Knocked Up Naughties

Well just back from GP and he has signed me off work for 2 more weeks :)

Good news is all the blood results have come back ok so no obvious signs of anything sinister causing me these problems - thyroid, liver, kidney, white blood cell count and iron and glucose levels all ok so no indication that my crohns is coming back and causing the tiredness. The GP thinks I am just one of the unlucky ones who is going to struggle until baby is born now and that I should just take it easy and give my body a chance to keep doing it's job.

Nice to know that I'm probably just going to carry on feeling shite for the next 11 weeks but hey ho I suppose it's good practice for having a baby :rofl:

I'm sure your daughter will be absolutely loving school RaeRae and will drive you insane this evening going on and on about how much she loves it :hugs:

As for guessing what I'm having - I really don't know, DH keeps visualising it being a boy, I just don't know :wacko: Judging by the amount of sweet stuff I am permanently eating I'd guess at girl maybe...
glad its nothing serious blondie, rest up over the next 2 weeks wont be long now til LO arrives.

i think your having a girl too because the rest of us are having boys apart from annamaria so we are due some more girls.
Hi girls!!:hugs:

Sorry I've been missing in action, have been busy with the start of work, and up until Friday had no internet in my classroom so couldn't go online during the day! I have enjoyed reading your notes, but can't keep track of everyone so there will be few personal notes!:blush:

Blondie, glad nothing sinister seems wrong, please get some rest darling bump buddy!

Tori, glad you are doing well!
Beth, very cool about Callums lil' bro/sis!

I haven't had any braxton hicks. However, the whole right side of my back and rib cage have seized up and I am in constant worried about being on my feet teaching all day if this continues. I was actually in tears last night because I couldn't find a comfortable position to save my life!:cry:

My next scan is on Thursday afternoon, looking forward to seeing how big our seahorse is getting!

:hugs: to all of you girls, and I will try to keep up better this week!
well thought id give you girls a giggle.

just had a panic that my waters were leaking. :dohh:

i ve been out with my sister and her boyfriend this evening for a pizza hut and have stuffed myself silly, dropped them back off at my mums and went to the loo. had my wee then sat there doing,,, well you can guess, when i heard this trickling noise just like something hitting the toilet water.

so i lean forward and it stops, lean back and it starts again so i panic and think 'oh god im leaking' then i realise its coming from the bloody toilet cystern. :dohh::dohh:
Blondie - glad all your bloods came back ok. make sure you use your 2 weeks to rest up :hugs:

Caitlen - hope the pain eases up for you soon :hugs:

Beth - that is the funniest thing i've heard in ages :rofl: :rofl: (obviously not funny for you before you knew what it really was)

well my BF had her little girl this morning. her induction started on sunday, 1st tablet - nothing, 2nd tablet - nothing, 3rd tablet- nothing. went to have her waters broken yesterday and had to go on a drip to start the contractions and after a 13 hour labour had to be rushed for a forceps delivery. 6lb 2oz Matilda Jayne. i'm so happy for her and glad things got going because she was booked for a c-section tomorrow if nothing happened.
DH just took this pic (21+3) he is off work today so DH, Holly and i are all going to put our old clothes on and paint Holly's new room. should be fun!:happydance:

Don't think we will even be starting the nursery for another few weeks yet. :wacko:


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Blondie - rest now honey.
Caitlen - have you talked about this with your doctor?
Beth - I imagine it wasn't very funny then but you got to admit you are laughing about it now.
Flower - congrat to your BF

I just woke up. Had such a good sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to hospital to check me. Because it's so early I'll go out with OH when he'll take the twins to nursery so tomorrow I can take them there:happydance: And if OH has to stay to work longer I can pick them up too.
Beth - your water story did make me chuckle :rofl:

Well considering I'm supposed to be taking it easy today I have:

been to post office to post a load of items I sold on ebay
sorted out car insurance for mine and DHs car and saved us £140!
sorted out an MOT for my car
finished the quilt I've made for the moses basket
accepted delivery of easy base for car seat and a couple of other packages
and I've just killed the biggest spider I've ever seen in this country by throwing a next directory at it

I'm exhausted...

oooh but on a plus side I noticed we had £300 paid into our bank account yesterday from Durham council - after a bit of investigation it turns out it is a council tax rebate after they rebanded the property we rented 2 years ago before buying this house - therefore £300 of extra money out of the blue :happydance: :happydance:
Ooh, Blondie, free money is always a treat!:happydance::happydance: More to spend on baby!
Goodness. I've been offline for a few days and there is far too much for me to catch up on!!
Blondie - How exciting getting unexpected money! I wish someone would just deposit some in ours too!! Can you spend it from home though - with your feet up?

Raerae - Sounds like you coped very well with your girl's first day at school. Did she love it? I'm already dreading it with Freya, even though it's a year away and I know she'll be fine!!

I'm glad to read that everyone else is doing OK.

I've been OK. So, so tired, and having some pretty bad nausea, but OK other than that. It's annoying, I'm getting so hungry, but whatever I eat I feel sick and dizzy afterwards...

