June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Meli: really quick before I leave work, but I love the Britax Marathon (comes super highly recommended) and before you trade in the Graco check out Amazon's prices. Sometimes they are cheaper than Babies-r-us even with the discount. I'll post more later.
Meli: really quick before I leave work, but I love the Britax Marathon (comes super highly recommended) and before you trade in the Graco check out Amazon's prices. Sometimes they are cheaper than Babies-r-us even with the discount. I'll post more later.

Awesome. Thank you! I will stand by and wait before making a purchase. Anyhow, we probably wont get a chance to go before Sunday...
Hi ladies! I hope all are doing well..

I am looking for some input:

Xzavier has been a wonderful sleeper since he was 6 months adjusted. He would sleep straight through from 8:30pm-8:30am. He usually naps around 1130am and again around 3pm, for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Every once in a while (twice a month?) he’d wake up in the middle of the night crying (around 1am or so), but I’d go in there and rub his back and he’d go right back to sleep. THOSE WERE THE GOOD ‘OL DAYS.

For the last 3 nights, his sleep has been horrendous.

Monday: his nanny was unable to put him asleep for his afternoon nap, he ended up napping from 5pm-615pm (of which I was irritated, because if he naps later than 430pm, then I struggle to put him to bed at his regular bedtime of 830pm). I started trying to put him to sleep around 915pm (because he was tired; was rubbing his eyes and cranky), but we struggled and he fought us until 11pm. Then he finally knocked out for the night.

Tuesday: (was my day off so I made sure he had both his naps). He went to bed at his regular time, but woke up at 1am, SCREAMING. I went in but couldn’t soothe him without picking in up and rocking him back to sleep. Took about 45 minutes to do that. I wake up at 5am, so I really only slept 3.5 hours.

Wednesday (last night): He did not want to take his afternoon nap again with his nanny, so he didn’t nap in the afternoon, and by the time I got home from work (6pm) there was no way I was going to let him take a nap. So around 730pm, I gave him his bottle and he fell asleep. For 1 hour. He then woke up screaming, and was inconsolable. I couldn’t console him. But his dad was able to console him? SO Weird (and kinda hurt my feelings, too :( For 90 minutes, we tried to put back to sleep, and dad finally succeeded around 11pm. But, at 2am, we get a knock on our bedroom door. My 16 year old stepson came into our bedroom to tell us that he was miserably itching and couldn’t sleep. It turns out he developed some sort of allergic reaction overnight. So again, we were up for 1 hour, and I ended up with 4 hours of sleep last night.

So if it’s not my LO disrupting my sleep, it’s my stepson. What’s going on? Is this payback for these 6 months of perfect baby sleep patterns?

I wonder if this is the 12 month sleep regression (he hit 12 months on 1/25/14, which is when this started happening, and he will start walking soon, and he’s been babbling more, and new vocalizations, than usual). Or is this because his daytime naps have been disruptive? Or are his molars coming out (but no fever). Or is he having nightmares? I say this because he screams and seems really scared….

HELP! Any input or experiences would be appreciated!
Meli: First, you are fortunate that he's been such a great sleeper (Charlotte was like that). Now, let's look at what could be the problem. You said nanny not grandmother, did you hire someone? Change often disrupts sleep patterns. Teething is our big issue, any new teeth on the horizon? Then there's always the unknown. Could he be hungry and need more to eat before bed? Is he too hot or cold? Could this just be a phase? Sleep deprivation is the worst so I hope you can resolve your issues quickly.

Btw, Target has the Britax on sale this week. Take a look online and compare prices. The photo on FB supports your claim that he's ready for a bigger car seat.

AFM: I still need to take a bump photo. 22 weeks and counting. I still get nervous about this pregnancy and will feel better once I get past the second tri. Ok, I'll feel better once baby is in my arms and healthy. at least with Grace I had the placenta in the back so I could see and feel her move all the time. Like Charlotte, this baby has an anterior placenta and unless baby is moving on my cervix I don't feel much.

The addition is moving along slowly. I'm really excited that we'll have the extra room, but we need to hurry up as I'm sure we'll have out of town guests who will want to visit once the new one arrives. Poor Ben just wants his man cave back (which is currently the girls' room).

