July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

Yep, definitely getting some achy stretchy cramps the last few days. Worse usually when Im working and cant lay down.

My appetite has seemed to disappear a bit too. Still managing to eat, just not as well. BUT, I went a full day today at work without any of my nausea medication! Hoping this keeps up and I wont need to take them.

They are sending me for blood work to check for appendecitis though. So that sucks. But otherwise not too bad lately.
Comgrats on the little girl i can not wait to find out what this 1 is i was ment to be going TODAY but have another 13 days booooo!
Really achey girls, anyone else having lots of stretchy aches low tummy?

I keep getting stretchy pains if i sneeze hard or move in bed too fast feel like just above my pubic area is ripping, thinkive got the dreaded SPD back as got really sore lower back and hip and groin pain....the joys xx

GZ on the :pink: bump Cingraa

GZ on the scan pics Apple.x

Glad all is going ok Twicky

Hope its not appendicitis for you TTC as not nice glad the sickness is easing up a bit xx
I am getting those pains sometimes as well when I have to sneeze. Really annoying. But I think they are only there when I concentrate on them in like "oh here we go, have to sneeze which causes pain again"

I am 12 weeks and 1 day today. :) Nearly everyone knows it now. So I can go public with it now in case someone doesnt know it. Yay.

At 16 weeks I should be getting my first scan. I think that time will fly because I am in NY at the moment for 3 weeks so by the time I am back I am 15 weeks. Woop! :)
My Dr appt today went super. Baby's heart rate is 170! Just a few weeks ago it was only 133. Baby was also moving around alot and I'm carrying him/her high...so I am showing early. :-) I feel stupid for worrying.

yay :) My one had a heart rate of 177. Apparently they say lower heart rate its a boy, higher heart rate it is a girl. average is 160.
Hello Ladies:hi:
2 more sleeps til scan day eeeeeeeeeeeeek.:happydance:

I'm getting the same stretchy pains on both sides - at the rounded bit of the bump. Don't remember ever having that before so good to know it is normal!:thumbup: Showing much earlier than ever before too though so maybe thats why.

What are you ladies using to stop stretch marks? I've used bio oil in all my pregnancies and have 3 stretch marks in total after having 5 children so love the stuff!! Quite expensive though.

Aurora, have you been referred to a phsio for SPD? I had it really bad with Tiegan but in the next pregnancy got referred as soon as i had niggles and was shown exercises. Have used them with all the boys and haven't had it half as bad again. Worth a try?
These are pretty much the ones i do. Hope it helps! :flower:
Really achey girls, anyone else having lots of stretchy aches low tummy?

I've had aches on and off all through so far, especially since hitting trimester 2 they seem to have gotten sharper, sometimes even have to pause mid sentance until they pass....just everything stretching I guess hun, try not to worry! :)

Congrats Apple, awww little beany will have to have a new nickname then! Hmmm....not so little afterall eh? Very exciting! :)) Gorgeous scan pics, look at that perfect little face, isn't it amazing to see baby has everything he or she should have so early on? Now grow, little ones! :D

Oops - You are an incredibly brave lady, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this trauma but you are doing so amazingly. You're always in my thoughts dearie, and please remember if there's anything anybody can do we're all here for you.

In other news....

As my appetite's disappeared recently, I managed to persuade baby's daddy to pay for a private ultrasound at a London clinic on thursday to make sure all is going well with bubba's growth and to see how it's all going in there. The sonograper and receptionist were both lovely and asked if we wanted to know the sex as the sonographers there were able to make a 90% accurate estimate provided they have the right view.

All was PERFECT with bubba, the lady doing the scan tried for half an hour to get bub to move into position so we could tell the sex and got a perfect view of the spine, ribs, fingers, legs, toes and skull, as well as a shot of baby drinking the amni fluid! :) After this 30 minutes, the lady asked me to empty my bladder and refill while walking around so baby would hopefully switch from laying on front to back while they scanned another patient.

Repeat this three more times until every other patient had been seen and the sonographer decided to try a '4D sneaky peek' to see baby's face while we tried to turn. I started cracking up as it was obvious straight away that baby has daddy's nose. :]

Ended up doing an internal scan to discover the sex in the end as bubba was having none of it (Even crossed legs over AND put hand in front of privates in a 'no way' kind of pose at one point haha!) and we discovered that this little baby is 90%.............


