Knocked Up Naughties

Morning ladies;

Well yesterday i had my first experence with BH and oh my god was i scared was reassured by MW tho they are normal as any time they've gone now and George was kicking trough out the whole time which was nice.

I'm starting to panic now as we go abroad in a week and a) i feel as tho i have nothing to wear and will mix in well with the beached whales and b) what happens if i get swine flu while i'm over there? oh well the joys of beign a 2nd mum to be.

Jenny hun I bleed up to three months with DD and that why i didn't think i was preggers DD is fine and heathy so try not to worrie to much chick (easier said than done i know) big hugs for you!! :hugs:

Samzi yay you've found your pram, this subject is a little sore in my house as DH wants a hug monster with all the gadgets and i want a simple pram he will come round to my way of thinking soon lol

Blondie you are getting bigger but i can't wait until you wake up one day and it's just there i sense your just going to pop,

Caitlenc happy holidays hun! did it rain for your concert?

Beth: hoe you feelign today chick?

flowertot where are you hun?
Hi girlies. How are you?
Blondie, that's something:thumbup:

Woke up today at 5am because my little girl just kicked me into my stomach. Auch, that was something. And then her P.E classes started. I just couldn't sleep and had to wake up. But I guess she and twins had made some kind of an arrangement - twins slept until 10am. I was furious.

im paranoid its going to go wrong. After last time when I pulled a muscle (or so I thought) and a few days later it was all over. I did the same yday except it wasn’t cos I was lifting things I shouldn’t. I was sitting down, stretched and felt a tug right across where baby is (should be)

Keep thinking I feel something ‘wet’ down there but then again (tmi) I am having tons of cm.

Im going to drive myself crazy :cry:
im sure all is fine samzi, and yep get use to the wet feeling.
little one is well stuck in now and there for the long haul

i can understand your worries though,

its great how we all get so parranoid isnt it, i have my MW appointment this aft and im paranoid about her using the doppler and not being able to find the hb.
my bump seems to have deflated over the past few days and i havent had and popping feelings, add to the fact that i still have this white spot on my tonsil im in paranoid over load.
im sure all is fine samzi, and yep get use to the wet feeling.
little one is well stuck in now and there for the long haul

i can understand your worries though,

its great how we all get so parranoid isnt it, i have my MW appointment this aft and im paranoid about her using the doppler and not being able to find the hb.
my bump seems to have deflated over the past few days and i havent had and popping feelings, add to the fact that i still have this white spot on my tonsil im in paranoid over load.

Awww hun don't worrie about your deflated bump this happened to me for 6 days i had my normal tummy back and then the melon moved in lol

are you going to hire a doppler? it's been my life saver over the last few months

im paranoid its going to go wrong. After last time when I pulled a muscle (or so I thought) and a few days later it was all over. I did the same yday except it wasn’t cos I was lifting things I shouldn’t. I was sitting down, stretched and felt a tug right across where baby is (should be)

Keep thinking I feel something ‘wet’ down there but then again (tmi) I am having tons of cm.

Im going to drive myself crazy :cry:

Beths right samzi get use to the wetness hun, I'm sure all is well i know this one is a sticky one!!
yeah the wetness isnt the problem. its just the pulling from yesterday. ive had random twinges ever since i found out, but that was the first time i had had them from stretching to yawn or whatever, so i got worried (and still am)
back from the midwife, all is fine

im getting a new midwife as from now so had the old one and the new one today, she seems nice but was getting a lot of guidence from the old one, hopefully she is just finding her feet.

i told them about my tonsils and they said drink plenty and rest, dont think she was impressed thast i worked a 12hr shift on mon with it and suggested i take time off sick, i feel ok in myself so gonna see how i go, im on a study day tom then a 12hr shift on fri but then off til thurs night.
they did say if i get any worse to see the doc asap.

so then she had a listen in, hb was there straight away 137-148 and when she felt my tummy she said ' oh your growing well arent you' :happydance:
so all seems fine.

i decieded not to bother with the bloods as i wouldnt act on any results anyway and im low risk.

booked in for my 25 week appointment.

they are working off my scan dates so i ve adjusted my ticker to fit with them so yay im 18 weeks, that last week just flew. lol. and i ve moved on a box.
Yay Beth!! Glad scan went well, and that you're now 18 weeks!:happydance:

Jenny, sorry about your bleed, hunni, but glad the bean looks good. Hang in there, I know you'll be fine.:hugs:

Samzi, i started to get alot of twinges and pulling sensations between 10 and 12 weeks, it's probably just your uterus expanding for bubs. Try not to worry, sweetie.:hugs:

Blondie, i definitely see a difference, I know you are about to pop!:happydance:

Tori, it did indeed rain at the concert, and we got soaked, but at least it wasn't cold out, and the show was fab!

