June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!


We have had these conversations before….where he complains that I don’t cook, clean, have sex, etc etc…Yes, I get it. And I try to make changes and they last for a while and then I go back to my old ways (of wanting to sleep!).

I’ve said this before to him on a Saturday or Sunday—2 different times “If you want to watch X for a while sometime today==at your convenience==please let me know and I will vacuum and mop the whole house”. CRICKETS. He has never taken me up on these offers.

The last time we had this conversation (3 weeks ago), a couple of days later, the following happened. I saw Raul get the vacuum cleaner out and he said he was going to vacuum the living room area rug. I thought, “here’s my opportunity to do something he wants me to do, AND help him at the same time”. So I said, “here, let me vacuum for you, and if you are willing to watch X, I will vacuum the whole house” He looked hesitant and then said “Sure”. So there I go, vacuuming like a madwoman, it didn’t take me more than 30-40 minutes because our house is not huge.

Well, later on that day, he bitched at me for doing that!!!!

Raul: I was just going to do the little rug. I wasn’t going to do the whole house.

Me: BUT the whole house needed to be done! And I was trying to offload from you, at that moment, AND fulfill one of your requests that I clean more often!

Raul: But took you FOREVER.

Me: WTF is wrong with you??? I AM DOING WHAT YOU ASKED ME TO DO!!! And I only took 40 minutes max!!

Raul: But you need to plan these things, not just do it at your convenience.

Me: !%&&%#$%*()(???

So, apparently, not only does he want me to clean more often, he wants me to do it while caring for X at the same time. I mean, why else would he get all crazy on me?

That night:

Raul: I’m hungry

Me: ok, I bought some fish I can cook, if you can watch X?

Him: How long will it take?

Me: 30-45 minutes

Him: ok

Well, it took me almost an hour to get dinner ready. Here comes the attitude and bitching again:

Raul: I am starving!! What is wrong? You said 30-45 minutes??!

Me: I am sorry! I didn’t know it would take so long! U see that I have not left this stove or kitchen all this time (he gets mad because I will say “Can u watch X for 5 minutes?” and that will turn into 15 minutes…..because sometimes, when I get the opportunity, I WILL sneak another task in, like run and load the laundry or something). I am here COOKING. I am sorry that I misquoted the time frame!!

Raul: whatever


Shit like this makes me feel like I was living in an alternate universe….in whose world is that ok??? Talk about mixed signals!! Talk about turning things around on me!

Those 2 scenarios above are where he rants about “Where are your time management skills?” blah blah blah.

You make good points and I really need to figure out what to do with X during times that I need to get stuff done. We really need to set aside a babyproofed place for him, plus I am afraid to leave him because he is starting to pull himself up on things, stuff like that…

As far as the therapist, she definitely told him that he needs to set some boundaries with her, and he definitely agreed (we had this conversation previously about setting boundaries, not about the bed situation but aboiut everything else) and Raul had already agreed he would do it, but I suggested and he agreed, to wait at least another week, so she is not as “emotionally fragile”.

Our therapist also said that the bed situation was not okay…that the bed and bedroom is MY safe haven and next time, he needs to kick her out. He agreed with her..,.he was just being stubborn with me, I suppose….

Oh, and thanks for this “And I would not have given her my damn tacos” roflmao

As for you, how does an IUD come out with your tampon? Perhaps it wasn’t inserted right to begin with?
Meli: OMG. As if you didn't have it bad enough his daughter had to be added to the mix. The bed thing would have put me over the edge too. What kind of adult woman does that?! Where is this girl's mother? Do they not get along or does she not cowtow to her like Raul does? Also, I would have left her home and run my errands on Friday. Maybe I'd have taken the knives and razors with me, but I would have left. And the undies! Really?! I've been doing my own laundry since I was 12 and there is no way I'd ask someone else to launder dirty undies. L-A-Z-Y.

As far as Raul goes, I wonder if he'd still be critical even if you manage to do everything he wants. Maybe you can play the Stepford wife for a week or so and see if it makes a difference. Long term you need to start lessening his expectations. I've been doing this with Ben for years. Ever since Grace was born he's done his own laundry. Ahhhh the freedom! I sometimes put Grace in the pack-n-play while I do things. Sometimes she cries a bit, but I can't pay attention to her 24/7.

I have more to say, but my battery is dangerously low.

