Just started trying, just turned 40, first timer and a little freaked!


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Mar 1, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I posted on the other forum before I saw this over 35 one. So, here's my introduction here.

We've barely even started trying. I quit birth control last October (took it for 6 years), and up until mid-January we were using foam - now nothing. My periods are still erratic, and I just started tracking ovulation last week, but I started on Friday! Ugh.

I've been worried I will have problems because of my age, and the fact that I have HPV (things are normal on that front right now) - but my OB assures me it's ok. So, I guess I can say we are actively trying even though we've barely started, really.

I just turned 40 and I've never been pregnant. I'm super nervous and super excited. I joined here to have a place to get advice and support while I'm trying to figure out how the heck to get pregnant (other than the obvious).

Hi hun, and welcome!

Its great that you started tracking your ovulation, may I ask what method you are using? Obviously that is the most important thing as you would have to bd (babydance :)) before your ov to make sure you have the spermies there ready willing and able to met the egg.

Th other thing i would say you have to do is take a prenatal - there are loads out there and even the cheap ones from supermarkets will do (pregnancy/conception vitamins). Ideally you should be on them 3 months before conception - you might already be doing this.. :)

There are also a multitude of supplements you can take to strengthen the quality of your eggs/ovulation such as royal jelly, co enzyme q10 and dhea. Some are fairly easy to find in the supermarket/health food stores - and some you would like to research yourself to see what is best for you, and what you would like to take.

Personally im also including walnuts and a seed and nut pack, which I eat a couple of tbsp a day. Eating well and healthy is obviously important too as well as only a couple of small glasses of alcohol a week and no smoking.

If you would like to know more i would suggest perhaps to have a look at your egg quality to determine exactly what your fertility is at the moment. The most accurate is an AMH (anti muellerin hormone) test. Some do an FSH test too but its not as accurate as the AMH as AMH is constant whereas FSH fluctuates.

There are lots of articles online about what to use/take/do regarding fertility..have a nosy and see what speaks to you.

Anywhoo..let us know how you get on and please ask any questions you have :flower: All the best and good luck!!

:hug: Omi xxx

ps, im 40 and soon to be 41! :)
I too am 40 and TTC (41 in May) ...it would be my 2nd but my child is 20 years old so I still feel like it's all new all over again LOL

A dear friend of mine conceived her first child at 42 so it can happen.

I had my 3 day test and was told I have "good reserves" and just did the 21 day test today to check my progesterone levels ....won't hear on that for a week...ugh!

the first child was an "oops" baby as I call it...IE not planned, so this is all new to me. Hope I am as fertile now as I was back then (we only did the BD once without protection and voila!)
Omi - I'm just using an OTC OPK (Answer Brand), and I've only done it a few times now. Tested again today, but no sign of OV. So, for now, I will just stick with it for this next cycle and see what turns up. If I don't see any sign of OV, then I will definitely see my OB.
Hi Shelley - you're not alone girlie, I'm 41 and TTC#1 for 4 months now and never been preg before either. I'm all the things that you feel too, super excited, nervous, will it happen for me? All I know is that although I maybe late out of the starting blocks, now is so the right time for me and it does happen for us at our age too, don't you dare lose heart before you've even started!!!:flower:xXx

Hi Omi - I read your post to Shelley, wow you know so much!! May I ask you please how do I get one of these AMH or FSH tests? Someone said to me you can buy them in Boots??!! I've had all my bloods done at the dox and all appeared okay but of course she said to me that I've got no idea what my egg quality is like and am thinking that maybe I should find out. I feel young but not sure if my eggs feel the same - I'm hopefull they do!!! I'm hovering between wanting to know and not wanting to know!! Thank you for being so generous with your advice x
hi, i'm new too. i've been reading/coming to the forum for the last 2 months but this is my first post. i'm TTC#1 and i'll be 40 this weekend. i had my hopes up for a very special b'day present but AF came early just now. i'm at work and can't stop crying.
i did get pregnant in november las year but had a MMC at 7wks. i now feel that may have been my last chance.

sorry for the depressing post, i really need some encouragment from those who know how it feels...
Don't lose heart, don't, it can happen and does, just takes a bit more time and a lot more patience. I had MMC and a D&C 9 days before my 40th birthday in Nov 09 but I'm here now :) :hugs:
Jax41 - the fertility test you can get in boots measures your FSH (if its high it means your body is churning out higher amounts of hormones to do the job it used to with a much lower amiunt of hormones.) The problem with this test is that it doesnt give you a number only bad or good, positive or negative. However, the problem with a FSH is that the hormone levels fluctuate so you can have different readings in different months - so not very accurate. The AMH test picks up the subtstance your follicles (which hold the eggs in your ovaries) so logically if you have a low number you dont have many eggs left.