Stef: how is your bump coming along? We need photos of you too before your little guy gets here.
Hi Vegas,

We still haven’t hired someone new. The nanny usually only watches him on Mondays but this week my MIL couldn’t watch him Weds, so nanny watched him Weds as well buy my MIL is there today and tomorrow.

It is very possible it’s his teeth.. His 2 front teeth are coming out and have already broken the skin. Does it still hurt them once they’ve broken the skin (but are still growing out?)

I’m not sure about hungry? He typically eats around 30 oz/day in addition to his 3 meals. Wednesday night I did break down and give him another bottle, because he only drank about 3 oz (instead of his usual 6 oz) before falling asleep. So when he woke up at 9pm, I did give him another bottle, but it still didn’t help him sleep…

Last night was MUCH better. He had both his naps and at their regular times so I’m hoping he will be back to normal. The one good thing about this is that now, both Raul and my MIL understand, and have experienced first hand, the difficulties I face when his schedule isn’t adhered to, so maybe now I will no longer be considered the schedule nazi :growlmad:

I already bought his 2nd car seat. I ended up getting the same as the first (Chicco Nextfit) because the Britax I wanted (Pavilion) was sold out so I scooped up the last Nextfit. I guess BRU has a successful promo!

I can totally understand your nervousness with baby but I am praying for you and know your baby will be born happy and healthy! BUT I can totally understand your nervousness :hugs:

Thanks for all your ideas and your prompt response :)
Ugh been so ridiculously busy lately! Still have so much to do...

Meli, well if you can ship the clothes for free and no one else has use for them, I'll definitely take them! If you know someone local who could use them, give them to them instead :)

So happy for you that you finally get to stop pumping. I'm sure that's liberating! I didn't pump much with Sienna, but it was a pain in the ass when I did!

How is X doing with his glasses since your last update on FB?

vegas, how is the house addition coming along? How are Grace and Charlotte doing? Still in the same room?

Bump pic!

Here's a bump pic for me from yesterday (at 38+1)

AFM, not a whole lot new outside of trying to get things done around the house. Feels like every time I turn around the cleaning up I did is undone, it pisses me off. Connor's room is finally cleaned out but now it's empty. Needs to be painted, we still need to buy a dresser, etc. The theme I had planned was monsters (I think you guys saw the baby shower stuff on FB), but I found out Blake really wanted my original idea (Mario). He had said no because it looked like too much work / too expensive, but I did some research and I can do the whole room for WAY less than I thought by being crafty and we didn't get much decor stuff at the shower, so it's not a loss there. I plan to surprise him with the idea tomorrow with a 24" stuffed Mario I got at Target.

Other than that... just trying to keep up around here. We got all of Connor's clothes organized, washed all the NB and 0-3 month stuff and got it put away in drawers in our room for now. His bag is packed and my bag is mostly packed for the birthing center. I want to get our bedroom and bedroom closet cleaned and organized and clean up a few more things... keeping up on regular daily cleaning stuff is making all that difficult, though, and Sienna's naps are still mostly super short, which leaves me less time.

Anyway, how is everyone else doing?
Stef: your bump looks perfect. I can't wait until we get to meet Connor. Let's hope his delivery goes much smoother than Sienna's!

The Super Mario theme sounds cute. Now the theme song is stuck in my head!

Afm: there is just too much going on here! I'm super busy at work, Charlotte's party is Saturday and her cake topper has yet to arrive (I probably shouldn't care, but I do), and we have a ton to do on the addition. Baby seems happy enough. I'm 25+4 today. I feel huge. Trying to take a break from sweets for Lent in order to keep from getting even more huge! But I do love chocolate and will miss it so.

Speaking of sweets, I think I'm going to refuse my glucose test. I already had to take one in the first tri (as I'm "old" now) and despite it being normal they have you repeat it at 27 weeks. Am I stupid to refuse? I've never had any issues in the past. Also, all I do is go to doctors appointments. Between the girls and I we have appointments every week or two. I do not have the time to go and sit for an hour plus at the gross lab where they make me take the test. Ok, rant over.
I can't believe how long I have been gone!!!!

