I used to love the little kicks - now I really freak out as it feels like this baby is going to burst through the skin sometimes - find it so uncomfortable nowadays
Well managed til lunchtime at work today and then came home and slept as was so knackered - only 4 more days to go officially but think it will be a miracle if I even manage that now, it's just ridiculous
Got home though and couldn't find Izzy (the deaf cat) so after a frantic search I eventually found her fast asleep curled up in the moses basket

- luckily I haven't taken off the plastic wrapper yet but it's a good job I've bought a cat net

Managed to get a photo of it on my phone but can't upload photos to this laptop from my phone so will try with my work laptop tomorrow.
It's DH's 40th birthday tomorrow and I'm a bit sad really as I'm not doing anything really special for him

, I've been feeling so crap lately that I'm being a useless wife

- god we haven't even had

since I got pregnant and it seems our relationship is just like flat mates nowadays

I know we both love each other to bits but it's just been such a strange year and with me feeling so crap I honestly wonder why he's still here with me

Sorry I'll stop going on now - I'm just over tired and emotional tonight and think I just need to go to bed and sleep