~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls


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Jun 20, 2010
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16/07/13 update...
Hi i am Katherine, i'm now taking over from Tara (I have more time on my hands - 3 days over due!! :dohh:)
If i've missed anything let me know.. and newbies welcome :) :flower:

Hi everyone I'm Tara (tlh97990) I have now taken over this thread from Eve. We all know she's had a roller coaster of a pregnancy this far so hopefully this will be easier for everyone! If anything needs updated just let me know!!

.:Hi I'm Eve [Aaisrie] and I've taken over this thread from Sunshine who's done an amazing job keeping everything updated and we all wish her the best and hope she gets that BFP soon!!!

If there's anything that's out or needs updated feel free to PM me :)

.:My name is Sunshine. This will be our first LO. This was our 6th cycle ttc and I ovulated later this cycle based on opks and temping.
So according to my LMP ~ EDD IS 4th of July, 2013 :yipee: based on ovulation it's 8th of July, 2013!:. - personal update - we lost our lil Zigster at 4+2 :angel:

Codes for the siggy banners:

I also created some more sig pics if anyone wanted something different, I keep seeing fireworks in the first ones teehee Just paste the code into the signature box in User CP, remove the * to make it work!



Large siggy:


Copy and paste the code below it into your signature ~
For it to work properly you must remove the stars: *** from the code!



Small siggy:


Copy and paste the code below it into your signature ~
For it to work properly you must remove the stars: *** from the code!

Please PM me if you have any problems making it work! It should allow anyone to click on your siggy and be linked back to our group!


<3 July 2013 Birth Dates and Due Dates <3

~~18th of April~~
myra = :blue: Connor Snake || April 18th || 29w 3d || 3lb 7oz

~~28th of May~~
JWandBump = :blue: Ethan || 28th May || 5lb 5oz

~~9th of June~~
July2013 = :blue: Rafferty Cameron || June 9th || 8 lbs

~~14th of June~~
JJsmom = :blue: Coltyn James || June 14th || 37w || 7lbs 12oz 20in

~~19th of June~~
Miss Bellum/Anon Male = :pink: Eleanor Faith || June 19th || 37w 4d || 5lbs 10.5oz

~~22nd of June~~
oneandtwo = :pink: Wilhelmina Evelyn || June 22nd || 38w 5d || 7lbs 8oz 20in

~~23rd of June~~
junemomma09 = :pink: Emma Claire || June 23rd || 37w 5d || 7lbs 5oz
Jsmom5 = :blue: Bowen James || June 23rd || 36w || 5lb 12oz 19in

~~25th of June~~
Maratobe = :pink: Marli Rose || June 25th || 8lbs 13.5oz 50cms

~~27th of June~~
ProudArmyWife = :pink: Kyleigh Madisyn || June 27th || 39w 2d || 9lbs 1oz 20.5in
dove830 = :blue: Lucas Alexander || June 27th || 38w 0d || 11lbs 6oz 21.75in

~~28th of June~~
Jessinchi = :blue: Antonio || June 28th || 39w 3d || 8lbs 3oz 21in
nuffmac = :blue: Oliver || June 28th || 37w 6d || 8lbs 3oz

~~29th of June~~
Xxenssial = :pink: Emelia Grace || June 29th || 6lbs 12oz

~~30th of June~~
abagailb14 = :pink: Olivia Paige || June 30th || 39w 5d || 8lbs 20in

~~1st of July~~
Libbysmum = :blue: Ethan Matthias || July 1st || 9.5lbs 20.5in
rabab780 = :blue: Rayan || July 1st || 6lbs

misslissa = :yellow:
mysticair2 = :yellow:
karry1412 = :yellow:
Meadowlark = :yellow:
Lauki = :blue:
Lotus Womb = :yellow:

~~2nd of July~~
Donna noble = :blue: Evan Ronald || July 2nd || 8lbs 10oz

lorilou8202 = :yellow:
MrsLuLu = :yellow:
BritneyNChris = :blue:
macca197831 = :yellow:
SAMMYD76 = :yellow:

~~3rd of July~~
Breadsticks = :pink: Aisling || July 3rd || 39w 2d || 6lbs 11oz 18.5in

ValleyGurl = :pink:
LizzieJane = :yellow:
Shabutie = :yellow:
3rdbabybump = :yellow:
AmzLJ = :yellow:
TTCMSP = :blue:

~~4th of July~~
Sparkles237 = :blue: Harry Daniel || July 4th || 39w 3d || 7lbs
Sharnahw = :pink: Lily Rose || July 4th || 7lbs 7oz

mummyss = :yellow:
KatOro = :yellow:
Catty = :yellow:
Littlelegs30 = :yellow:
gklmommy = :yellow:
Maksmama = Twins!!! :yellow: :yellow:
tashalouiseb = :yellow:
Wriggly = :yellow:
ready4lullaby = :yellow:
cheerios = :yellow:
sweet.dreams = :yellow:

