July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

Had an emergency scan today - all was well. Saw a heartbeat but my dates were off :) My EDD is now 11th August x
We cann ours beanie. When I was preg with dd she was jelly bean
girlinyork, saw your post in 1st tri. I can't remember if I commented or not :dohh: baby brain!! Fantastic news anyway and glad all is well. xx
Apologies in advance ladies, as I know this is going to be a long post :cry: you might want to make yourself comfortable before starting to read.

The proverbial brown stuff has hit the fan re the SD aka FOB. We have been bloody arguing for days, and one of the things he threatened me with was Social Services. Well they got an anonymous report :growlmad: and I KNOW it was him!!! He denied everything, but denial is what he does best. Anyway,SS have decided not to take their report any further, so they clearly know it was a malicious report... However it didn't end there. I retaliated :cry: maybe I shouldn't have, but I told his gf about us, and about the baby. She is 34 weeks pregnant herself, and he was going to tell her (apparently) after their baby was born, but I just don't believe anything he says anymore. Everything he says is lies. I was stupid at 26 years of age, to get sucked in in the first place by his empty niceties, and if I'd listened to my gut feeling all along, then we wouldn't be in this mess... Though saying that, then I wouldn't have the silver lining in all of this, my little Pip either. A friend of his, well mutual friend, but more his friend, posted on my wall telling me to leave them alone and get over myself as he wouldn't go near me :cry: well he DID. Unless I am the second virgin mary and this baby was immaculately conceived it has to be his because I UNLIKE HIM was not cheating :cry: I've had to block the "friend" and his gf only messaged back "Merry Christmas to you too", I think she believes it, well I don't care if she does or not. The truth is out now and that's what really matters. I'm so upset and stressed :cry: the message she wrote on my wall said about me being preg and was there for 20 minutes before I noticed and deleted it. I am praying no one else saw it as I really don't want this coming out right now. I've calmed down a little from writing this post :cry: just can't believe it's come to this. Have the feeling he is going to try and lie and deny his way out of everything as per usual, but ah well, DNA can prove everything xx
Apologies in advance ladies, as I know this is going to be a long post :cry: you might want to make yourself comfortable before starting to read.

The proverbial brown stuff has hit the fan re the SD aka FOB. We have been bloody arguing for days, and one of the things he threatened me with was Social Services. Well they got an anonymous report :growlmad: and I KNOW it was him!!! He denied everything, but denial is what he does best. Anyway,SS have decided not to take their report any further, so they clearly know it was a malicious report... However it didn't end there. I retaliated :cry: maybe I shouldn't have, but I told his gf about us, and about the baby. She is 34 weeks pregnant herself, and he was going to tell her (apparently) after their baby was born, but I just don't believe anything he says anymore. Everything he says is lies. I was stupid at 26 years of age, to get sucked in in the first place by his empty niceties, and if I'd listened to my gut feeling all along, then we wouldn't be in this mess... Though saying that, then I wouldn't have the silver lining in all of this, my little Pip either. A friend of his, well mutual friend, but more his friend, posted on my wall telling me to leave them alone and get over myself as he wouldn't go near me :cry: well he DID. Unless I am the second virgin mary and this baby was immaculately conceived it has to be his because I UNLIKE HIM was not cheating :cry: I've had to block the "friend" and his gf only messaged back "Merry Christmas to you too", I think she believes it, well I don't care if she does or not. The truth is out now and that's what really matters. I'm so upset and stressed :cry: the message she wrote on my wall said about me being preg and was there for 20 minutes before I noticed and deleted it. I am praying no one else saw it as I really don't want this coming out right now. I've calmed down a little from writing this post :cry: just can't believe it's come to this. Have the feeling he is going to try and lie and deny his way out of everything as per usual, but ah well, DNA can prove everything xx