The relationship with her cuckoo mother is non-existent at the moment. Mom lives in Fresno, a 5 hour drive North from us. When Raquel came to down for school (UC Irvine) her mom stayed behind. Well, when she graduated in May, her and ex bf rented a 2 bedroom house in Newport Beach (with a roommate).

When mom found out that she was ‘living in sin’ lol, she had a huge fit, called her a whore, and disowned her. Mom also went off on said ex bf. So for the last 4 months, there has not been a relationship.

Ha ha L-A-Z-Y is a fact!

Yes, my plan is to be the Stepford wife for at least 2-3 weeks…to be PERFECT and see if it makes a difference in his treatment of me….and as far as lessening his expectations, I would love to do that but I don’t know how :cry:
Meli: you lower their expectations little by little. It takes years. I've learned all of this from the Master, my mother. She does this by doing such a bad job of things, like not sorting laundry and thereby turning my dad's underwear pink, that he finally started doing his own laundry. We all did our own laundry. She made tuna casserole once using Frosted Flakes as a topping as opposed to corn flakes. Dad started doing most of the cooking.

For me, I gradually started asking if he'll do his own laundry just until the baby (Grace) is born, yet he still does it. If he does something I usually do I praise the heck out of him to encourage him to keep on doing it. I make homemade meals most nights, but thanks to my technique of praising him he now grills every Saturday. He's also learned that Wednesday is leftover night (trash pickup is Thursday so I want to clean out the fridge) and Friday we do takeout. He's also learned to like those Stouffer's family sized frozen meals. All of this equals less work for me. If he wants a home cooked meal he knows he has to watch the kids. I almost NEVER give him a time frame. Helps to better manage expectations. If he isn't home I still manage to cook by plopping Charlotte in front of the TV or giving her a coloring book. Grace can either play in her pack-n-play or I'll put her in the high chair and give her a snack.

Regardless, life is FAR from perfect. We argue, but not much. He never complains about the dirty house or food (unless I make something vegetarian and he accuses me of trying to starve him). Mostly he wants more sex. Typical man.

You are going through a challenging time. If you can somehow manage to do all he and the therapist want and things still don't improve, then it's him and there's nothing you can do. If things improve I think you'll still need to find a way to compromise or you will be miserable. Don't do that to yourself.

Angel: did you call your doctor? Did it hurt coming out? Yikes! Be careful! I can tell you what happens very quickly without birth control!

AFM: yes, I told my mom. Took her to my appointment Friday so she got to see the baby. She's quite happy about it. Says the pressure is off on the decision on whether or not to have a third. True!

You had me lol at the description of your mom. She sure sounds like the MASTER. Frosted flakes instead of corn flakes..on a tuna casserole? Genius, and slightly devious :thumbup:

I love your suggestions; they are awesome. Eventually I need to start trying to lower his expectations, but first I want to get us back on track.

I did a lot of thinking yesterday. He has some merit in his points of contention; I guess if I am truly honest with myself, he does.

I am going to make more effort in the things I have control in, and stop being snarky to him (I wasn’t doing it consciously—really I wasn’t—but when I broke it down, I guess the resentment I felt towards him, was reflected in my snarkiness).

We had a good heart to heart talk==no yelling, no anger, but a genuine talk. We haven’t had a discussion like this in a long time :cry:

Another realization for me, of a trigger for his anger, was his health issues—backstory: in May he was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. He’s terrified of needles and diabetes runs in his family so he's always been afraid of developing it. Well, that was a wake up call for him. He lost 20 pounds and has totally cut back on his carbs. This man LOVES his corn tortillas and beans—he could eat that every day! He used to eat 6-7 tortillas per meal, 1 and sometimes twice a day. Well, now he hardly eats any.

At this point, he has controlled it with diet and exercise and is no longer “pre diabetic” but he still acts like he is (which I guess is key behavior to avoid developing it again). He loves pastries and breads, but will only eat half of something instead of the whole thing. He is really disciplined.

Anyways, a main complaint of his is that I have not changed our eating patterns to work around the diabetes. For breakfast, I usually have coffee and toast. Well, he obviously can't have toast/bread. He gets frustrated when “there’s nothing to eat for breakfast”. Well, There IS..except there is nothing that he wants to eat that is diabetic friendly (smoothies? Nope, doesn’t want it. Oatmeal that I make him? Maybe he will eat it once or twice a week—MAYBE—but that still leaves the rest of the week with the problem of “what is there to eat?”)? He likes eggs, but they are high in cholesterol so he can’t eat them everyday. I have made some concessions-=-e.g. I bought the vegetti instead of using pasta for spaghetti…etc etc.

