Saw my OB today. Got my prescription for Heparin again, so I did my first needle at noon today. Forgot how much it can hurt if you don't go in at a 45 degree angle!! Plus, noon is a pretty crappy time to do it. It has to be done at noon everyday now, and just think of how often I could be out somewhere at noon. So I guess I'd better get used to doing needles in vehicles, in malls, in restaurants etc...
Also got my antibiotics prescrptions which are on hold at the pharmacy. This is so if I think I have an infection, I can just fill them without seeing a Dr first, in case the Dr doesn't believe me, like what happened with Devon. I had to promise not to abuse them, to only take them if I thought I had an infection, and I still have to make an appointment to see her so she can confirm or perhaps tailor my antibiotics better.
She got me a req for an ultrasound, but she didn't mark it urgent like I told her to do. So the best they can do for me in Dec 5-6, which is far too late for me and my situation. I mean come on!! This is my 8th pregnancy, I shouldn't have to wait til I am 8 weeks along to see something! Not to mention that the surgeon's need a bit more heads up than that before booking me in. It would be alot better if they had 4-5 weeks notice on a viable pregnancy, rather than 3 weeks.
So I've put a call in to my OB to see if she can get me in for 6.5-7 weeks. I hope she can arrange it.
Had the shittiest dream ever last night. I have to have the TAC placed at 11-12 weeks, which is the most important reason for having the early dating scan.
So in my dream, I was in Toronto to have the surgery, and the surgeon asked how far along I was. I said 11 weeks, and she said I would have to terminate my pregnancy and start over again as 11 weeks was far too late to have the surgery in my situation. She said my cervix was going to open anyday now, and I could either terminate, or wait to miscarry. She said with my next pregnancy, I need to get in and have my surgery at 4 weeks!
I am freaked right out now!