Did you all see that Mork (the original pre-Naughty thread starter) got her BFP?
Morning Ladies

ReaRea: how did little one's get on hunny? I can just remember my LO first day (i cried for a full 2 hours lol)

Freyasmum Hello hun, you've been missed (Hugs)

Blondie You lucky thing! but i've seen by your FB staus you have already spent it, (good girl!!)

Caitlenc How are you coping with Work chick, and has the pain got any better chick?

Beth I've had BH for the last 3 weeks and they do tend to get more intense as bump gets bigger but the perfectly fine and normal (as my Doctor keeps telling me :blush:)

AnnaMaria How did the hospital appointment go hun?

To all you ladies i've missed huge hugs for you
Well time for my update,

It seem the 3rd Tri has kicked in and my three weeks of blooming has gone, I feel reatched (sp) George has decided to keep me awake most night now and it normal between 2am and 5am with kicking and shuffling, so i am really feeling the tiredness now my MW have sent off my bloods to see if there is any underlining problems but i keep telling her if she didn't have a full night sleep then she wouldn't be on top of the world to which DH apologised on my behalf and agreed with MW that there is something more wrong grrrrr Work also agree and have decided that they are goign to get the company Doctor in as i refuse to take early Mat leave so they are going to see what his report says and see if they can force it through.

But it appears that George may be a big baby as i have a muscle distorder called RD where your main muscle in your tummy (AB's) separate this is normaly coursed when you have Twins etc but as you all know i've only got our little George in there lol. They have given me a sheet of things i'm not allowed to do and how to get in and out of bed/car/chair etc the one i struggle with is getting out od the bath, this was hard enough before and it just seems impossible now without DH help as i need to roll over onto my tummy and get on all fours, it takes about 5-10 min.

I think i now need support for my back now as SPD has kicked in and i can hardly get to the toilet without setting off 5min before hand (but i want to leave it as long as possible as the worst case is cruchers (sp) and i will be signed off work,

But i'm sure all of the above will go (with a little work on the RD) once George is born

George is very well tho judging by all the checks he's had, he doesn't like being touched tho and tries his best to kick every one who touches my tummy, either that or he's very warming to people, (we'll soon see) but he doesn't do it for my hand tho which is strange

Ohhhhh nearly hitting the 10 week count down Blondie and Caitlen (i'm getting nervous now)

Well thats my moan for today so sorry to burden you ladies with it but i sometimes feel DH has enough on his plate without me ranting on all the time

lots of love

Tori and George

Blondie - lucky you. I would go crazy if we could find some extra money.
Tori - :hugs: It's no burden.

Everything is still the same but doctor is really pleased with me. Says that heartbeats are a little faster, measurments are only 2 weeks behind and she's moving like an athlete.
So I'm off from bedrest but still have to take it easy. Oh I will. She gave us her permission to go photoshooting on 34th week. So just 2 weeks to wait.

Zoe loves school. She has settled in really well. She's only been going 3 days and is on her 3rd hairstyle. She puts on lipbalm every morning before she goes! She's only 4!!

Tori - That sounds awful poor you!! You should be getting spoiled!

Hope everyone is ok x
Aw, Tori, poor you!! I hope the doctor can give you a little more info about why you're feeling so crap!

AnnaMaria, glad you're doing better!

Freyasmum, can't believe you're already 9 weeks! Your pregnancy seems like it's flying (not for you, I'm sure).:happydance: And congrats to Mork, that's great she got her BFP!

Flower, love your bump, what a sweet picture!

Samzi, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile...

Well, my back/ribs are still really bothering me, but I made it through work yesterday in one peice. I have an appointment with my chiropractor today after work, so hopefully that will help. AND, I have a scan tomorrow, so will also talk to my OB about it and see if there's anything he can do. Otherwise, feeling pretty good, and seahorse is bouncing around in there, so hopefully the scan will show that all is well (I always get nervous before scans).

By the way, was talking to Jenny on facebook, she's having the rest of her pregnancy removed at the hospital today, so keep her in your thoughts. Poor thing, I can't believe she still hasn't passed everything, it's like a never-ending miscarriage! Sending her :hugs:.

Have a fab day, my lovelies, and :hugs: to all I've missed!
the most amazing thing happened this morning. i literally felt pip! i had just woken up and got the doppler and just layed down and noticed one side of my bump was higher than the other. so i pressed on it a little and the right side was deff harder then the left. so i shouted mum to come over, and she had a feel too :lol: so i put the doppler exactly where pip was and heard the hb lovely and strong :cloud9: then i couldnt hold my pee in anymore, so went to the loo, laid down again and i was back to normal :rofl:
thats fab samzi.

flowertot wow 9 weeks already.

caitlen hope the aches and pains ease soon, think we all better start getting used to them though.
Watcha Ladies !

Just popped over to check up on you lucky lucky mummies !

RaeRae - 3rd tri already :wohoo:
Hiya Cazd!! Hope you're well!:hugs:

Samzi, that is so fab! Can't believe you're 17 weeks. Are you feeling any flutters yet??

Beth, thanks for the good wishes, the doctor helped a bit, though not as much as I'd hoped. I think you're right, I'd better get used to this!:dohh:

Well, excited and nervous about the scan tomorrow, and very curious to see how the seahorse is measuring. If my huge belly is any indication, then baby should be the size of a small elephant!:haha:

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