Thats really good news AnnaMaria 2 hours is a start!
Ohh blondie hun you sound as though your going through the mill at the moment, squishy hugs to you and bump, and fingers crossed your bloods will be ok! PM me any time you need a chat chick!
Mum2b thats fab news now as blondie says you can put the POAS away now chick you can't really go any more higher with them,
pipkintyler have a great holiday chick, fingers crossed the weather gets a little better chick,
Well me and George went to see the MW today, and he's doing really well he is brech at the moment and trust me i can feel it and have done so for the last day or so. but i love every min of it,
The builders have finaly moved out and we can start to paint and look at DD and George bedroom whooo hooo
but apart from that i've been a little boring and not done much
lots of love
me and George