Hi everyone!
Just heard from Tor--
"After 26 hours I eventually gave birth naturally (no pain relief) to a beautiful little girl! I've been passing out since so admitted to hospital, also need to get her feeding. Will update properly soon"
Huge congratulations to Tor! I've sent congratulations and said we've all been thinking of her!
Will update if I hear more
Freckles my old HV was old school and she thought the tummy sleeping thing was all bollocks. Obviously I have anxiety issues so wouldnt do it at night but I would during the day. As it goes she likes sleeping on her side.
Hi everyone!
Just heard from Tor--
"After 26 hours I eventually gave birth naturally (no pain relief) to a beautiful little girl! I've been passing out since so admitted to hospital, also need to get her feeding. Will update properly soon"
Huge congratulations to Tor! I've sent congratulations and said we've all been thinking of her!
Will update if I hear more
same here squeeker im due fri and no sign. im on count down til induction now 17 days