But in his opinion, I haven’t made any/enough concessions to his “illness”, and that tells him that I don’t care about him or his health.

His biggest complaint is that I do not spend any time with him. We’re like roommates—I do my thing (sleeping and pumping—how exciting!) and he does his (ipad and watching tv), in separate rooms. In addition to making more of an effort to do more light housecleaning, I also agreed to stay up late with him on Friday and Saturday nights and watch movies together (like we used to do, before X) (I dont know how that is going to work out seeing as Raquel is always draped on him like a cat, but I guess I have to deal, right??) We also agreed to go out on date nights more often.

He apologized for the mean things he has said to me in anger, he realizes that even if the message was valid, the delivery sucked.

I really felt his frustration and his feeling that “I didn’t get it”; that he complains over and over about the same thing but I never change.

He thanked me for being a good mom to Xzavier, Matthew and Raquel. He mentioned that Matthew and Raquel aren’t even “mine”, yet I am loving and supportive to them, and for that he said he is grateful.

He thanked me for supporting him with the whole current Raquel situation (tbh, I am the one that has pushed him and guilted him into pursuing and nurturing the relationship with her. I was always in his ear, sticking up for her and her rude behavior to him, making excuses for her, telling him to let stupid shit go and to forgive her for her bad behavior). I realize that I AM THE REASON SHE IS HERE WITH US NOW. I have myself to thank for that lol. :wacko:

Anyways, he thanked me for my support and asked for my continued patience as this Raquel situation unfolds.

I am steeling myself for the following eventual realities, that he will have to help her move and he will either:

Pay her rent ($1,200 monthly), OR

Help her find a new place (put deposit down and pay rent), OR

Move her into our house (NOOOOOO!!!) :cry::cry::cry:

So we are in a good place as a couple, we both reiterated our love for each other and our commitment to make things work and get back to where we used to be.

Now I just have to be patient with the whole Raquel situation. All I can do is give him a list of rules I want her to follow (if she does end up staying with us past this weekend—and I know she will—but I am good with giving her a few more days before I think he should lay down the law).

It is what it is. This is my lot in life. And I have to deal with it.
Meli: I'm so happy you were able to have a civilized talk. That's a great first step. Hopefully the situation with Raquel will get better quickly. Would it be too much to ask that he doesn't allow her to move in with you? That would complicate matters as she doesn't seem the type to pull her own weight.

As far as Raul's diet is concerned could you make Fritatta muffins that you could freeze? I've got a really good recipe if you want it. No carbs. Yes, there are eggs, but you can also use eggs whites. I go half and half. Personally, I'm s smoothie girl. Too bad he doesn't like them. Will he eat yogurt? How about a breakfast burrito where a piece of ham or turkey replaces the tortilla? Again, you can use egg whites. Also, not all carbs are bad. Has he tried Ezekial bread? It's made of sprouted wheat.
Hi Vegas,

unfortunately, not letting Raquel move in with us, is not an option :cry::cry:

She still hasnt gone back to work--going on 2 weeks. she doesnt get paid time off and I am starting to suspect that she is hoping they fire her, so that now she no longer has a job, so she HAS to move in with us.

She's always "Daddy, i love uuuuu....daddy, hug meeeee...daddy, I will go with you to Sams Clu. daddy, i will go with you to get your haircut".

I'm starting to think that she's a master manipulator and knows how to get on her dad's good side. Well played, my friend....well played.

I could totally use the frittatta recipe. thank you! I will look into the Ezekial bread. No, he doesnt like smoothies..
Meli: ugh, bet her behavior is driving you batty! I'm so sorry.

Here is the recipe I use https://nomnompaleo.com/post/7486819479/prosciutto-wrapped-mini-frittata-muffins. Lots of good recipes on this site. I substitute olive oil for the coconut oil and regular milk for the coconut milk. I also sub out a few of the eggs with egg whites, but I like the color the yolks give. You can use any type of mushroom you like. I do use the coconut flour (I get mine at Trader Joe's) but you could use a tablespoon of regular flour or I bet it would set up fine without. Anyway, I think they are pretty tasty.
Vegas. Thanks for that link and ideas. I downloaded other recipes as well. The meaty and cheesy breakfast fritattas sound goodaas well.

yes she is completely me bonkers but this weekend has been nice as she went to her girlfriend's house to visit since the husband is out of town. She already called to ask if she can come over every weekend and of course Raul said yes!!