Vegas, sorry about the cake topper, I would be freaking out!! That is awesome that you guys are able to make that addition! I have heard of lots of people refusing the glucose test. I have heard, and pretty much agree that it is crap anyway. You don't normally/daily down such a sugary drink, so the chances of having a skewed number surely increase! I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going, I guess it doesn't help when I haven't been on since before Christmas!! The girls are so cute and I love seeing all the pictures you post.

Meli, Good luck finding a nanny, I would certainly look for an ugly, ahem, physically challenged one too!! I can only imagine having to keep glasses on a toddler, and I agree the restraints would break my heart! I know time has passed since you asked for that advice, but just in case, it could be the teeth, I think they can still hurt until the are almost completely out. Also, have you considered switching to only one nap? Carter switched at 11 months and Emma at 12.
I can't believe you and Raul shagged so hard he bruised a rib!!! That's a funny story that will never get old between you two I bet!

Stef, You are almost due!!! The time has flown!!!! The Mario theme is super cute! And so is you belly!!!

Jen, congrats again!!! She is beautiful!

AFM, Emma finally got a tooth at 15 months! I really think her amber is helping. Twice it has fallen off and she ends up waking and needing a bottle to resettle. I am still breastfeeding, usually 1 or 2 times a day, with not much supply at all. I am currently really struggling with some anxiety and anger issues. I am not sure if they are hormonal or not. I get mad at everything and I can't seem to get a hold of it. I also have mini anxiety attacks about seeing so much that needs to be done around the house. Added to that, I think I have some seasonal depression or something. I have no energy to get anything done. I just sit on the couch all the time. This is part of the reason I haven't weaned yet. The thought of it makes me so sad, and I am really worried about how I will act hormonally! I have a doctors appointment on 3/10 to talk to him about my issues, hopefully test some hormones, get some anxiety meds and birth control. I am willing to stop bf immediately to start any meds though. It has gotten so bad that I feel miserable sometimes. I am so mean to Jeff and Carter. I think Carter is actually scared of me half the time, and I mean that.
But, on the good news front, since the Sunday before Christmas I have been dieting and getting more excersize. I am doing a 1500 calorie diet and the couch to 5k plan on my home treadmill. I am on the tail end of week three of the plan (taking it slowly) and I have already lost 15 pounds!!! Also, Jeff mentioned today that maybe in a couple years we can have another baby. I mentioned that one of the girls in my moms club is pregnant and then he asked if it made me sad and I said yes. That is when he brought up having another. I was a bit shocked. I know he has resentment towards me for not working since we struggle with money as it is now. :shrug: I don't know how I really feel about having a third. I love birth and being pregnant, but having three kids, I still don't know. Anyhow, everything else is the same. Carter is still just as sweet as he can be and Jeff is Jeff.
Vegas, labor with Connor pretty much HAS to be smoother... right? Lol. I laugh, but really...

How did Charlotte's party go? Did the cake topper come in time?

And you can definitely turn down the glucose test. I don't think it's stupid at all to turn it down.

Angel, I'm sorry you've been having anxiety. I can relate to being mad at everything and being just downright mean... I'm blaming mine on pregnancy, hoping it goes away!

Congrats on losing so much weight already, that's awesome! Do you think you're going to go for a third in a few years?

Meli, love seeing X's updates on FB!

Jasmine, come back!

Jen, how's your LO doing?

AFM, still preggo. Was really expecting him to be here already. Blake is getting impatient. Every time I say oww or anything he asks if I'm going into labor, lol.

We're having a nighttime diaper issue here. Sienna started leaking every. single. night. through her diapers, so we moved up a size for nighttime and then ended up switching completely. This helped for maybe a week, and she started leaking every night again. So I decided to try it again... moved up a size the other night. One night it worked, last night, it didn't. Idk what to do... doesn't seem to matter what diaper she's in, she leaks. The other night it was SO bad, literally pee from her ankles up to her chest. Not sure how she managed that one... I always change her right before bed to make sure she starts nighttime with a fresh diaper... I don't want to wake her up in the middle of the night to change her, but it might have to come down to that...
Stef, sorry you are still preggo! FX he comes soon! Emma started leaking at night and we upped the size. That along with making sure the straps overlapped in the front and that the ruffles were all out has basically stopped the problem.

