Well today I had my diagnostic ultrasound to check for my uterine septum. It turns out it is a very large septum and extends nearly all the way to my cervix, which means I will be needing surgery to conceive and carry a pregnancy fully term.
I’m just feeling so disappointed that we need medical interventions to conceive. I wish we could just have a lusty night and BOOM baby.
Just needed to vent somewhere and not have some friend tell me that the only reason I’m not pregnant is because I’m thinking about it too much.
Thanks ladies! Wishing you all the best
I’m just feeling so disappointed that we need medical interventions to conceive. I wish we could just have a lusty night and BOOM baby.
Just needed to vent somewhere and not have some friend tell me that the only reason I’m not pregnant is because I’m thinking about it too much.
Thanks ladies! Wishing you all the best