:growlmad: They will be wearing their malicious messages on the other side of their heads when the CSA get in contact with him. Tbh, if it was me, I'd have told the gf ages ago. :hugs:
girlinyork THANK YOU!!! I feel so much better. I believe in my heart, it was the right thing to do. If it was me, I would want to know. And I only told the truth. I just feel horrible, cos I've been where she is, and I know she must be hurting a lot, but honestly if I'd known about her, I'd never have gone with him in the first place!! I'd never do that to another woman, I know how it feels. I believed he was single, but she is blaming me, but then I suppose it's easier for her to blame me than to admit to herself what "HE" is xxx
girlinyork THANK YOU!!! I feel so much better. I believe in my heart, it was the right thing to do. If it was me, I would want to know. And I only told the truth. I just feel horrible, cos I've been where she is, and I know she must be hurting a lot, but honestly if I'd known about her, I'd never have gone with him in the first place!! I'd never do that to another woman, I know how it feels. I believed he was single, but she is blaming me, but then I suppose it's easier for her to blame me than to admit to herself what "HE" is xxx

so sorry to hear how difficult your situation is. I think she will be thankful in the end for your speaking up. You both seem like victims in this situation. Keep your head up- DNA will prove everything and he can't do anything about it!
Girlinyork, how stressful! Being pregnant is enough stress all by itself!!

Since my doc really thinks we are having twins, we are calling them Luke and Leah (like star wars haha!) I can't wait until the 4th to finally see the little heart beat, and to know for sure how many babies are in my belly!!
Hello ladies

Firstly apologies that I haven't been on I've been in hospital.

This is long!

As you know, on Friday I had bad pain which I thought was heartburn but no amount of indigestion remedy made it go away so it stayed with me all day at varying pain levels. When I went to bed it was a dull ache and so I thought I'd sleep on it and it'd all be gone the next day. Sadly not.

I woke at 5am on Christmas Eve with the most horrific chest pains. I struggled to the loo and got back into bed trying to breathe through the pain but I thought 'this is ridiculous' so I came downstairs to call NHS Direct and ask their advice. I gave the lady all my details and she got a nurse to call me back (this is how they do things there and it took over 45 mins from first call to finishing the conversation).

She advised me to call my GP out of hours and get someone to examine me ASAP - so on to call them. They had the same process as above so I got a call back from a nurse who asked if I thought I'd need an ambulance and tbh the pain by this point was horrific and I couldn't breathe deeply because of it so I was starting to panic. I agreed and broke down on the phone so she arranged it.

At about 6.30am I had an ambulance come to the house, blue lights going, I opened the front door and literally collapsed in the doorway. The paramedics were lovely and walked me, one on each arm, in to the ambulance and on to the chair.

I was shaking so much they couldn't get an accurate BP measuring, they thought I was cold because it was freezing out and I had my nightie and a dressing gown on but I wasn't. I'm not sure why I was shaking so much really.

They did all the normal checks; ECG, BP, etc, my bpm was at 130 and I was very scared! They examined me for about 15mins and then suggested that I go in to hospital.

Through all this my husband had slept! I asked one of the paramedics to wake him which they did, then he came down and said he wouldn't come because someone needed to stay with Laura he wouldn't come with me

Anyway, off we went to hospital. On route I started to get a weird cramp in my hands and then pins and needles. I couldn't move my hands and when I mentioned it to the paramedic he told me I needed to slow my breathing and my bpm was at 150. I couldn't move my hands at all at this point and the paramedic rushed over to undo my seatbelt so I could put my head between my legs and concentrate on breathing.

We got to the hospital and they brought me a wheelchair but I couldn't hold the paramedics hand to get off the ambulance because I couldn't move my fingers at all. They took me into the A&E and booked me in, the nurses there took over then and put me on a bed, put oxygen on me, hooked me up with BP monitors and an ECG, put blankets on me and took blood. It was all very quick.

I was left to breathe and calm down for a while (I have no idea of timescales from here on in!) and everything sort of ticked on around me. I had some breakfast which was shockingly awful, my husband arrived at about 8.30am with Laura and the Dr came to see me to examine me and ask me a huge pile of questions.