I am not sure about having a third. I think I would love to have three children, but then I think not. When I think about taking vacations and getting to work soon and being able to do cool things as a family sooner without the worry of having a baby sounds so appealing. This is kind of why I wanted to look into surrogacy. I get to be pregnant and birth again but not deal with the baby. With all my issues, I am 90% sure I wouldn't be approved. I posted my concerns and my issues (the size of my babies, mthfr, hypothyroid) on a surrogate group that had intended parents and possible surrogates. Anyhow the consensus was that an intended parent wouldn't really want to chance spending their money and putting there hope in me with all of those possible negatives. I was pretty crushed after all the responses, not that anyway was mean. They were all very nice in answering, just gave me the honest truth.
Angel: don't worry too much about yelling at Carter, I yell at Charlotte more than I would like to admit, but that kid knows just what buttons to push. They are young, they'll forgive and forget and hopefully our kids will learn to behave. Hooray on Emma getting a tooth. And I thought Grace was a slow at teething. I'll let you know how three kids works out once I get there. I'm sure my experiences will discourage your broodiness.

Stef: come on baby Conner! Sounds like you are in good spirits despite still being pregnant. Although we use Costvo diapers during the daytime I splurge on Pampers overnight diapers for night. Only thing that has worked for both girls. Considering Grace still wakes most night for a bottle it ends up holding a ton of pee!

Afm: 26 weeks and already soooooo over being pregnant. No, the cake topper didn't make it on time. It showed up at 6:00pm, five hours after the end of the party. Ben even went to the post office Saturday morning to see if they would locate it for us, but they were jerks as usual. Regardless, the cake and the party were awesome. We ended up with 19 kids plus Charlotte. We finally submitted our building permit application today. Hoping it won't take them too long to review as we've pretty much done all we can with demo and need to start building NOW!
Angel, upping the diaper size at night has worked for us every other time in the past, so I'm surprised it's not working as well this time. Although the last 2 nights have been leak free, so FX. I did start making sure the straps overlapped, so that might be helping!

I completely understand wanting to get back to things sooner that you can't do with babies around. Blake said if we were to have a third, we'd have to wait at least 5 more years, which will be when we can afford to buy a new house (we have quite a few bills that will be paid off right around that time, so that's when we're planning to start looking into moving). There's almost 0 chance I'm going to want to go for another baby by then, so we're pretty much 98% staying with 2.

Do you think you'll still look into surrogacy?

Speaking of surrogacy... Phantom... updates?

Vegas, we're using Luvs with ultra leakguards, daytime and nighttime. May have to try the Pampers, though, if I can't get it under control.

We need a bump pic!!! Sucks the topper didn't come in on time, but glad the party went wel. FX you get your permit soon!

AFM, Blake is getting very anxious. He had the midwife check how dilated I am yesterday because he was curious, lol. Only at a 1, soft. I tried explaining to him it really means nothing, even if I was more dilated it wouldn't mean much. He's so ready for Connor to be here. Hoping he doesn't come on Friday, that's our niece Sophie's 3rd birthday.
Vegas, sorry about the topper. I get crazy at birthday planning time, so I would have been a mess! I am also sorry you are already done being pregnant. I would say try to enjoy it since it will likely be the last time, but you would probably want to slap me!!! Good luck with the permit review!

Stef, Yes, tell Blake dilation means nothing! I went to the dr on the Friday before I had Emma and I was only a 1 or 2 and then at 3:30am (or whatever it was) went into labor and she was there 9 hours later. I think after I lose the all the weight I want to that I may still apply for surrogacy. I mean it doesn't hurt to try, if they say no, I am still in the same boat. I am wondering if trying to do it independently for low comp may be a better way though.

Nothing new since the last update. Emma has her 15mo dr app (at 16 months!). I am anxious to see how much she has grown, but I hate the vaccination part!
So, finally catching a moment to give you guys an update on how Connor's birth went!

