July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

Oooo I want to join. I am due August 21st with baby #2.:)

can my due date be changed to 11th August please puppy :)

Oops, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news :hugs:

I have only posted in here a couple of times because I wanted to make sure everything was ok at my first scan. Had it on Friday and bean was jumping around. So now I look forward to getting to know you all properly.

My EDD is officially 28/07/12 x

All updated ladies :thumbup:
Hi girlies, well physically the ERPC recovery is much easier and better than a natural MC. I felt rough yesterday, so, so tired and just couldn't think at all, but today I feel better both physically and emotionally. I have had some amazing support from my family and friends, and it's incredible the difference it makes having so many wonderful people looking out for you and sending lovely messages of support. Thank you everyone here for supporting me too, it's very much appreciated. xxx
Nicola, my toddler likes to play with my doppler too. He likes to put it on his chest and listen to his own hb bless him, they are too cute at that age!!xx
Littlenibble, glad everything was okay at the doctors lol. There are so many aches and pains that go with pregnancy it's impossible to know what every little niggle is, even when you've done it before lol. I hope the stretchy pains get easier for you soon.xxx
Tmr, so sorry your gender scan has been re-arranged!! After you are so excited waiting for it too... But the extra pics and dvd will make it worth the wait I'm sure. I'm crossing my fingers for a flashy baby for you, flashing its bits so you can see clearly :) xxx
If I've missed anyone, I'm sorry, I'm still not all together. Lol xxx
Oops I'm so glad you're feeling ok, and that you have such a great support system! You seem to be doing well, I'm kind of in awe of how strong you have been through all of this, my prayers are still with you.
Opps I am glad you are feeling ok. Let every 1 rally around for you for a bit and just rest up and give thm kids of your lots of cuddles and kisses as they are the 1s that will get you throue this time.

My LO get my droppler and puts it to his tummy trying to find baby and says baby bump bump so cute.
I have been taking a bump picture every friday so i can see the change :) Here is my bump pic from last week at 14 weeks. i can tell my belly button is starting to stretch. i will take another tomorrow.


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Oops - I'm sorry that you had to have the EPRC now but I'm glad that it all went smoothly and that you are now back home recovering. I hope to see you back on here soon x

I love the idea of sharing bump pics and nursery ideas - and yes, it is beginning to feel real now. We told our parents and my sister tonight and just saying those words out loud has made it feel far more real. It is no surprise that I have had ms though - my Mum told me tonight that she was sick with me until she was 7 month!!! 7 months!!!! I won't be able to cope if it lasts that long! I have tablets that are great and take the edge off but I still sick. 7 months!!! Let's hope that one doesn't run in families. Anyway, all the family were really happy so that is one weight lifted off me.

Other than that - I have just 4 sleeps until my 12 weeks scan. Am getting quite excited about it now!
So here's the link to our bump thread


haven't actually worked out how to get my pictures on here yet so no bump pic from me but will work it out tonight and join you in 'bump friday' posting Jmandrews.:thumbup:

Struth, so glad the family were pleased for you and reeeeally hope the m/s doesn't last 7 months for you too!!:wacko:
Britt, thank you so much, it's easier to be strong when everyone around you is being so lovely and making you see how loved you really are xxx
TMR you're so right, my beautiful boys have kept me sane this last few days. They're so beautiful and amazing, I am so lucky to have them. My toddler is so intuitive and has been so forthcoming with cuddles and kisses this past week and my 4 year old who is not really a cuddly child, unless he's poorly gave me no less than 4 cuddles today alone!! Love my little boys loads xxx
Struth sorry to hear you're still sick, I hope it eases for you soon, but glad telling everyone has been such a wonderful experience for you - as well it should be xxx
JMandrews what a beautiful bump piccy :) such a cute bump. xxxx
ok.. posted my 17 week bump on the new bump thread :flower:
Just added my 10 week and 16+1 bump