Anywhoo..to do and AMH you would most likely have to go private. You could try to ask your GP and see if you could get one done through the NHS paying a nominal fee (my fertility clinic charges £50 for the test). Otherwise thare are labs that will do it for you, easily googled.

I guess, if you want to know sort of were you stand you could get the boots test and then approach your GP from there. I would also very much urge you to get the guys tested too, as men are 50% as likely to have probs s women and it would be a shame to lose valuable time..

Anywhoo..all the best to all you and lots of :babydust:

:hug: Omi xxx
Jax41 - the fertility test you can get in boots measures your FSH (if its high it means your body is churning out higher amounts of hormones to do the job it used to with a much lower amiunt of hormones.) The problem with this test is that it doesnt give you a number only bad or good, positive or negative. However, the problem with a FSH is that the hormone levels fluctuate so you can have different readings in different months - so not very accurate. The AMH test picks up the subtstance your follicles (which hold the eggs in your ovaries) so logically if you have a low number you dont have many eggs left.

Anywhoo..to do and AMH you would most likely have to go private. You could try to ask your GP and see if you could get one done through the NHS paying a nominal fee (my fertility clinic charges £50 for the test). Otherwise thare are labs that will do it for you, easily googled.

I guess, if you want to know sort of were you stand you could get the boots test and then approach your GP from there. I would also very much urge you to get the guys tested too, as men are 50% as likely to have probs s women and it would be a shame to lose valuable time..

Anywhoo..all the best to all you and lots of :babydust:

:hug: Omi xxx

Hey thanks Omi, this is a real help, I think I may take a trip to Boots and see how it goes. Not sure about the NHS, my doc said she would refer me to a the local clinic if I'd not got preg by the summer but what they will do for me there I don't know. She said IVF is not an option (due to my venerable age!) and to be honest it's not an option for us privately either due to funds..... So I'm kind of on the fence as to whether I want to know or not as if it's bad news I know that will be probably be the end of the road for me. Ignorance is bliss and all that?!

Good luck too and loads of babydust back atcha!!:hugs:xXx
Hi hun, can i just ask, did they give you a reason for not offering you ivf? i mean, at our age (i'll be 41 on Monday:)) ivf really is the option as far as help is concerned. Im having ivf, and yes privately (at my clinic it costs £3000-3500), and i was classed as a low responder (the worst) meaning i have diminished egg reserve and will need the whole kit and caboodle of drugs thrown at me - tbh i dont care and will give it my best shot! :)

This might interest you https://www.centerforhumanreprod.com/premature_ovaries.html

and maybe this too https://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art32665.asp

I am currently taking co enzyme q10 as its supposed to help with egg quality as well as the above dhea and i'll go and get l arginine as well...might as well try it all, lol!

Good luck and all the best

:hug: xxx
hi, i'm new too. i've been reading/coming to the forum for the last 2 months but this is my first post. i'm TTC#1 and i'll be 40 this weekend. i had my hopes up for a very special b'day present but AF came early just now. i'm at work and can't stop crying.
i did get pregnant in november las year but had a MMC at 7wks. i now feel that may have been my last chance.

sorry for the depressing post, i really need some encouragment from those who know how it feels...

I hope you don't mind me butting in Kosh, and welcome to babyandbump....

I am 40 in July and been TTC for three years-had a mc at 7 weeks myself. The thing is that, statistically, it is going to take us longer but that doesn't mean it WON'T happen. Saying that, my bestfriend, who was 40 in January got pregnant for the second time in October after the first month of trying, so there are statistic and matistics-everybody is different.

But don't get upset-you need to be strong to do this and you have to gear yourself to the monthly emotional cycle of evil hag AF, then waiting for ov, then the awful two week wait and then waiting to test. It is very hard. I get upset every month when stupid cow (;-) ) Auntie Flo arrives, but I know that isn't the way-it just wasn't meant to be that month. It is hard, I know.