So we had another NST scheduled for Friday, March 6th at 2pm. Blake went into work super early that morning so he could get out early to go with me. Well, I woke up to a HUGE gush at 6:15 that morning, and knew my water had broken. No contractions or anything, just the water. I told him he could stay at work until the end of his day (noon) and if I needed him to come home earlier, I'd let him know. He ended up leaving right after anyway, lol.

Time for the appt rolled around and I still wasn't in labor. The midwife had us come in for the appt, and we did the NST. Everything was fine. She checked me, said my cervix was still really high, and felt that there was another sac of waters cushioning everything (I didn't even know it was possible to have two?). She broke that sac, and as we were leaving to head home and wait, contractions started. They weren't nice straight from the beginning, but we went home anyway. Shortly after was when I sent you guys that screenshot of the contraction timer.

They continued to get REALLY strong, I was screaming in pain with most of them, and TMI, had lots of poops. I called the midwife at 5 (2 hours after the contractions had started) and told her I'd been having them the whole time and they'd been 5 minutes apart and strong (the other midwife told me to come in when that happened). She told me to wait a couple more hours. By the time we left, they were 3 minutes apart.

So we get there and they check me and I'm only at 3-4. With pain that hurts as bad as when I hit transition with Sienna. I wanted to CRY. I ended up getting in the tub to try and help the pain, but it was SO bad, I just couldn't take it. I freaked out and ended up asking to be taken to the hospital's L&D section. It took awhile to get all the paperwork set up and get me admitted to get up there, and in the meantime they checked me again. I was having such strong / close together contractions that they thought I might give birth in the elevator. Turns out I'd gone from a 3 to a 7 in an hour and a half, but they were still willing to transfer me since L&D is only 3 floors up. If I could have dealt with the pain, he likely would have been born within an hour or two.

Anyway, we get upstairs and I get the epidural. I regret nothing this time! It was SO intense and I was just SO unhappy with how it was going (Did you guys have pain SO bad it feels like your legs are honest to god being pulled off at your hips? No exaggerations! It happened with Sienna and Connor). Again, like with Sienna, the epidural didn't work on one side. The pain on that side was INTENSE. They ended up having to give me so much to stop it that I couldn't even feel pressure from the contractions. AND Connor was in the wrong position, just like Sienna was. The nurse lifted my leg up over a peanut ball and I ended up resting like that for awhile, which got him to flip face down. Yay!

The doctor I got is amazing. He came in shortly before I was to start pushing and introduced himself, sat down and talked with us and let us ask any questions we had. We instantly loved him and felt at ease with him. He even came back the day after Connor was born to check on us and just sit and talk for awhile. I'm going to be going to him for my 6 week check up and using him as my gyno.

So anyway, I was fully dilated by the time they checked me around midnight, but because I couldn't feel any pressure from Connor's head, they decided to have me wait a little while and let the epidural wear off just enough to feel the pressure for pushing.

So when the time came, Blake asked the dr if he had time to step outside for a cigarette. The dr told him yes if they don't have me pushing at all because it looked like Connor was just going to fly out, he was so low. They told me they could see a ton of hair.

Blake came back in, came up next to me to hold my hand, and everyone was ready for me to push. You guys might remember that it took 5 hours of pushing (plus suction) to get Sienna out. Not Connor. Two pushes and he was out. So from the time contractions started until he was born was 10 1/2 hours (if you count from 3-4 cm it was 5 1/2 hours).

He ended up being a little dehydrated, didn't pee for almost 24 hours. We had to supplement with formula a couple of times while in the hospital to hydrate him because he wasn't getting enough from me. Other than that, everything went well and we discharged early.

He seems to have issues with my milk that we're trying to figure out. He's had painful gas / poops since he was born, he struggles to get them out and often cries while trying. The other day he projectile vomited out his nose and mouth; I think that was from overeating to help settle his stomach. Yesterday we decided to try formula all day to see if that helped (I pumped all day instead), and he was actually less fussy. We went back to the boob last night, and shortly after the first nursing, he projectile vomited out his mouth and nose again. We got him bathed and cleaned up, and at his next feeding, we did the boob again. Right as he was finishing up on one side, it happened again. This time he just fell right back asleep. We ended up being up until after 1 this morning with him to make sure it didn't happen again (it didn't). Now I'm working on limiting the time he spends on each boob (before he wanted to guzzle down on one then not have the other at all, then eat again an hour and a half later) and trying to space out his feedings better. He's still having painful gas and poops, though, so I'm still trying to figure that out...

