I finally got a free minute. It's been a feeding marathon since we got back from the hospital Friday night. We've been trying to fatten Jillian up, so every two hours I've been feeding regardless whether she's hungry or not. I'm loving all the cuddles, but it's been driving me nuts. My nipples are being used for about 1.5hrs out of every 2hrs, which is completely crazy (I get slightly longer in between feedings at night). I'm trying to avoid formula supplements, so I've been supplementing her feeding with pumped milk. We have an appointment tomorrow morning for another weight check and then hopefully we can ease up. Poor girl had a tough time latching because she's been so sleepy. I wish I could let her work up an appetite on her own. When she's hungry she does great, so there's a plus. I've been using Lansinoh lanolin and the gel pads that you put in the fridge and I'm surviving all the nipple torture. Meanwhile, I feel like a regular MOO cow. I dripped down my torso and leg earlier and it was absolutely nuts. My boobs are out of control.
Eve, thanks for the BF advice. I've been trying to do just one boob at a time. Either way, both get pumped every few hours so I can supplement with breast milk instead of formula. I feel like it's a battle, but I'm winning. I can't wait to toss out or donate the rest of the formula