I had a rough day today, I had to go with my Mom to the vet to put our 13 year old poodle to sleep. It was time, but it is always such a sad thing to do. I've been crying alot, and she was such a good dog and was with us since I was at university.:cry::cry: But she was in pain, so I know we did the right thing.

Hope all my girlies are doing well. :hugs: to anyone I have missed!
:hugs::hugs: cait :hugs::hugs:

wow after saying i hadnt felt much movement for the past 2 days, s/he is really going for it tonight.
Beth - glad the mw appt went ok, wow 18 weeks - things are really flying by now :happydance:

Cait - :hugs: sorry about your dog, having a pet put to sleep is one of the hardest but kindest things we can do as animal lovers and it never gets easier :hugs:

Well things are ticking along nicely here - poor baby is not too happy that I keep rolling over and sleeping on my stomach every night but I just can't seem to help it - no wonder I have no bump, the baby is probably as flat as a pancake :rofl:
Hey girls how are we?
im sending love and hugs too all :D

cait sorry to hear about your dog , i was the same my dog maxi got put down march 97 after having her for 15 years she was really ill one morning we woke up and she had taken a brain hemorage it was awfull :(

blondie that awesome about the movements :D:D

samzi dont worry about that thats normal i had it with aarron xxxx

flowertot and tori how are things with you hun ?

well not much to update bleeding has stopped yesterday i had a couple of brown streaks thats it but last night i had some pain in my lower back with aarron i had spd it was horrible and sore i had too wear a big white belt and go for physio hopefully its just my body changing i really dont want that too start this early its only 14 days till im back up for my next scan looking forward too it :D:D:D:D xxxx

paranid head on again today. i woke up, was stretching in bed and felt a sharp tug on left hand side of ab. que me panicking...well i wasnt until half hour later i got like a pulled muscle/stich pain...still got it now. a bit scared :huh:
afternoon ladies.

everything is fine with me apart from a slight pain in my groin when i walk but its not bothering me too much. think its from lifting DD in/out of the car/bath etc. can't be avoided though.

will try with presonal messages but i seem to have missed quite a lot.

Jenny - hope the bleeding stays away and i hope the time flys by for your next scan.

Samzi - i got the exact same thing from around 8 weeks. if i sneezed/stretched/coughed etc. i think itsd just because your body is stretching and changing. it doesn't happen so much for me now and i'm sure its nothing to worry about.

caitlen - so sorry to hear about your dog. thinking of you :hugs:
how fantastic that DH can feel seashorse moving.

Blondie - i know its hard (i love sleeping on my front too) but you need to try to stop yourself from rolling on to your stomach. its the worse way to sleep when you a pregnant. maybe try using pillows between your knees when you lie on your side. this helps me and is quite comfy.

beth - hope you're not getting ill. keep an eye on it.

Tori and Annamarie - hello!

have i missed anyone?? sorry if i have.

:hugs: to everyone
title says it all really had another small bleed again today but no pain no clots no difference in amount so no need to return to epu im 5+5 so they wouldnt pick up a heartbeat yet anyways im still resting so no worrys their i just wish i knew what was going on maybe its cause its when y period is due who knows xxx

and i not giving up on this little one , i checked my cervix and its too high too check so all must be good xxx
oh hun. sorry your having bleeding :hugs: hope all is ok

in my news - went to the drs he said i prob just pulled a ligament when i stretched. so with me doing it and bubs no wonder it hurt! anyway he got the doppler out and i heard the HB. it was so cute and im on :cloud9:
oh hun. sorry your having bleeding :hugs: hope all is ok

in my news - went to the drs he said i prob just pulled a ligament when i stretched. so with me doing it and bubs no wonder it hurt! anyway he got the doppler out and i heard the HB. it was so cute and im on :cloud9:

awww thats amazing honey :D:D:D
well just take things easy and try not too stretch too much hunny xxx
sorry to hear your having another bleed jenny. hopefully its just little peanut bedding in. keep resting :hugs:
i really hope so but im gonna keep up the pma if i dont feel right i gonna try get in next week too see my gyne and see whats happening give it till wed next week xx

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