Other than that, everything is going well! Sienna loves him. She snuggles him and gives him kisses and she gets worried when he cries. She is a bit jealous, but it's more when Blake is home (I think it's because she's a daddy's girl and doesn't want to share him, and she doesn't get to see him as much already). He spent last week home from work, which helped A LOT. Our first two days home alone together with Blake at work have so far gone pretty well.

Also, the weather has been so nice that he's not going to get to wear half the clothes we have for him, lol. Was not expecting it to be so warm since he was born.

And this post became MUCH longer than I had planned :haha:

Hope you all are doing well :)
Despite all your pain your experience with Connor sounds way better than with Sienna. I'm so glad you like the doctor from the hospital.

I'm curious as to what is causing Connor's reaction to milk. If you give him EBM from a bottle will he still vomit? Have you contacted the LLL or looked at their website for answers? He's still so young that he just may need a while to adjust.

I'm so glad Sierra is being good with her brother. Grace was hitting my tummy yesterday so her baby sibling is already getting beat up by his/her big sister.

Congrats again on your handsome little man!
WOW~ Sounds so intense. it sounds like u made a good decision about going for the epi! I said the same thing--no regrets! Thank God he came out so quickly with 2 pushes. Maybe youre looser now that you had one ha ha jk :winkwink: Maybe your body just knew what to do the second time around?

Sorry I have no suggestions to offer about his feeding issues.

I have a coworker that gave birth on Mar 11, I think she was almost 2 weeks overdue and had to be induced. Her baby was 9lbs 13 oz YIKES~ I still dont know her birth story; I hope she had a csection lol.

Vegas! Where are the bump pics??!! You're holding out on us :( Hey, were you planning on keeping this pg a secret until baby makes its debut (like u did with Gracie)? Cuz I saw on your fb post about your crazy neighbor and her garden request, that someone mentioned your pg...

I've always wondered about that....when I change X's diapers or clothes he kicks me like crazy in the tummy. I wonder how women who are pg do diaper and clothes changes??

I am so sorry you are going through your anxiety (maybe hormonal) issues. I hope they get resolved soon because it has to be miserable :) But GOOD JOB on losing weight~ AWESOME! I just started my workouts with Raul again now that daylight savings time is over. I just *cannot* get on the treadmill in the winter, at night, after X is asleep. It's late, I'm tired, I have all the excuses in the world. When daylight savings time ends, I come home from work, change, and we all go to workout together outdoors. I push X in his stroller and run up short bursts up a park hill and then walk briskly while Raul runs a set of 160 stairs. It not getting dark until 7pm really allows me to work out.
and yes, I agree, you never know if someone will want you for surrogacy so go for it when you're ready. you have nothing to lose~

I hope everyone is doing well!
Meli: yep, I'm keeping the pregnancy off of FB. I had to delete my friend's comment. I honestly haven't taken any bump photos. I've just been sooooo busy. Perhaps I'll take one and send it via FB messenger since it's a pain to load photos here.

So glad you are able to get out more now that it's staying lighter later. I love taking evening walks. Wears the kids out too!

Afm: I am overwhelmed in every way possible right now. Work is stressing me out since I have a huge project I want to finish before I go on leave. My boss is of no help. I've decided to start looking for a new job after the baby is born and already have one lead. The addition is going slower than I expected even though Ben isn't worried at all. It's also turning out to be way more expensive as we are going to use more contractors than originally planned since Ben is do busy with his work. Our tenant moved out of the Vegas house because he lost his job, so now we have decided to sell it. I think we'll break even at best and we've had to fix a lot of stuff to get it ready to sell. Grace was sick with a tummy bug all last week so I ended up missing almost a week of work at a hugely busy time for me. And to top it all off I'm having this pain in my lower abdomen (left side only) when I walk. Started after a three mile walk I took with the girls Saturday and hurts any time I go more than a few hundred yards. Exercise was the only stress reliever I had left! Ok, rant over. I know things will eventually (like this time next year) settle down, but this is just a lot at once.
Vegas, I only gave him EBM once, and we didn't have any vomit issues, but he hasn't vomited again since those times the other day. I think it was probably an overeating / eating again while his stomach was still sort of upset thing. He is still having painful gas issues after every feed. I might try going off of dairy for a few days to see if that helps, but the formula we used that day was milk / soy based and didn't cause the same issues, so I'm not sure that would help at all.