Next time she comes over raul will have the "house rules" discussion. And that's about the only thing I have going for me.

in regards to him and I, so far so good. The next few months are going to be full of hard work and challenges to get our relationship back to where it was, but we are both committed to the process and want to get there again, so I know we will get there eventually. I know it will be difficult, but it will happen.
Meli: glad you got a bit of a break this weekend. Hopefully her social life will pick up and she won't want to visit so often.

I'm happy that you two are trying to make things work. So many couples appear to give up pretty easily and you owe it to one another and Xzavier to try your hardest to make things work. I believe every couple experiences some low times, it's only natural.

Angel: did you ever contact your doctor about your IUD?

Not too much to report here. Nausea has pretty much subsided. Still not allowed to work out. Hoping my hematoma has fully healed so I can get back to it. I need to do something to regain some energy.
Yes, I am am praying that she gets another boyfriend SOON so she can stop gracing us with her presence :growlmad:

You know, "they" always talk about how when baby is born, it throws a relationship into chaos. I have heard how you must take time as a couple and not evolve into a 'roommate' situation; to keep paying attention to the relationship and not ignore the man. I never thought it would happen to me! NOT TO ME, NOT TO US! How arrogant of me to have thought that :(

Once your hematoma is healed, does that mean it can never come back? Sorry that you are low on energy...IDK how you do it with Charlotte and Gracie! Nor do I know how Stef does it with Sienna!
Hey ladies! Been so crazy busy lately... doing major house cleaning and organizing, going through Sienna's old clothes (2-3 giant storage tubs full of them) to organize and sell / donate, planning Sienna's birthday party, etc. etc...

Vegas, glad the nausea is going away. Mine with this pregnancy was way worse than with Sienna's, but it probably didn't help that at the worst of it I was getting up 5-6 times a night with her! How far along are you now? Are you staying team yellow again?

Angel, that's crazy about your IUD coming out! Are you getting it put back in? Btw, my due date is Feb 25.

Meli, I'm so sorry you're going through this with Raul. I hope that everything works out, it sounds like you're heading in the right direction with the therapy. I hope that you aren't the only one making compromises, though. And I wish you luck with his daughter. She sounds like a real ... fun time. :wacko:

Phantom, any news on this surrogacy?

Jasmine, jenk where are youuuuu?

AFM, so it's been crazy times here. Sienna stayed at his mom's for two Saturdays so we could get some major cleaning and organizing done, and there's still so much to do. Somehow every closet in the house became a black hole of crap since we moved in and has just gotten worse and worse.

Been planning Sienna's bday party, which is in 10 days (birthday in 9, omg!). We're having it at his mom's house since all of his family lives down that way. Only a few people, including us, are going to have to drive a distance, so it works out. The other options were to pay for somewhere or have it somewhere where most of the family wouldn't be able to make it, so the drive will be worth it. I designed the invites, a poster (like the one you had for Emma, Angel), putting together a time capsule, making a balloon cupcake arrangement (I'll include pics below), and I got Sienna a cute tutu just because I wanted to, lol.

And updates on the little munchkin - she's ALL over the place now. She started taking steps right around when she turned 10 months, but she's ben walking everywhere for a few weeks now. She also finally cut her first tooth a week ago; it's just barely poked through. She also started her first antibiotic on Monday, has a touch of bronchitis. Luckily we caught it early, so it didn't bother her too badly, and it's gotten much better.

I don't think I updated you all on Connor's 20 week ultrasound, did I? Everything looked good, except my placenta is a little low. Not terribly; she said they want it at least 20mm away from the cervix, mine is 17, so she's confident that it will move up and away in time. They also saw a bright spot on Connor's heart. She wasn't concerned about that either, but we will be doing another u/s around 28 weeks to check on that and the placenta. Blake is a little freaking out about the spot, but I'm not worried. I had a feeling before the ultrasound that something would come up on it, but my feeling isn't negative now, I know everything is ok.

