I think I've completed 99.9% of my baby shopping
Only items left on my list now are:
bag for hospital - will pick up a cheap one somewhere
slippers for hospital - will pick up a cheap pair at tesco
nursing bras - will get measured for those in a few weeks time
Other things I don't need to get just yet are:
cot bedding (got a while before baby moves into cot)
bumgenius nappies (but going to get through disposables in first couple of weeks)
breast pump (but going to wait and see if I can breastfeed before buying one of those)
swaddling blanket (but think I will be able to make do with using a normal blanket as I was an expert napkin folder in my waitress days so going to hold off buying one for now unless I see any bargains on ebay

Will no doubt buy loads more clothes once baby is here but got enough to get by initially.
Oh and DH needs to choose a swing/bouncer and a playmat as toys are "his department" apparently
Right time for a wee snooze before DH gets home and we can start building the drawers for the nursery