Sienna never really purposely hit my tummy, but she did beat up on it a bit if she was throwing a tantrum while I was holding her, little turd. Meli, with our changing table, they lay with their side to me, so she couldn't really kick me unless she tries rolling over (which she actually does frequently, but I learned quickly to avoid flailing limbs).

I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. I hope things get better, the addition gets finished, and the Vegas house sells for enough. I was getting that pain in my side, as well, it sucked!

Meli, I was freaking out way too much to continue going naturally! I think the memories of Sienna's labor came back to me and my irrational brain thought it might happen again? I'm not sure, but I do know that I wouldn't remember as much as I do if I had continue naturally... so I'm glad I got the epi. I don't remember right after Sienna was born for awhile because I was SO exhausted and traumatized. I remember pretty much everything of Connor's birth!

AFM, so we're working on figuring out our tax refund situation. They gave us back 1200 less than TurboTax said, claiming that they couldn't find records of the estimated tax payments I made. We've been trying to get ahold of the IRS because I have the proof that the payments were made, but trying to get through to them is nearly impossible...

Wow! Sounds like when it rains it pours…work stressing you out, delays and more fund expenditures with the addition….pain when you walk and can’t relieve stress. But you’re right! Things will settle down eventually. You have a good attitude.

Maybe it’s a good thing to sell your LV house now. It’s got to be difficult to be a long distance landlord, right? A few years ago—maybe 10 years ago? Raul wanted to invest in property in Kansas. I was really iffy about it and pretty much said “I don’t think so”—without being such a b*tch about it. He listened to me. His sister ended up going for it and has lost soooo much money, not to mention all her stressors about maintenance and tenant issues. I guess coming out even—even losing a little bit of money—has to be less stress in the long run, right? About 3 years ago, our next door neighbor’s house was sold in a short sale. They were a 40 year old couple and the husband died suddenly, she couldn’t afford all the bills so she hung out there for almost 16 months, not paying her house payment. The bank agreed to short sale for $250 thousand. Raul wanted to buy it but again, I was like “IDK”. WELL, now that properties are starting to climb back up, it’s gained about $150 thousand in value in the past 3 years and is now worth about $500,000 (which is in line with all the other properties in our neighborhood). I wish I would have agreed to buy that house :(

Soo you want to look for a new job? I remember you mentioning when you got this job a couple of years ago, I think you mentioned it was a city or state job, IIRC? The new job possibility, does it offer the same types of benefits (PTO, Pension, health insurance) as your current one?
Once in a while I kick around the idea of looking for a new job, BUT I really can’t. The university I work for offers free tuition for employee’s children, so I need to hang in here for at least 5 more years, when I will get vested with the free tuition for life….tuition here costs $30,000 a year ($50,000 + if you include housing) so hopefully Matthew will be able to take advantage of it, as will Xzavier..
it makes sense....and I'm definitely an epi proponent!!! That pain is so intense it makes one irrational. I cant even/dont want to even share what I was thinking during those few hours of intense pain :nope:
I had no problem getting up to go to use the restroom right afterwards. The L&D nurse insisted on helping and holding me up, and at the end she finally relented and let me walk back to the bed by myself (I noticed she stayed close by though!). She said she was so shocked that I was so strong lol.

I can picture what you said about Sienna not hitting you because of the changing table placement. i never thought of it that way. Can you tell we never use the changing table for changing lol? we just take the changing pad wherever we are going to change him (usually on our bed or the spare bedroom bed).

OMG! That stinks! I hope you resolve your tax situation asap! that's a lot of money to not get! I would definitely notice and miss $1,200 less than what I was expecting!

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