So, eat the right things, do the right things, and relax and it will happen. I am convinced it will happen to me, and I am convinced it will happen to you, so hang on in there!

Lots of babydust to you!
hi, i'm new too. i've been reading/coming to the forum for the last 2 months but this is my first post. i'm TTC#1 and i'll be 40 this weekend. i had my hopes up for a very special b'day present but AF came early just now. i'm at work and can't stop crying.
i did get pregnant in november las year but had a MMC at 7wks. i now feel that may have been my last chance.

sorry for the depressing post, i really need some encouragment from those who know how it feels...

Its a real kick in the teeth with AF comes early - chin up girl, new cycle new chance, have a breather for a few days then back to the plan!
Hi hun, can i just ask, did they give you a reason for not offering you ivf? i mean, at our age (i'll be 41 on Monday:)) ivf really is the option as far as help is concerned. Im having ivf, and yes privately (at my clinic it costs £3000-3500), and i was classed as a low responder (the worst) meaning i have diminished egg reserve and will need the whole kit and caboodle of drugs thrown at me - tbh i dont care and will give it my best shot! :)

This might interest you https://www.centerforhumanreprod.com/premature_ovaries.html

and maybe this too https://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art32665.asp

I am currently taking co enzyme q10 as its supposed to help with egg quality as well as the above dhea and i'll go and get l arginine as well...might as well try it all, lol!

Good luck and all the best

:hug: xxx

Hiya! Of course, ask away! The Dr dismissed me v NHS completely saying that the cut off age in our area was 35 and that anyway the success rate at my age was negligible and too high risk i.e. it wouldn't happen anyway even if we paid for it privately. I wholeheartedly agree with you that I think the 35+ girls SHOULD also be offered IVF as some of us may do with the help!

There ain't now way I'm going to get my DH to have his swimmers checked. No siree. I absolutely know he will not buy into it, so much so that I'm not sure it would even be worth my asking. He has every faith that it will happen naturally for us (he has 3 already), I wish I could share his optimism sometimes, I mean maybe 13 years ago when we first met but now, I dunno:shrug:it's all in the lap of the gods....but I'm giving it all my best shot, I ain't giving up yet!!!!!!!

Thanks ever so for thinking of me and including the links, I will certainly read through them, oh and Happy Birthday!!!!!:kiss:xXx
Hi There, I'm in NZ. Am 41, (turning 42 in April) and been trying since we got married last year. I had a miscarriage in September, after only trying to concieve for 3 months. So even though it didn't progress past 5.5 weeks, we were thrilled to get pregnant at all, and so quickly. It's now been almost a year. One thing I have that know one knew before I miscarried is Hashimoto's Disease, in short, it's hypothyroidism. This just means that I have antibodies (some people do, some don't it seems it's hereditery as my sisters have them as well). So my thyroid is being killed off by my body because it thinks its a foreign organ. So anyway, I'm on medication - so it's managed. And so far all of my tests have come back that I am super fertile, and although Hashimoto's (with high TSH usually ceases ovulation, and periods) however I've ovulated every month, although my TSH was high, and my periods have been super on time.

We have continued to try after the miscarriage, and I think the hardest part after that is time. I struggle with feeling like it's my fault that it's not working. My husband is 33 bless him, and a sweetheart, we have been together for 8 years (I was married before, for 10 years and didn't want to get married again, although I did want children - it took me a while to come to terms with it).

So for me I'm struggling each month, to just keep positive, hoping next month will be the one I get to see 2 lines, not just one lonely one. I just wanted to touch base with anyone else who is trying over 40. IVF is not funded for over 40 here, so we are looking at this, and it will be well into $15,000 for one round (including $1,500 per implantation for each embryo). So it's scarey, have to remortgage our house.

We just had the huge earthquake in Christchurch and my problems seem small compared to people there, I'm about 5 hours away, but we know many affected.