So here's some pics of the stuff I put together for Sienna's birthday:

I still need to get her weight / height and add the Now section up top

And here's the cupcake idea, going to do something like it, probably won't come out as nice, lol
Meli: has this week been any better for you? I truly hope so. So your relationship changed when you had a baby, it happens and you WILL adjust. Both of you.

Stef: such cute invites and cupcakes. Can't believe she's walking. We're close, but Grace takes a step or two, freaks out, then lowers herself back to the floor.

So what do they think the spot is on Conner's heart? Sounds like if it's anything its minor or they'd have you back sooner. Also, I'm sure your placenta will move. I've read about that happening a lot.

Afm: still not feeling totally normal, but I'd say I'm at 90%. If the hematoma goes away I don't think it can return. They say it's a bruise caused by implantation and bruises don't return after they are gone. This kid really wants to be here if he/she imbedded him/herself so hard it caused a bruise. So yes, Stef, team yellow again. I'm going with the assumption it's another girl. At least if it is I'm totally prepared. My NT scan is on Thursday. Wish me luck!

Jen: where are you? You are due in less than a month and we all want to know how you are doing?

Jasmine: we know you are busy, but we miss you.

Angel: come back, you can't leave us hanging about the iud.
Vegas, she didn't say what the spot could be, just that if she were concerned, she would have sent me for a more detailed ultrasound of his heart right away.

Good luck on Thursday! Our next midwife appt is Thursday, also, but no scan. She'll probably just tell us when to schedule the next one to do all those checks...

And ugh for making us wait to find out again! I'm feeling boy on this one... Do you have a preference?
Stef: Good luck to you too on Thursday. You'll be going every other week soon. Can't believe you are almost in third tri already!

Afm: tried to hear the HB on my home Doppler this morning. I've heard the HB before, but couldn't find it today (well, maybe for a second, but not sure). I did hear some thumping around so I'm assuming all is ok. Wish I had spent more for a better Doppler. Mine doesn't do the readout so you just have to know what you are looking for. Part of me wants to find out the gender, but I do love that surprise on the birth day. Seeing as the birth day will be planned we'll still have something to surprise us. My neighbor just found out she's having a second boy three weeks before I'm due. We'd love a boy, but I really don't care as long as it's healthy. I get really paranoid about baby's health before the 12 and 20 week scans.
Hi ladies!


So far, we are progressing nicely in our weekly therapy sessions (we are now back to sessions every 2 weeks) and our home is no longer sooo stress filled (for now). Our relationship has done a 180, and it’s for the better. Gah, I cant believe how far off the rails we had fallen! I think I’ve been in la la land/denial for the last 6 months.

What I did was realize and acknowledge all my faults, and fix them. I couldn’t make him see/acknowledge his part in our problems, just like he couldn’t make me do so, until I was ready to really listen and acknowledge them. All I can do is fix my mistakes and all I can control is my reaction to his actions.

I suspected that once he saw my turn around, he would do the same, and he has, thank God!

Something I forgot to comment on was the news you shared last month, about your friend’s daughter who died from DIPG. I was so sad to read that :cry:. It is the same disease as the little girl that I follow in fb. I also follow another preemie, baby Asher, who’s on a trach and has paralyzed vocal cords. I pray for him everyday that God heals him. There’s a chance that his vocal cords can heal on their on by his 1st bday. To top it off, his mom is a single mom. Now, SHE’S a tough cookie! I try to help as much as I can…have made a couple of donations while Asher was in the NICU to his gofundme account…I mailed her Xzavier’s rock n play and he used it (and still uses it) as soon as he came home from the NICU. I bought his bouncer from her amazon registry and bought him a couple of wubbanubs. I am getting ready to buy him and his brother Landon some clothes when I do my xmas shopping and also some toys that she can give to them from “Santa” for Xmas. Just waiting to hear her suggestions/preferences.

You’re now 90% feeling better? That’s awesome! Yayyyy~ I dident know that hematomas could be bruises caused by implantation :wacko: That’s crazy lol. Yup, I agree that this LO definitely wants to join your beautiful family :hugs:

How was your NT scan go? Did you get a glimpse of the package (I know you are team yellow but just curious if there was a “slip” lol)

And I agree with Stef…”ugh”: to making us wait for gender! This pregnancy is going to drag on for me (I have my nerve, don’t I) :haha: Oh yeah, I think it’s AWESOME that your due date is the same as your angel’s. It’s meant to be!


