm still on team :yellow: but still feeling pritty :pink: right now. I'll be very suprised if its :blue:
For all the July Mommies to be :) we can all officially say we are due next month!!! yay! so excited!
Oh I'm so nearly a July mummy (edd 1st august).

Been doing more shopping today and purchased angel care monitor, swaddle pods and black put blinds. And there is still more to get!

Are people here planning to swaddle or use sleeping bags or sheets?
that would annoy me too. sorry you had to go through that. has it made you afraid of c-section or is it just you would like to have a natural birth?

I don't necessarily have a fear of another c-section. I just really don't want one. I want to experience natural child birth because I feel like I've missed out on something. But unfortunately I won't get to ever now. I'm having a repeat c-section. We saw our doctor this morning and when I had my u/s last week they got some more info on my scar and it's thinner then normal. Which would explain why it's tender and why I get some pains here and there. If it wasn't for that, I'd be full ahead for the vbac. I'm definitely sad, but there's just not much I can do about it. It's what's best I guess. That's how my DH is feeling.

Sigh...but it doesn't matter how he gets here as long as he gets here. That's what I've been telling myself since out appointment this morning

I'm sorry to hear this :( all we can do is the best for baby I suppose. Though I expect that doesn't help when your feeling disappointed. Hugs x
TTCnBC - Sorry to hear about the csection. I wish you could have had a vbac. As long as you are both safe and healthy right?

Apple - Swaddler here!

AFM - Going shopping for crib and furniture with MIL tomorrow. FX she is ready to spend money

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