*Knock knock* I think I'm allowed back in here now!! Looking for a buddy!

New Mrs W

Frankie and Mickey's Mama
Feb 18, 2010
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Well this morning I got my BFP. I had a very faint line yesterday which I didn't trust but this morning it was definitely there and darker. Sooooo, nearly twp and a half years since I was last in this part of the forum, I'm back!!!

I have worked out that I'm roughly 3 weeks 5 days pg and that I am due about 25th March. We have many family birthdays in March so I'm hoping my LO will have his/her own birthday and not have to share! Although I wouldn't want to go too far over due and have an April Fool baby! Tee hee!!!

Anyone else the same? Fancy a buddy? xx
Well I had thought I'd have loads of wannabe bump buddies by now, and not one!!!

Come on, I'm not that bad am I? Tee hee!!!

Someone else on here must be brand new pregnant like me and need a buddy?! xxxx
i'm due march 11th!
WELCOME BACK!!! and congrats on your BFP
Hey! Thank you! And you too, you're a few days further on than me I see. It's still not really sunk in for me yet, thinking I'm going to test again on Monday so hopefully my line will be darker and then I will start to get excited!

So how has this been for you so far? Have you had much MS? xx
Welcome!!!! I'm 3 weeks 6 days and looking for a bump buddy :D expecting my first! Congrats on your BFP!!!
i'm a first timer!!! but super excited! my husband won't let me spill the beans until I get a ultrasound (which is scheduled Aug 2nd) but most of my co-workers know already.

i got my first BFP june 27th which was super faint but still there!
everything has been going well. very tired. a little sickness but nothing bad yet. i have a feeling it's on its way though.
Hi jenjen and hopefulpony! Congrats to both of you on your BFPs.

hopefulpony I remember seeing you on a thread in TWW and I saw when you got your BFP. Nice to see you over here too!

Where are you all from? x
I'm from Somerset. This is our first and we are very excited :)
Hi hun, I got my BFP this morning too! Hasn't quite sunk in for me yet either :) I'll happily be your buddy as when I did a calculated due date online mine also said March 25th!!

What symptoms have you had so far? How are you feeling?

Nice that we've both got boys already- are you hoping for another boy or a girl or are you happy either way?
Hi Bec, buddies it is then!!

I have had sore breasts, in particular my nipples, for the past four or five days. I also had some spotting, started out as red on Monday morning but by lunchtime it was brown and it went on for another three days. I had a bit of a feeling I was pg when I got that as I had the same with Frankie but it went on for a few weeks with that pregnancy. Have you had any symptoms yet?

As for wanting a boy or a girl, a girl would be really lovely of course, but I would also absolutely love another little boy. I have enjoyed every second of being a mummy to my little boy so far and I think I like the idea of a boy again because it will feel like doing it all over again! I also like the idea of having two little boys who I can dress the same for a year or so. I always think that looks adorable! Have you a preference? xx
If I'm honest I would love a girl- have always wanted a daughter but would also be happy for Josh if we had a boy as I'm sure he would love a brother.

My new symptoms today are sore boobs and nausea, also gone off my food a bit and getting quite a few dizzy spells. My other symptoms have been immense tiredness- much worse today- doesn't help my LO is up at 5am! I had implantation pains/cramping on Monday which was what made me think I could be pregnant as well as headaches, aching back, very emotional and irritable as well as weeing more frequently. Quite a lot really but not all terrible and not all at once!

So excited to be having number 2 and probably will be our last. Are you planning on anymore or will this one complete your family too?
If I'm honest I would like three in total, but I will be 32 when this one comes along and I would want a similar age gap if there was to be another and as I am a very anxious person I don't know if I would risk it as I would be fast approaching 35 by then. Also, not sure if DH really wants three as we had this chat just before we started TTC this time and he said two would be enough for him as we would still be financially comfortable with two. He didn't say no, just that we'd need to talk about it later!!

Well I have just had an 11 hour sleep and feel fab this morning!! Am going to make the most of it as I recall only too well how awful I felt from about 6 weeks onwards last time!! X
What a lovely long sleep- I have to be honest I'm a little jealous! I had a broken 7 hours- was up 4 times seeing to LO and then going for a wee! I am feeling pretty sick today, nausea started yesterday. With DS it didn't start till about 6 weeks.

Unfortunately I will be 8 and half weeks when we have Josh's 1st birthday party which we're having at home with about 30 adults, 5 babies and 3 children- think we've made a huge mistake!! How will I cope?!

Lovely DH made me a big bowl of fresh fruit salad for brekkie- not got an appetite at all- part of the nausea I suppose so think he was worried I wouldn't eat if he didn't step in!

Supposed to be gardening with my mum tomorrow- feeling rather pathetic- will I have the energy?! Yes actually, pathetic is probably a good word to sum me up today. Another 5am start and terrible night though perhaps it is allowed!

Glad you're feeling ok, any nice plans for the weekend? When are you telling your friends and family? x
Morning ladies. i have just had a 9 hr sleep and felt good when I woke up, then went to sort out the washing and I'm exhausted again.

I keep getting waves of nausea but nothing too major and all I seem to do is eat.
My boobs are HUGE and tiny bit tender at the moment.

Off to see my mum today but not going to tell her just yet how I will keep it a secret I don't know.
Poor you!! You must be shattered, pathetic is not the word at all! Bless your DH for making your breakfast, I got a cup of tea in bed which was lively too.

I'm sure you'll be fine for Joshua's party, it's only for a day and if you feel ropey at least you'll be at home so you can have a quick lie down if needed. Plus your DH will be there. Will you have told your mum by then? If so, she could really help out.

Think I'm gonna tell my mum, dad and sister next weekend. We'regoing to thecoast for a week on Friday but they're coming to join us on the Sunday as it's my dad's birthday. Thought it could benice to tell them on his birthday. We told them early on first time round and they were so supportive. Will tell DH family then too I suppose. But no one else until 12/13 weeks.

Are you going to get those blood tests done, the triple test I think they call it. I didn't last time but have heard some sad stories lately about people finding tragic things out at their 20 week scan which they could have known earlier I'd they'd had those tests done. I'm really in two minds about it all. Still, got a good while before I have to worry about that yet! Xx
Yes We're planning to tell my mum, stepdad and sister next weekend as we've been invited over there for a roast and although they only live round the corner it'll be nice to tell everyone together with my DH, last time my mum asked me and I couldn't lie and I was on my own and it just didn't feel like the announcement I'd hoped for. Then we'll tell DH's family I suppose and everyone else we'll tell after the scan- same as we did last time.

I'm very lucky to have an amazing mum who I'm very close to- and sister so I know they'll help out loads at the party and you're right- I can sneak off for a lie down if I need to- hadn't thought of that :)

Is it the downs syndrome test you're talking about or is there a new one? I had the downs one last time but didn't get offered anything else?? X
Jenjen80 I saw my mum yesterday and wasn't sure how I'd keep it quiet but it wasn't as hard as I'd thought as I suppose it hadn't really sunk in for menyet anyway. Hardest bit will be hiding the symptoms- I couldn't stop yawning! x
Just checking in with my ladies! How's everyone? I am feeling pretty normal for now. My nipples are starting to hurt quite a lot more, I am having some cramps in my lower abdomen (which I remember vividly from last time) and I have had one or two waves of nausea. I also thought I had the horrible taste in my mouth that I had first time round but that seems to have gone. Don't really feel all that pregnant at all!!! zzz
Ooooh, add a bit of heart burn to that list! Got it really bad with Frankie, although not until the last 6 weeks or so. Guess it might not be anything to do with pregnancy right now! x

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