Opps~ I am glad they are cuddling you on your road to recovery.
hi girls.
im so excited had myscan yeaterday (pics attached) only thing is they measured me one week ahead! new EDD 1st august.

i think i just have a big baby as this would mean i ov day7 and some how got pg without having sex lol. do you think i should change my ticker?

hope everyone is doing well.
oops your being very strong but dont forget its okay to let other people be strong for you sometimes.

and ooo bump pics nice idea (when i figure out how to get my pics off my phone)



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My Dr appt today went super. Baby's heart rate is 170! Just a few weeks ago it was only 133. Baby was also moving around alot and I'm carrying him/her high...so I am showing early. :-) I feel stupid for worrying.
beautiful scan pics Apple!!!

Glad everything is going well Twicky!!
Great pics everyone. I think my uterus is growing and moving up now. I can't zip even the stretchiest of my pants so that is my sign. No real bump yet. It's my first and I'm overweight to begin with. It's just fat pushed out! lol. Had an appt. this past week with a hb of 160. Had to take an early glucose test (AWFUL) but passed with flying colors.
Apple i had that with my Lo and this 1 my Lo was moved 10 days 4wd so that ment i oved on cd5 and this 1 was moved 7 days which would mean i ov'd on cd 8 which i know i didn't but my Lo cam the day after my EDD so i think it has some thing to do with how fast they grow in the 1st 12weeks but they give you 2 week eather way as you are full turme at 37 weeks not 40.
Really achey girls, anyone else having lots of stretchy aches low tummy?
thanks everyone. i decided to change my ticker as though baby isnt 14 weeks old he/she is certainly 14 weeks big!
ive been taking pics every week on a sat am for comparison and either i eating all the pies or this bump is starting to emerge!

i cant call the baby beany anymore as they look so much like a baby now so im going foe 'tiny' or 'tiny baby'

sorry to hear your having pains ive noticed these if i get up fast and also sometimes really low down (prehaps in cervix?)
Really achey girls, anyone else having lots of stretchy aches low tummy?

I've had aches on and off all through so far, especially since hitting trimester 2 they seem to have gotten sharper, sometimes even have to pause mid sentance until they pass....just everything stretching I guess hun, try not to worry! :)

Congrats Apple, awww little beany will have to have a new nickname then! Hmmm....not so little afterall eh? Very exciting! :)) Gorgeous scan pics, look at that perfect little face, isn't it amazing to see baby has everything he or she should have so early on? Now grow, little ones! :D

Oops - You are an incredibly brave lady, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this trauma but you are doing so amazingly. You're always in my thoughts dearie, and please remember if there's anything anybody can do we're all here for you.

In other news....

As my appetite's disappeared recently, I managed to persuade baby's daddy to pay for a private ultrasound at a London clinic on thursday to make sure all is going well with bubba's growth and to see how it's all going in there. The sonograper and receptionist were both lovely and asked if we wanted to know the sex as the sonographers there were able to make a 90% accurate estimate provided they have the right view.

All was PERFECT with bubba, the lady doing the scan tried for half an hour to get bub to move into position so we could tell the sex and got a perfect view of the spine, ribs, fingers, legs, toes and skull, as well as a shot of baby drinking the amni fluid! :) After this 30 minutes, the lady asked me to empty my bladder and refill while walking around so baby would hopefully switch from laying on front to back while they scanned another patient.

Repeat this three more times until every other patient had been seen and the sonographer decided to try a '4D sneaky peek' to see baby's face while we tried to turn. I started cracking up as it was obvious straight away that baby has daddy's nose. :]

Ended up doing an internal scan to discover the sex in the end as bubba was having none of it (Even crossed legs over AND put hand in front of privates in a 'no way' kind of pose at one point haha!) and we discovered that this little baby is 90%.............


Came away from the scan absolutely chuffed that not only was baby growing nicely and wriggling around but also that we can start to plan names etc...daddy doesn't want to know the sex so I'm having a hard time already not saying "she" and "her" ....excited very much so!!!

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