Keeping dummy in



Grace used to hate her dummy but recently she has started using it rather than a bottle to fall asleep. Thing is you have to hold it in for her because the minute you take your finger away it comes out, it seems like she is sucking too hard on it so it gets pushed out. I've seen babies younger than her who are able to keep theirs in so I guess it isn't an age thing. Is there anything I can do to stop her from doing it or will she just have to learn herself?
Jess does the same lol. I got some soother savers to clip on her bib during the day to stop them hitting the floor and getting dirty. They do still pop out tho when she sucks too hard xXx
Chloe used to do this,I found that trying a different size and shape helped. She now has tommee tippee CTN ones and loves them
Hannah does this occassionally to this day (and she's always liked her pacifier)
Ally has chosen the devil dummys. The cherry soothers. I shouldn't have tried him with them but I was sick of holding the orthodontic pacifiers in. He can keep the cherry ones in though...when he's a bit older i'm going to try him on the others.
I didnt even know there were stages for dummies lol I had max on 0-3 months and he loved it ..then one day hubby comes home with 3-6 months and he wont have anythign to do with it lol so back to the 0-3 nuk one :)

I also give him the straight ones for night time as he likes to put it in himself so this way theres no right or wrong way
Lola-Rose loves her pacifier (as you can see from the pic),she just has the smallest one in the store.At first it would also come out often but she has learnt to keep it in by herself.
ffion will only have cherry dummys.. she spits the others out!
i use the cherry dummys too

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