Shanique, big congrats! Can't wait to see pictures. I can also sympathize about wanting a birth like Doodles and ending up with a c-section. I kept hearing people say "don't write a birth plan because the opposite is going to happen" and I refused to believe it because I'm not superstitious. Ironically, that's exactly what happened. It's tough to come to terms with it, but just focus on your new daughter and you'll get through it. At first, I felt like apologizing for having a c-section every time someone would ask how the labor was, but now I realize it was out of my control and there's nothing I could have done.
Jenni, big
! You never know what's going to happen, so you might be pleasantly surprised in a day or so. I started to believe that I would be overdue and out of nowhere my water broke with no big signs or anything. I didn't lose my mucus plug and I didn't have many BH. Hope you get to meet your baby soon
Mel, how are you feeling? Did the contractions start back up?
I read all the posts this morning around 5am, but I can't remember too much because I was in such a daze. Now I have a few minutes before the next feeding and I'm feeling so frustrated. My husband closed himself off in his office because he needed some time to himself and also wanted to sit in a comfortable chair since his back was hurting. It's not a big deal, but for some reason I'm so emotional about it. I can't pass the baby to anyone else and lock myself up in some room with time to myself. I don't think it's fair. Last night I was hoping we'd share baby duties since he's not working tonight, but he said he's getting a cold and needs his sleep. I woke him up once and he helped out with the supplement and the diaper change, but the rest I did on my own. I'm not feeling sick, but I'm sooo tired and I can't just say "no, I can't do this" because there's no one else that can take over. I know I'm the one with the breasts, but it's so frustrating. This whole week has been really getting to me. I seem to go through phases. I pick up Jillian and she coos so sweetly and my heart melts and the world is all better again. Then enough time goes by and I have no time to even shower and feel human and I feel like my body is going to give out. And my husband keeps telling me I should nap during the day. I'm just so angry at the moment because it's nearly impossible to nap during the day due to her rigid feeding schedule. I end up with about 30min or so of "free" time every two hours. It's not enough to fall asleep and feel rested. Plus, I need coffee to get me going in the morning and then I'm feeling wired and restless. Rant over...I have to take care of the next feeding. I really hope she gains some weight by the appointment on Tues, so I can ease up with the feeding schedule. Thanks for listening. Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend