Just wondering


*Hanny Spammy*
Aug 13, 2008
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Just wondering how long do you think i will be able to get away with no telling work? lol
I'm not sure but the sooner you tell them the better. I know it will be hard but it will be better if you tell them sooner
it doesnt really matter, cos id ont get marintney leave any way only work there on a saturday and i dont do any heavy lifting ect.. i just go all shy when im telling people esciplly if there older then me lol im scared there turn around and be like YOUR TOOO YOUNGGGGGGGGGGG and lector me for ages
I told mine the week after finding out.

It was better this way because I had bad morning sickness, so they allowed me to have a bottle of water at my till and allowed me to go outside for fresh air whenever I needed it, and now I get to keep water on my till and get to go the loo when I want :)

But it's up to you when you tell them but you may have to tell them when you starting showing (if you aren't already)

Good luck either way xx
Im going to try and hide it, till about 21 weeks lol, hopefully lol then not say it face to face maybe write a letter with the simple word's Im pregnant and thats it lol
Legally you dont have to tell them until 26 weeks. You could prob get away with not looking pregnant till about 20 weeks. Everyones different tho
I told my work at about 10 weeks. You 'could' get away with not telling them till about 20 weeks really, as that's when most people start to show, but you are not legally oblidged to tell them then...

Why don't you want to tell them?

PS: My due date was April 8th too (2008 ) :D
I told my work at about 10 weeks. You 'could' get away with not telling them till about 20 weeks really, as that's when most people start to show, but you are not legally oblidged to tell them then...

Why don't you want to tell them?

PS: My due date was April 8th too (2008 ) :D

My friends due 8th of April too!
And you don't have to tell them until your 26 weeks, but I would advice telling them before hand due to symptoms etc. xx
Oh that is so cool same due date :),

because i work in a charity shop and yeh i do get paided, but most of the people that work there are quite old and are in a deffrent generation then me, its the whole you should even be sleeping in the same bed at your age, so if i told them i was pregnant i donno what they would say,
Hun, I would tell them (I know it can be ackward) but they can't fire you or anything because you are pregnant (that's illegal) and it would mean you had more support if you need time off for morning sickness or other symptoms, or need to take an extra break for a lie down if you get too tired... It also gives you and your employer more time to work out when you will start your maternity leave etc

And as for the due date: Anna decided she didn't want to come on the 8th April - She didn't even want to come in Apri!; I had mine on March 27 - so you mightn't have as long to wait as you think you do! lol

Good luck telling your work and congratulations on your pregnancy.
Awwww :) im def going to write a leter so i dont have to be face to face might be a bit easier
They can't say anything, although old people can be EXTREMELY rude just politely put them in their place hun. xx
I told work pretty soon because I had to set up maternity leave.
You'll probably be able to pull it of for a long time,especially if you don't show much.
Even if they notice,they probably won't ask cause it's not very safe :lol:

Don't worry about old people judging you,it's their problem not yours! :hugs:
I know how you feel! Of course you should tell them in person but who am I to give that advice when I didn't even do that. lol I put in my two weeks late one night in a letter when no one was there saying I was pregnant and whatnot. I mainly didn't want anyone knowing yet because a lot of my friends and people who went to my high school worked with me and I wasn't ready to tell everyone. I probably should have told them in person but I just wasn't ready. If you don't feel comfortable with telling them then you don't have to. Do what you want to and what you think is best for yourself. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. And congrats! My birthday is on April 8th. :)

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