I'm in the outback. My hands have broken out in a severe rash from the water. In counting the hours until I get on the plane tomorrow night. Why we had to fly out at night I don't know
Lol! Seems like an allergy rash. I was blaming the water but my FIL pointed out that I did pet some birds a couple of days so. But since I haven't touched them since then I'm doubting it was the birds. Hope they haven't diseased me :-/
Lol nope haven't had that conversation before - we have shit loads of mosquitoes. They kept me in a job before medicine lol. Although I only researched one batch of Australian blood, most was from Myanmar and other Asian countries.
Skeeter syndrome? That would be awful!!! It's bad enough when you gave a regular reaction to bites. What does he use for relief? 1% hydrocortisone cream would be helpful for speeding up relief.
My hands should recover when I get home very late tonight and take a shower. I'll put some topical cream on tonight. If it gets into my system it'll just mature Kaida's lungs
Really? 2ish weeks? Cool!! I've lost track of time. I'm just living day by day trying not to get eaten by kangaroos or murdered by serial killers (the first Australian serial killers came from SA and I can see why - nothing to do and lots of red dirt to bury bodies).
9 days until double digits. That excites me too.
My PTL fears have reduced and moved onto fetal movement worries. She's quiet cuz she's having her 24-28 week growth spurt and sleeping heaps. *sigh* there's always something... lol
aww shes already a daddy's girl =).. yeah, third tri draws near 0.o we've known you forevvvver now. I hope you have a safe trip home =) im sure shes just sleeping tns so try not to worry too bad =)
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