just looking for some hope :'(


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2011
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just looking for some hope from people that took 9 months or more to conceive? basically, been ttc since feb and still not pregnant
had a chemical pregnancy in september tho.

every girl in my family has gotten pregnant in the first 3 months trying, except me. the same with OH family. really gotten me down tbh. wouldnt of thought in a million years id still be trying now, i thought because im so young it would happen quick.
its making me worried somethings wrong with us, but im ovulating, we dtd during my fertile days, never been on any birth controll and have regular 25-27 day cycles. Im charting so really dont understand whats going wrong.
any advice or words of wisdom ladies?
xxxx :cry: :cry:
Hey, Dont worry it will happen. Smile :hugs:.

I have 2 sisters that it took almost 2 years to get pregnant. The only time it happened for them was when they gave up, stopped charting, :hugs:and just had fun. They were pregnant within a month :happydance:

They say it has something to do with stress levels. My advice to you is to relax and have fun in bed instead of worrying :winkwink:
:hugs: Don't worry hun. It took me over 2years to conceive. Had my LO in March and now I'm pregnant again! I was diagnosed with PCOS and took some metformin as prescribed by the doctors. Not too long after taking the tablets did I conceive. Have you been to your doctors yet to get checked out? Even still don't stress about it as hard as it is. My doctor told us when we were getting checked out that it takes the average couple 2years to conceive.
Dont worry hun, itl happen. Took me 18 months to conceive. Didnt have any previous months with a hint of a positive hpt. Then finally in september it happened x
Ttc since May 2009, literally all I did to get successfully pregnant was stop trying so hard and destressed the entire situation. So I wish you no stress and boat loads of Baby dust!
Took me 11 months to do the day! I was just about to give up!!
My husband and I had a miscarriage the first time we got pregnant ( didn't even have to try). Then it took us 10 months. My husband had borderline sperm count. He cut out caffeine and took vitamins. But I honestly think what got us pregnant was preseed and soft cups. After trying for a while, you don't get quite as "excited" and a lube like preseed was great. Plus, the soft cups held everything in. I got them
Both at Walgreens. First month on these, and bam! Preggo!!!!! It'll happen, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a little help!
hun dont worry Im a prime example. My mum took 1 month and 2 months with all of us and there is five of us and my sis took 1 month with two of her kids and third month with the other. and my other sis took one month with one and 2 months the other. However with my first son I took 12 months with this one 2 years in total but 14 months to start with then had an early loss then another 8 months after that. Good luck hun xxx
It took us 6 years. The first time I got pregnant right away, first month we tried. Sadly I lost the baby at 6 weeks. 1 1/2 years later we got pregnant again and sadly lost the baby again at 6 weeks. This time we weren't really even trying. I wasn't feeling the best so we actually only DTD one time. Wouldn't you know - it stuck! It took forever and I wish we could have done it sooner (I'm 30 now - not old but older than I wanted to be when I started my family) but I have to believe that all things happen for a reason. And I have to thank my lucky stars I was able to do it without any medical intervention.

Like others have said - try not to stress about it. Easier said than done, I know, but I really do believe it works. The whole time we were trying I had a very stressful job that I absolutely hated. I quit to go back to school and my first weekend off was the weekend I got pregnant. Makes me really believe that stress can interfere with your chances of falling pregnant.

Good luck to you!
My husband and I had a miscarriage the first time we got pregnant ( didn't even have to try). Then it took us 10 months. My husband had borderline sperm count. He cut out caffeine and took vitamins. But I honestly think what got us pregnant was preseed and soft cups. After trying for a while, you don't get quite as "excited" and a lube like preseed was great. Plus, the soft cups held everything in. I got them
Both at Walgreens. First month on these, and bam! Preggo!!!!! It'll happen, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a little help!

I used preseed too! Funny enough the only month I didnt use softcups I got pregnant just forgot to buy then :haha: xx
I got pregnant straight away with #1 &#2, just under six years for #3 and 6 months for #4. There's no rhyme or reason for it but I agree with what has been said, we realllly tried for number three, then gave up after five years, boom, preggo!! And this one, no charts or anything, just had fun ;). Try to relax and ask for fertility tests to rule out any problems. We got a hcg in the January and fell pregnant the month after w/ no 3, which apparently is quite common! :hugs:
it is easier said then done so i won't say relax. :) i know i hated when my friends and family said that to me. :)

anyway we started ttc in nov 2010 and got pregnant in feb 2011. but we mc at 5weeks. at that point the doc saw a fibroid so i had to go through surgery to remov from my uterus. so we did try from march until june 1. we then tried from june and got our bfp when we for the first time used PRESEED. we dtd everyday starting 7days prior to ovulation on day of ov and the day after ov just to be safe. i am 33 and everyone in my family had no problems getting pregnant quick either. good luck and like some of the other ladies said it doesn't hurt to try and use preseed. :)
this is what i would do, just act like you arent even trying. i mean of course dont use any protection but just dtd EVERYDAY! :) girl, its gonna happen for you. I know it :)
Stress can prevent you from conceiving, so yes, while it's difficult to just relax, maybe it would be good for you to find ways to relax. Meditation, yoga, massages, taking a nice bath, and exercise all help, but so does going out and having a good time with friends, or spending an afternoon picnicking with your OH.

Speaking of OH, have his swimmers been checked? If you're ovulating, that is fantastic! And if you had a chemical, obviously you both have potential to conceive. This is all good news (though I am sorry you had your hopes up, I know how hard that is). It might be a good idea to get both you and your partner checked out by a dr just to give yourselves the best chance possible.
My 3rd son took us almost 3 years to conceive and in all honesty I had given up hope and moved on. I stopped charting, temping and trying to catch my O day and just came to terms with the fact that we wouldn't have anymore children. (I already had 2 boys and my 3rd pregnancy had resulted in a blight ovum).

Anyhow, I believe that it's true that sometimes when you take away the stress of trying that things happen for you because I decided to take college courses in the fall and by the end of December I had conceived my son!!!

I know how heartbreaking it is to look at Negative tests every month but maybe it would help if you could find a way to be more relaxed!!!!

Good Luck to you!!!
It took us 3.5 years to conceive. We really "tried" to not stress about it, but when it's what you want it's hard to not be disappointed every month. All I can say is that it will happen when it is meant to happen, whether you are trying or not. Keep thinking positive and enjoy one another as much as possible. :)
Have you tried Preseed or Conceive Plus? I know a few people have already mentioned it but this stuff is really great. We were trying for 5 months with nothing and then my first month on Conceive Plus I got pregnant. Unfortunately it ended in an early MC but I got pregnant again 2 cycles later using it again. I also took Evening Primrose Oil to help me produce EWCM as I never seemed to produce much around ovulation time. The month that I got pregnant with this one I had A LOT of EWCM and for some reason I just knew that it was gonna do the trick!

I know chemicals and MC's are hard to deal with but look at it this way - at least you know you can conceive and if you done it once you can do it again, good luck x
Has your OH stopped smoking weed yet? That'll most definately not be helping things hun.
I know he didnt want to get his fertility checked but have you thought about buying a home test for his swimmers? Im not sure how reliable they are but it might at least get him more used to the idea of getting things checked out. x

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