Hi emmej welcome. My son is 7 too and my daughter just about to turn 4! Nice age gaps aren't they. My daughter will be starting school a month after baby is born
I am having some cramping, but only on my right side. It feels bad when I put pressure on it. I called my Dr and he's sending me in for another beta hcg. If it's over 5000, he will order an ultrasound or if he feels the right side cramping is serious, he'll order it to make sure that the pregnancy is not in my tubes. So, keeping my fingers crossed.
Not too many symptoms in the past couple of days. My boobs are sore/tender. I am still getting that heavy feeling in the lower pelvic area, still freaks me out because that's what it feels like when AF is on her way. I haven't thrown up since last Thursday (not complaining!) and nausea comes and goes, but not too bad. I'm a bit more tired/sleepy than usual, that's about it.
Hope everyone is doing well. xo
485 hcg!!!!
485 hcg!!!!
Do you find that out from a blood test?
485 hcg!!!!
Do you find that out from a blood test?
Yes. My first was just under 10 a week ago. So, I would've been thrilled with anything over 150!
Afternoon ladies, hope everyone is doing well.
Having an iffy day. Hormones are in over drive and I've finally kicked cigarettes 100% I was weaning since the minute I got that BFP (please don't judge) and I was having a difficult time kicking it for good but, I think I finally did it. So, today I'm a little cranky but, over all feeling well. I keep staring at my U/S pic of the little peanut and praying and hoping that next time we go we see that awesome HB.
I'm having a difficult time with my friends. I'm the 1st to have a baby, one of the few who actually wants children and it wasn't very hard for me to conceive; therefore, I'm getting the cold shoulder from a lot of theim. The one who is actively TTC seems VERY pissed off at me and the couple of ones who don't want kids have made some rather rude comments. I feel that I may be putting distance between some of them just for the sake of not stressing so hard about it.
Ugh, sorry! Needed to vent.