Now that I have compromised on many issues, so has he! It took him seeing me and my changes and he in turn (unconsciously) is making his own required changes. It’s a win-win.

I love all your ideas for Sienna’s party! I be the cupcake bouquet will turn out beautiful.

I praying for Connor but I’m sure everything is ok! I know that it’s futile to tell you not to worry because you will, regardless, but I’m glad you’ve got a good feeling about it. keep trusting your gut!:hugs:

Is this it for you, for sure? Are you sure you should selling/donating Sienna’s stuff? :winkwink:

I’m sure your MW appointment went well. Any new news?

Angel, Jen, Jasmine.....where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?


I am happy to report that....DRUMROLL.....Raquel has made amends with her mom. YAYY!!! I am hopeful it means that she will spend Thanksgiving with her mom and not with us. :happydance::happydance:

I am getting ready to schedule our family holiday pictures for a Tuesday (my day off) because 1. I don’t want to deal with the crazy madness found in portrait studios on the weekends during this season, and 2. I can ask my mom to come over early on her week to watch Xzavier so that she can watch him and I can get my hair done. If Raquel can make it, great, if not, oh well! I refuse to adjust my life for her anymore. Also, if we do it on a weekend, she may just stay with us all weekend long and I don’t want to give her any excuse.
Hello friends. Your input please. I want to start weaning X from formula and BM eventually -- perhaps starting gradually, little by little. Should I do organic cow’s milk? Or almond or coconut milk? What did you do?
I want to mix my BM (or formula) with whatever milk I choose, maybe do 1/3 to 2/3 ratio for the first couple of weeks before I do all the milk.

I hope I make sense :wacko:
Meli: I've been reading up on how to wean onto milk (cow's our case as she appears to have no allergies). Basically if you are giving him six ounce bottles on day one you would give one ounce of cow's milk and five of formula or EBM. The next day you would do two ounces cow's milk and four ounces of formula. You reduce the amount daily until you are totally on cow's milk. It's a pretty quick process. When I switched Charlotte from formula to milk I started with organic, but eventually switched to regular milk as that's what they used at daycare. The milk here is not from cow's treated with rbst (artificial hormone) so I feel it's pretty safe.

AFM: my appointment went great today. The NT scan measurements were perfect. Baby looks so mature already. No nub shots or guesses. Baby had his/her feet together so you couldn't see. My SCH is healed, so that's good news too. Baby is measuring four days ahead, also good news. Next appointment is on the 18th of December.
Vegas, I admire your willpower, there's no way I could wait to find out!

Glad your scan went well today! My next appointment (midwife appointment, anyway) is on the 18th, as well, lol.

Meli, SO glad that things are going well with you and Raul! I wanted to punch him for you. :haha:

Is this it for you, for sure? Are you sure you should selling/donating Sienna’s stuff? :wink wink:

Shhhh don't say that! Lol. Blake was saying something about storing it in the basement if we can't sell it because "what if we need it?" Ugh. Lol. I had a dream last week where I was chasing Connor at his first birthday party and I was pregnant. I think I just changed Sienna to Connor in my head... hopefully!

AFM, no real news from the midwife appointment. Measuring fine, heartbeat good. Got the drink for the glucose test, need to schedule that ultrasound to check on everything and drop in for the glucose test on the same day. The ultrasound will be sometime within the next two weeks, going to call tomorrow to schedule (hopefully I remember! Been sooooo scatter brained lately).

The heartburn this time is intense... it's been as bad as it was when I was in labor with Sienna and got IV heartburn meds. If I have any coughing or burping, it gets sooo much worse. Had minor bronchitis before Sienna did and every night I woke up multiple times with stomach acid in my mouth (gross, I know). Ick. Did I ever mention I hate being pregnant? Lol.
Stef: if you haven't tried it yet, Pepcid Complete is the best for heartburn and its pregnancy approved. I buy the generic as it's cheaper. Didn't need it much with Grace, needed it daily with Charlotte and I'm already using it a coup,e of times a week with this one. Ugh, heartburn is so awful. Hope you get some relief.

You've got a lot going on so its just busy, you're not scatterbrained.

Afm: today I'm staying home with Grace. She's got a bad cold with a fever. My poor sweet girl. At least I can love on her all weekend. I just hope she doesn't pass it on to me. Both girls got their flu shots Wednesday (second dose for Grace) and I got mine yesterday.

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