I just pray that anyone else who is looking at Ttc over 40 doesn't feel, past it or old. This is the right time for me, I had alot to work through after my first marriage, and had to be ready, we got married last year. My GP and Specialist all say everything, besides my thyroid is perfect and I have fertility of a 25 year old - and very healthy. So I think that you should be very hopefull. I'd love to talk with someone else over 40 that is also going on this journey. I'm at day 27. Did a HPT this morning, negative. But have brown/pinkish small discharge. Bit of cramping and sooooorrrrree boobs, so was hopefull. I use the digital ovulation kit, with the happy face, very good, I feel more secure with that. All my cm is on time and profuse and stretchy before day 14, so all good. Husband had sperm tested, he was off the chart!!! 193 million per ml!! (over 15 million is normal:)) motility was 60% so over 30% is great. He was happy, I thought, ok so it's me. But apparently it's not.

IVF wise, we are trying to wait, as our GP feels we should give it the best shot naturally. Everyone advises to say "Don't think about it" - Don't worry about it. SOOOOOO easy to say - soooooo hard to do. I had a melt down yesterday, I do every month, and I get so hopeless and helpless feeling. I'm a christian and I know that God has a plan all be it that if it's not to have my own children we are looking at adoption as well.

My GP had a 47 year old come in the other day pregnant. I think that people have a "judgment" on woman over 40 having children. We are so much healthier, happier (except at the end of each month) and ready to give our hearts and time to be mothers. Most of us will live active healthy, full lives up to 100. Although some days I struggle with my age, most of my friends think I am in my late 20's early 30's (how sweet) and my sister just gave birth to her second and she turns 40 in June.

I do feel like the medical industry needs to reassess what the fertility age is, because I think it's shifting. I do believe that woman can have children older, and they should if it is right for them. Before this I was not in a mental place to give my time or energy to being a mum. My previous marriage was very volitile, and it took me many years to regain my strength. My husband (we have been together for 9 years) is a wonderful, loving beautiful man, who I adore, and we have a rock solid relationship and I am happy with him, with or without children, but I want him to experience being a father, so I am sad and sometimes think he should have chosen someone younger.

So good days bad days, today - a little sad, and down. I'm a good aunty and love my niece and nephew. So if you are feeling low - reply and I'll try to cheer you up :)
I know where you're coming from tearyeyed. I had a MMC in Dec 09 and just had a chemical over the weekend. I'm 41 and my DF is 27. I said to him over the weekend, what if it never happens and I'm too old. His perfect response was I want a baby but only with you because I want you ...... and if it doesn't happen I'll just get another 2 dogs.

I was in tears one minute then laughing the next.

Thanks for sharing your story. There's a lot of us, what's the term, wanna be 'elderly prima gravida' in here and I'm sure we'll all make it one day. Good luck for this cycle.
hi, i'm new too. i've been reading/coming to the forum for the last 2 months but this is my first post. i'm TTC#1 and i'll be 40 this weekend. i had my hopes up for a very special b'day present but AF came early just now. i'm at work and can't stop crying.
i did get pregnant in november las year but had a MMC at 7wks. i now feel that may have been my last chance.

sorry for the depressing post, i really need some encouragment from those who know how it feels...

Hang in there sweetie, i had a MMC at xmas at 9wks and just got my BFP again, i too thought that was my last chance cos i turned 41 on Sunday so know how you feel :hugs::hugs:
thanks dwrgi and storm for your kind words. i'm now 40, but i'm feeling more positive anyway! as one of you said - it WILL happen!

sorry about your chemical truly_blessed
Hang in there sweetie, i had a MMC at xmas at 9wks and just got my BFP again, i too thought that was my last chance cos i turned 41 on Sunday so know how you feel :hugs::hugs:

any advice??

was your bday on sunday? mine was on saturday!
Yep was the 6th.... only thing i did was take Soy isoflavones 'sustitute for Clomid', but its a natural supplement' took it with my last pregnancy and got a bfp but mmc'd at 9wks so very nervous at the moment and praying this a sticky xxx
hi, i'm new too. i've been reading/coming to the forum for the last 2 months but this is my first post. i'm TTC#1 and i'll be 40 this weekend. i had my hopes up for a very special b'day present but AF came early just now. i'm at work and can't stop crying.
i did get pregnant in november las year but had a MMC at 7wks. i now feel that may have been my last chance.

sorry for the depressing post, i really need some encouragment from those who know how it feels...

Hang in there sweetie, i had a MMC at xmas at 9wks and just got my BFP again, i too thought that was my last chance cos i turned 41 on Sunday so know how you feel :hugs::hugs:

Wow! Congrats to you Poppy, fab news. I'm already 41 so there's hope for me!!!!!x:kiss:x

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