01k204 [possibly the 11th] = :yellow:

~~5th of July~~
counting = :blue: Joseph Isaiah Steven || July 5th || 38w 2d || 7lbs 5.8oz
hopeforfuture = :pink: Roseanna Elise || July 5th ||

mvosse = :blue:
Belen09_10 = :blue:
vanzaroni = :yellow:
sweet lullaby = = :yellow:
JP19 = :yellow:
hopefulhoney = :yellow:

~~6th of July~~

beachgal = :blue: || July 5th || 7lbs 14oz

Malingo = :yellow:
barbara-moira = :yellow:
mummy2jj = :yellow:
MrsBarrowman = :yellow:
Medea1978 = :yellow:

~~7th of July~~

Nanner2mom = :yellow:
mummytojack1 = :yellow:
Charlie91 = :yellow:
hopefulhoney = :pink:

~~8th of July~~
NennaKay = :pink: Allison Grace || July 8th || 41w || 8lbs 21in
TonyaG = :blue: Travis James || July 8th || 38w 1d || 8lbs 1oz

TTCMOMMA = :blue:
MrsMcP [Possibly the 10th] = :blue:
JFG = :yellow:
hopin4rnbow = :yellow:
3rdtimelucky = :yellow:

~~9th of July~~
floatingbaby = :pink: Jasmine Jane || July 9th || 40w 2d || 7lbs 9oz || 21in

Kitchenware = :yellow:
amjon = :yellow:
BooRooBear = :yellow:
janey211 = :yellow:
Sw33tp3a = :pink:
TandJ = :yellow:

~~10th of July~~
tlh97990 = :pink: Charlotte Louise || July 10th || 38w 4d || 9lbs 6oz || 21.5in
AliceCooper = :blue: Nathan James || July 10th || 41w 6d || 10lbs 8oz

Faith34 = :yellow:
LankyDoodle = :yellow:
bumski = :yellow:
wantingagirl = :pink:
PerthLady91 = :yellow:

~~11th of July~~
BeccaMichelle = :blue: Gabriel MacKenzie || July 11th || 40w 3d || 9lbs 2oz

MegnJoe = :yellow:
faithfulgirl = :yellow:
wantababybad2 = :yellow:
lalalo = :yellow:

~~12th of July~~

MarineLady = :pink:
sandrac = :yellow:

~~13th of July~~
alannadee = :blue: Charlie || July 13th || 40w 5d || 10lbs 1oz

HollyTTC = :yellow:
Xuxa = :yellow:
Evana = :yellow:
Lilboogie = :yellow:
CesRen = :yellow:
chathamlady = :yellow:
karat85 = :pink:
xsarahxxannx = :pink:

~~14th of July~~
Jaz02 = :blue: Hunter McKenzie || July 14th || 38w 6d || 8lbs 6oz

Tink80 = :yellow:
lolasweet = :yellow:
Whatme = :yellow:
Duchess85 = :yellow:
cupcakekate = :yellow:

~~15th of July~~
Caro103 = :blue: Edward Stirling || July 15th || 40w 1d || 7lbs 11.5oz

Medipea = :pink:
AAttcabby = :yellow:

~~16th of July~~

x-kirsty-x = :yellow:
xkatiex = :yellow:
tsyhanochka = :yellow:

~~17th of July~~
motherearth23 = :blue: Samson || July 17th || 40w due date || 9lbs 7oz
Tami = :pink: Lily || July 17th || 39w 2d ||

emily4c = :yellow:
crystalg = :yellow:
MeganNW = :yellow:

~~18th of July~~
sue_88 = :pink: Millie Amanda || July 18th || 41w 5d || 8lbs 7oz

~~19th of July~~
misshastings= :pink: Darcy-Marie Drury || July 19th || 41w 1d ||
pitty= :blue: Lewis Norman Pitt || July 19th || || 7lb 11oz

~~20th of July~~

~~21st of July~~
kaths101= :blue: George Oliver || July 21st || 41w 1d || 10lbs 11oz

mattysMummy = :yellow: :yellow:

~~22nd of July~~

jojo1234 =
samsMum = :pink:
Strawberry78 = :yellow:
Vicki_Cream = :yellow:

~~23rd of July~~

Mumtobe1985 = :yellow:
tinkerbellfan = :yellow:

~~24th of July~~

Sandoval_star = :yellow:
PeachyATL = :yellow:
PoppyRiver = :yellow:

