July mum's to be

hey girls im 29 weeks now (due 19th of july) but bubs is measuring two weeks ahead so looking forward to the 5th of july (or fingers crossed.. even earlier lol) nursery is almost done just got a few things to get and we know were havinga girl 9already have ds who is turning 3 this month..)
:hi: im due July 14th with our 2nd baby, a boy :blue:

I'm from Manchester and have a beautiful daughter who will be 2 on the 6th of July!! So hopefully it'll be two July babies for us lol! Engaged to my partner of 7 years, i am 23 he is 24!

im going to tempt fate and cross my fingers for a late baby rather than an early one, as DD was born at 34+6 due to me being induced due to preeclampsia :( she was only 4lb 5oz and spent 2 weeks in special care, so i am reaaaaaallllly hoping our little man comes straight home this time!

Had a growth scan last wednesday and apparently bubs is 3lb 1oz already! :happydance: i have to be honest and say im not enjoying this pregnancy as much as i did my last one, i am more excited to actually have him here lol!

Think we have a name for him, but im very picky (so is OH) so possiblity of it changing is very likely!

anyway, hope everyone has a happy healthy pregnancy left! :flower:
hi ashnbump, I had a 4d scan when I was week 27 and bean was already measuring 2lbs 9oz so I am thinking (hoping) my dates are wrong otherwise ouch!!!!
2 July babies, that would be lovely for you :hugs: xx
hi ashnbump, I had a 4d scan when I was week 27 and bean was already measuring 2lbs 9oz so I am thinking (hoping) my dates are wrong otherwise ouch!!!!
2 July babies, that would be lovely for you :hugs: xx

ive been told they can be a little off, but its i nice estimate lol! Im hoping he's only about 8lb at birth, as with DD being so small i didnt have any stitches! just managed to get away with it! I have a funny feeling he's going to be a big boy though lol! Ouch is the right word! really looking forward to anpther summer baby, i think its the best time of year for a birth, you get to have lovely garden parties and BBQ's etc after they're born, and the same for their birthdays!

Congrats to you btw xxx
Same to you hunni, I think getting up for feeds will be easier (or so I have been told) with nice light mornings rather than it being dark and cold. This is our first so trying to be as prepared and organised as possible, my sister had her son at week 34. 8lbs would be a nice weight, anything bigger does slightly terrify me he he xxx
I had a scan at 27 weeks..baby estimated at 2lb11oz at that point.... i have another scan a week on weds , will be 31+2 so will be interesting to see growth...
my babies have all beeen a good size so expecting a big one!!! :) bigger babies are easier to look after so theres always a postive to birthing a big one!! :)
Hi I'm due 18th July. I go on maternity leave at 36 weeks and panic at the thought of bubba arriving before then! Still got a few more things to buy, got to write all my school reports in the next 7 weeks and would like a bit of time off to chill before he/she arrives! This is our first and we were ttc for one year so I really love being pregnant! More scared of getting home with the baby and not knowing what to do!!!
glad to hear a positive :thumbup: I know birth is completely natural but I sometimes do wonder how on earth I will cope if its a big baby:shrug: As everything is going well for me (cross fingers) I wont be having another scan will I?? so will they estimate the size from my bump? (if so need to stop eating the choc)

Summerbreeze8 completely know how you feel, I feel like I havent a clue!!! we will be fine though xxxxx
hi! I'm due July 13th with my first. I'm glad to read that there are other July mommies with their nurseries done! I told a few people the other day that the nursery was done and they thought I was strange! I have no idea what I am going to do to pass the time over the next ten weeks now though. I've enjoyed being pregnant but time seems to be going really slowly. I'm impatient and looking forward to holding my baby.
Hi everyone, congrats on being in your Third trimester!
We're in the home stretch now!!

I'm due on July 23rd, can't wait to meet our little boy :)
Hey everyone :)

I'm due on 27th July with our first bubba- a boy. We're both ridiculously excited to meet him :D

I've been super cautious so far and have put off buying things for ages but once we got to 24 weeks, I finally caved and bought our pram/pushchair. We then stocked up on the 'practical' stuff at Asda over the weekend whilst the Baby Event was on. Now, I just feel like I want to have everything bought and done NOW!!
Next project to be sorted is the nursery :)
Im due 16th July. We've bought a few bits but have quite a bit still to buy. We started painting the nursery today. I'm still nervous of doing things as I still feel it's too early but DH wanted to get started in the nursery.

Anyone else feel time is dragging by at the moment? I'm so anxious of something going wrong that I feel I can't relax.
I am nervous of doing stuff as well but bought the nursery walpaper at the weekend!
Hi fellow July mummies! Our little girl is due 30th July, and i cant wait to meet her!
Nursery is decorated and we've pretty much got everything we could possibly need now thanks to family and friends. I swear she already has more clothes than i do!
Im really hoping time passes quickly between now and July, i have been terribly anxious throughout my entire pregnancy and i just want her to be here so i can see shes ok!
I am a bit worried about labour, i have a very low pain threshold and im worried how i'll cope. Oh well, it'll all be worth it to hold my little Lucy in my arms! x
Hello everyone....

.I am due July 22nd but they will induce around the 15th...and i just cant wait! we have 2 boys ( who will turn 13 & 7 the end of july start of Aug) This is the first girl in our families in over 13 years so everyone is very excited. I live in the states and due to the number of high risks for this baby they have me in doing scans every 4 weeks. the last one at 26 weeks had her weighing 2 pounds, i go in next friday for another scan. My nursery is 75% done, we have 2 showers in the next 2 weeks so once those are done we know what else we need to get but it wont be much. i too and tired ALL the time, in fact i am ready for a nap now...lol.
Hey Ladies¬!
We are due about the 15th with our second. It's all getting a little close for comfort now, and we are far from ready! ;-) But I'm not to worried... much!

Has anyone got the bouncy balls out yet? OH was kind enough to dig mine out and blow it up; I'm getting more tail-bone pressure with this one - cushions under the bum are not cutting it anymore!
Due 30th of July and will be induced on the day if baby not here by then as I am 40 and risks go up. We are extremely excited. Hoping not to need the induction so will be trying every weird folk remedy we can think of that isn't actively dangerous to get things started before then... :D
wow a few of you due on 3rd july same day as me, lets have a race and see which one of us give birth first hehe xxx
im due 19th july and looking forward to it just bit scared that i not going to manage but got lovely hubby to help x

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