i totally forgot to tell you guys that i also have to take Des to physical therapy for his flat head. they think he has torticollis. blah.
this week is a smidge on the overwhelming side :/
I love you.
Also, I know I have google and all, but I want your description of torticollis. what is it? Kiss hims flat head.
basically they have a tightening in one side of their neck so they favor turning their head one way. and because of this, they generally hold their head to one side when laying down and put pressure on the same side and develop the flat head. des has a moderate case, but it's not totally severe yet...trying to fix it so he doesn't have to wear a stupid helmet lol
and for the record, i am super jealous you all have babies that love tummy time. des does not.
I has contracted the pregnancy illness
at work, we are female dominant. every time any of us of breeding age get sick, others start gossiping that the sick person is pregnant. so WW (work wife) and i started to say "she's got the pregnancy" as a diagnosis of pregnancy symptoms, but not of actually being pregnant...
"oh susan's out today?"
"yeah, she's got the pregnancy."
Thanks ladies. Still studying hard. Going to cram hard until 2; then take a break and go get Colin's stitches removed, have lunch and get back to it. Bed by 8pm me thinks. Up at 3am, get ready and cram some more, leave here by 5.30am, there by 6.30am for an 8am exam, cramming in between.
did i miss something? why does colin have stitches?
anyway i hope you do well on your exams. it sounds kind of fun!
so i saw my dr about the lyme to try and get a referral to an infectious disease dr. she wouldn't give it to me until i test positive still and she may make me do another round of antibiotics first

fffffffffffff. i just want to be treated

effectively. i already did a month of doxy and it didn't do shit!
it's REALLY fucking up my short term memory which doesn't work with answering phones at work. i often forget who is calling the second i go to transfer it.
"trish, i have......a.............doctor's office...." even though they JUST told me who they are. i then apologize profusely and feel like an idiot.
so....there's my update.