~~25th of July~~
vankiwi= :pink: Zoe Annabel || July 25th|| 40w 5d|| 8lbs 6oz

TTDuck = :yellow:
Mama_noni = :yellow:

~~26th of July~~

parisprincess = :yellow:
Turtlemad = :yellow:

~~27th of July~~
missfox= :pink: Ruby || July 27th || 39w 5d || 7lbs 11oz

Aaisrie = :yellow:

~~28th of July~~

~~29th of July~~
pinkflowers= :blue: Henry || July 29th || 40w 5d || 7lb 13oz

babyclements = :yellow:

~~30th of July~~

~~31st of July~~

fertiliciousx = :yellow:

~~3rd of August~~
pandaspot= :blue: Zack Riley Allison || August 3rd || 42w 1d || 8lb 7oz

~~EDD To Be announced~~

pinkbubbles = :yellow:
mrssuggy2b = :yellow:

~~Angel Babies~~
:hugs: Serenity9712 = :angel:
:hugs: whigfield = :angel:
:hugs: Photogmommy = :angel:
:hugs: Lovn.sunshine = :angel:
:hugs: Butterfly2 = :angel:
:hugs: KES1024 = :angel:
:hugs: mildred81 = :angel:
:hugs: missranda = :angel:
:hugs: DawnLu = :angel:
:hugs: mouse_chicky = :angel:
:hugs: Sophiasmom = :angel:
:hugs: ilovehim91810 = :angel:
:hugs: mummyclo = :angel:
:hugs: luminescent = :angel:
:hugs: CherryCorday = :angel:
:hugs: Kimbra83 = :angel:
:hugs: AZBabyDust = :angel:
:hugs: Dazed = :angel:
:hugs: SugarBeth = :angel:
:hugs: IcePrincess = :angel:
:hugs: goddess25 = :angel:
:hugs: waiting2012 = :angel:

25 = :blue: babies
18 = :pink: babies

93 = :yellow: bumps
8 = :blue: bumps
9 = :pink: bumps
22 = :angel:
[last updated 12.24.12]

Looks like I'll be joining you for a July 2013 baby. I was thrilled to get my :bfp: last Thursday. I'm only 13 dpo today and had a chemical in June, so I'm a bit nervous as well. But (as I remind myself at least a dozen times/day) already my BFP lines are looking much stronger than they ever did in June, so that is hopeful! I'm 39 and this will be my first.
Myra congrats on yours too! Yes the darker lines are def a reassurance :)

I'm just nervous as i was SO sick last time around, fx it isn't so bad this time...
Myra congrats on yours too! Yes the darker lines are def a reassurance :)

I'm just nervous as i was SO sick last time around, fx it isn't so bad this time...

I hope it's much smoother for you this time around!
:shock: July babies already:shock: wow congrads to yal ladies..


To be honest, I'm still in shock (happy shock though!). I've been thinking about and wanting this for about a year now, and reading into symptoms every month so I'm wondering when it will set in that this is for real....you'd think the 5 different HPTs (3 different brands) I took would be enough to convince me...:dohh:
lol I know how u feel when I found out I was preg wow I didn't believe it even when I got an ultrasound done:ignore: tbh even right now it hasn't settled properly..there are day when I'm like its all just a dream:dohh:..
Wow, july babies already!! Congratulations ladies. I wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months.
Congrats ladies and enjoy because time really flys by. It seems like only yesterday I was announcing my pregnancy for March babies and people were like March babies already?lol
July 4th :-) Congratulations to all the July babies and mamas.:baby:
FX for us all as its so early!
Hi ladies. I just got my BFP 2 yesterday. According to my math, I would be due on July 13th (ish) This is my first pregancy and I am soooo excited, but also sooo nervous.
I have had cramping for the past 5-6 days, which I thought was AF but wasn't. Is this cramping feeling normal? Sometimes its pretty uncomfortable, but not painful.
Congrats all! Three of us due 4th July already :)

Holly I feel the same, horrible cramping and bloatedness. I had this last time round too so I guess it's fine!
Congrats July ladies.

Makes my little May lime seem old already! Lol.
Hi, I'm due on 1st July if the dates are right!

News is slowly sinking in, in shock, excited, nervous!

Congrats misslissa! Aah it's my second and I'm still feeling all of the above!
July 1st!! soo nervous, ive had six miscariages but three healthy boys born as well. this is our first "oops" baby and we'll also be our last child. im nervous, but excited and cant wait till we get an u/s to make sure everything is okay. my hpts have gotten SO dark over the days so im hopeful!

i'll be delivrring this baby alone since dh will be away, im very nervous about that too!!

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