He said that my bloods had come back positive for a blood clot but he did say sometimes pregnancy can make it positive so they weren't 100%. He said my heart looked fine but my bpm was high, possibly relating to the pain. He gave me a brufen for the pain but the pharmacist later scratched it on my notes and changed it for paracetamol because of the baby. He said he wanted to do more bloods at about 5pm and to keep checks on my blood oxygen levels.

I spent most of the day then lying around waiting for Drs and bloods and updates, not a lot happened really. I tried to sleep but it was so noisy with machines bleeping and nurses chattering (I was right by the desk).

They did more bloods and another Dr came round to check me and ask all the same damn questions. She wanted me to have an xray and said they'd protect the baby from the rays but obviously it isn't ideal - she wanted to make sure I didn't have a blood clot in my lungs. This was early evening, about 6ish? I had the xray and they came back normal which was obviously a relief.

There was another Dr on then after this who said something about checking my blood gases which involved a needle being put along the vein in my wrist - let me tell you this hurt like you can't even imagine!!!! She failed on first attempt and I was literally climbing the walls - crying my eyes out with the pain. She asked me if she could try again but I said no. She kept asking and I didn't give in, she tried to say it was the 'decider' in me staying in or not - that didn't change my mind!!!

They said they wanted to do a scan, they didn't say what type, to rule out blood clots etc but the radiographer said he wouldn't do it until Wednesday so they decided to give me Clexane shots and agreed I could go home as long as I promised to come back every day in between to get the shots.

Haha, more needles! I honestly cannot tell you how many holes and bruises I have! The Clexane shots sting like a biatch after they've been given, the first one was done in my arm but today's I asked them to do in my tummy. That one hurt a little less.

I was discharged last night at 9pm.

Wow this is long! Sorry xx
Oh my puppy glad your home hope it doesn't get worse again
oops - I think you did the right thing. I agree that she should be mad at her BF, not at you though. :hugs:

Puppy - Glad you are doing better. Did they actually diagnos you?
Puppycat :hugs: I missed you but didn't want to look paranoid asking if anyone had spoken to you. Sorry to hear about your ordeal, did they test you for Factor V Leiden, or do you know if there's a chance you could have it? My friend has it, and it's a condition that can cause blood clots, but she has to take Clexane shots during all her pregnancies xx
There was another Dr on then after this who said something about checking my blood gases which involved a needle being put along the vein in my wrist - let me tell you this hurt like you can't even imagine!!!! She failed on first attempt and I was literally climbing the walls - crying my eyes out with the pain. She asked me if she could try again but I said no. She kept asking and I didn't give in, she tried to say it was the 'decider' in me staying in or not - that didn't change my mind!!!

I've had this done to me twice (I had recurrent pleurisy) and the first time it hurt like hell but the second it was bearable. It really depends on the competence of who is doing it.

Sounds like a real ordeal for you though. So sorry to hear about it. Hope you're feeling better :hugs:
Thanks girls. Oops they didnt give me an awful lot of info tbh. I dont know what tests they did or didnt do. They took an awful lot of blood from me though.

I will definitely ask more questions on Wednesday though
Oh Puppy.. what a horrible experience. If they are giving you the shots they think that there is a high likelyhood of a clot somewhere... hopefully they will give you some more info on Wednesday.

The bloodtest from your wrist is actually taken from the artery not the vein, the arteries are much deeper... thats why it hurts so much. They would be checking that to get a clear picture of how well your blood is being oxygenated.
Ohh puppy I hope everything goes okay!! What a scary scary experience :( :hugs:

Got a call from the dr today who moved my due date from 8/8 to 8/4 based on the u/s from last week!!! So I'm now a raspberry :) But I'm super confused bc dr said my scan showed I was 6w6d (Last monday) when I thought I was 6w5d. But it moved my dd a whole 4 days?!?!? what the heck?!?!
Thanks girls :hugs:

I'll update all the changes and newbies tomorrow _ promise.

I didnt know we had arteries in the wrist!
puppycat, that sounded pretty scary. I hope you get a clearer picture soon about what that was all about. :hugs:
You have your follow-up today don't you puppycat? Good luck if so, hope they give you more answers, and hopefully it's nothing to worry about :) will be thinking of you. Keep us updated xx

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