Ah Torz i'm sorry things haven't been going so well for you. Stress can cause lots of problems so try to take it easy if you can hun....easier said than done, i know.
Would it be ketones you had in your urine? I know puppycat has those with her hyperemesis when she gets dehydrated and has to go to hospital for a drip. That can cause headaches too. (dehydration) Not certain - just a thought.
If i've got that wrong pups, sorry!!
Hope your scan goes well on monday. Are you going to find out the gender? Have you got someone going with you to it?
No we didnt find out the gender, we have stayed team
Yeh I get ketones when I haven't eaten for a while (from being sick usually). It's largely believed to be from dehydration but it's actually starvation which causes your body to use it's fat stored for energy hence producing ketones. Ketoacidosis is toxic to a fetus and so they flush your body clean with IV fluids. Although, granted, when I went in I was actually dehydrated too. The ketones themelves make you feel nasty though. They always give me a bad taste in my mouth, so I generally know I have them before I POAS.
Sorry I got a bit of an essay going there!
Anyway, if you have protein in your wee I'd say it could be leukocytes she found in which case sounds like a UTI chick. They're very common in pregnancy (and very painful
Thankyou both for your replies. I dont think its ketones. I get ketones when i get virus's & generally ill & i dont have that taste in my mouth. I've felt better over the weekend but then i have been trying to drink more water. I'm not really a big drinker of anything at any time & i find drinking water especially hard. I do tend to eat alot of water rich foods, i practically live off salad.
Things still arnt right we me & OH, we havent really talked much but i'm trying to not let things stress me out.
We went for the scan monday, i had him come with me because even tho we arnt talking i dont feel its right for him to miss out on such an important time. It was all great & baby was extreamly wriggly (tho i couldnt feel it). The lady had to keep getting me to move positions as when she was trying to measure certain bits baby kept moving.
I'll post pic's at the bottom so you can have a guess on gender, we are staying team
The Dr's phoned yesterday, it thought it would be the results from my urine sample but no, i had to send other in as the other one was contaminted so i'm still non the wiser to whats wrong.
anyway, the abbreviation in my pregnancy notes on what was in my urine when i POAS are
Tr Prot
Tr Leu
I know the protine, anyone know what the second one is???
Scan pic's from yesterday, not the best. Anyone care for a guess???
and yesterdays bump pic