Hi Girls!
Tori and Blondie, I love our new ticker box, it looks like a proper baby!

I am feeling some movement now, not strong but definitely there. Still can't wait for good, hard kicks!
Tori, good job on the smoking, you are doing better than I am! Keep it up!
Samzi, yay for 7 weeks!!

How are you feeling?
MsSmith & Flower, How are you both doing?
Beth, you must be so relieved after your scan!

to all I have missed.
Well, today is my last day of school before summer break!

I can't wait to get some proper sleep!
And my next scan is 2 weeks from today, on the 7th, and I am counting down the days until we know all is still well with our seahorse.
Well, must run to work (for the last time in awhile!). Have a fab day, my lovelies!