Came away from the scan absolutely chuffed that not only was baby growing nicely and wriggling around but also that we can start to plan names etc...daddy doesn't want to know the sex so I'm having a hard time already not saying "she" and "her" ....excited very much so!!!
Congrats on your little girl xxxx
I had those pains too! they have gone away now. I looked up what was causing the pain and its from a ligament called the round ligament. It attaches from your uterus to your pelvic area and because you are growing and your uterus is moving it causes stretching. So when you sneeze or cough hard you will feel a sharp pain. It will go away though :)
cingraa- they made me do this aswell (empty bladder and walk around) as little one was stubbornly facing down with bottom in the air. it worked but then for ages he (or she) refused to put his chin down. it was absolutely amazing seeing the baby move around- but weird that i couldnt feel it.

i bought an angelsounds doppler found my heart beat then the baby's and today found baby's straight away and a few loud sounds that sounded like baby moving/kicking!!

how is everyone with this weather in the UK? i was praying for a snow day tomorrow but main roads are back up and running.
Me! I'm due August 10th :)
And congratulations to everyone! Glad to see so many due dates
cingraa- they made me do this aswell (empty bladder and walk around) as little one was stubbornly facing down with bottom in the air. it worked but then for ages he (or she) refused to put his chin down. it was absolutely amazing seeing the baby move around- but weird that i couldnt feel it.

i bought an angelsounds doppler found my heart beat then the baby's and today found baby's straight away and a few loud sounds that sounded like baby moving/kicking!!

how is everyone with this weather in the UK? i was praying for a snow day tomorrow but main roads are back up and running.

I was hoping for a snow day too!! kept lookng out the window last night hoping it would start again.:dohh: Where in the UK are you?
I have angelsounds doppler too and was thinking the last few days that i can hear bubs kick/move when i listen to h/b.:happydance: Sounds like he/she is kicking the bit i'm pushing on. Have felt movements lately too - thought it was a bit early but am sure that's what it is. Was just over 14 weeks last time i think.

Cingraa - congrats on your little girl!!!!

Scan day tomorrow! 1 more sleep. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
I haven't been on here for a few days so I've had lots of catching up to do. Congrats to Apple (great pics!) and to Cingraa (fab PINK news!)

GL on your scan tomorrow Nicola - I have had mine today and everything was beautifully perfect! Baby was measuring 12w5d and the nuchal measurement was just 1.4 so she said I have nothing to worry about there.

Ooh - as for the stretching pains - I'm getting those too and had just put it down to things growing and moving around. They grow quickly at this point don't they?


Here are my pics....
Hello all I hope you are feeling well, i've not posted on here for a while, still feeling awful & no energy :(

Well i had my 12 week scan on the 25th Jan where everything looked great but i was measuring a week behind & baby was too small to do the NT scan. Had to go back a week later on 1st Feb. Its amazing how much difference a week makes, the pictures were soo much clearer, baby was kicking & waving, it was amazing. They moved my dates again, now due 13th August.

Will post scan pictures up in a mo, they arnt the best as i dont have a scanner so have had to take a photo of them.

11+2 Weeks

12+2 Weeks - baby kicking

12+2 Weeks - baby waving

Any gender guesses welcome x
Lovely scan pics Struth and Torz. You really can see the difference a week makes!:thumbup:
Love the scan piccies.

Nicola TTC - good luck with your scan tomorrow :flower:

I have just been signed off work for one week :( I'm dreading a week of Jeremy Kyle lol Stupid chest infection Grrrrr
Love the scan piccies.

Nicola TTC - good luck with your scan tomorrow :flower:

I have just been signed off work for one week :( I'm dreading a week of Jeremy Kyle lol Stupid chest infection Grrrrr

Oh no - bless you. You take care of yourself. Can they given you anything for it or is it just honey and lemon for you?
Hey Ladies, haven't been on here in what feels like forever!
I'm back in the UK now, moved here from Australia last week and am just getting over my jet lag.
18+2 now and can no longer bend over and paint my toenails!! Haha :)
Should have my anomaly scan in the next week. So excited. Hope you're all well!! Xx
Congrats on the good scans and lovely pics.

I had my 16 weeks mw appt today every thing is fine i just have to get a belt for my SPD as i am in a bit of pain but not loads so it stops me from doing any thing.

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