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Had an emergency scan today - all was well. Saw a heartbeat but my dates were off
My EDD is now 11th August x

Apologies in advance ladies, as I know this is going to be a long postyou might want to make yourself comfortable before starting to read.
The proverbial brown stuff has hit the fan re the SD aka FOB. We have been bloody arguing for days, and one of the things he threatened me with was Social Services. Well they got an anonymous reportand I KNOW it was him!!! He denied everything, but denial is what he does best. Anyway,SS have decided not to take their report any further, so they clearly know it was a malicious report... However it didn't end there. I retaliated
maybe I shouldn't have, but I told his gf about us, and about the baby. She is 34 weeks pregnant herself, and he was going to tell her (apparently) after their baby was born, but I just don't believe anything he says anymore. Everything he says is lies. I was stupid at 26 years of age, to get sucked in in the first place by his empty niceties, and if I'd listened to my gut feeling all along, then we wouldn't be in this mess... Though saying that, then I wouldn't have the silver lining in all of this, my little Pip either. A friend of his, well mutual friend, but more his friend, posted on my wall telling me to leave them alone and get over myself as he wouldn't go near me
well he DID. Unless I am the second virgin mary and this baby was immaculately conceived it has to be his because I UNLIKE HIM was not cheating
I've had to block the "friend" and his gf only messaged back "Merry Christmas to you too", I think she believes it, well I don't care if she does or not. The truth is out now and that's what really matters. I'm so upset and stressed
the message she wrote on my wall said about me being preg and was there for 20 minutes before I noticed and deleted it. I am praying no one else saw it as I really don't want this coming out right now. I've calmed down a little from writing this post
just can't believe it's come to this. Have the feeling he is going to try and lie and deny his way out of everything as per usual, but ah well, DNA can prove everything xx
girlinyork THANK YOU!!! I feel so much better. I believe in my heart, it was the right thing to do. If it was me, I would want to know. And I only told the truth. I just feel horrible, cos I've been where she is, and I know she must be hurting a lot, but honestly if I'd known about her, I'd never have gone with him in the first place!! I'd never do that to another woman, I know how it feels. I believed he was single, but she is blaming me, but then I suppose it's easier for her to blame me than to admit to herself what "HE" is xxx
There was another Dr on then after this who said something about checking my blood gases which involved a needle being put along the vein in my wrist - let me tell you this hurt like you can't even imagine!!!! She failed on first attempt and I was literally climbing the walls - crying my eyes out with the pain. She asked me if she could try again but I said no. She kept asking and I didn't give in, she tried to say it was the 'decider' in me staying in or not - that didn't change my mind!!!