Knocked Up Naughties

Tori and Blondie, I am definitely exhausted. And today the seahorse decided to curl up inside my ribcage (at least, that's how it feels!) and it hurts when I sit, stand, or breathe, which made work even more unpleasant! But, we do what we have to, right? I'm not sure I'd know what to do with myself if I was home every day, though, I think I'd go crazy not being busy and just thinking about what's coming!:wacko::wacko:

Beth, maybe if I pack my bag tonight the same thing will happen to me, and my stupid ribcage will feel better!:haha:
Caitlenc you need to get on all fours and rock back and forth - make sure DH isn't there tho as mine pissed him self laughting until he gor the death stare. this allows the Seahorse to move about if only for 30 min (which it was in my case for every attempt) it will give you a releif!

George is currently using my ribs as a pushing bar which i'm not complaining as i'm hoping he's getting ready to come out :thumbup:

we're going to attempt to have a whole day out of bed today as there is so much to do before George comes. and need to go and get 3 bags 1 for me 1 for George and 1 as a changing bag. DH has set me a limit i have to budget to as I'm really bad when it comes to bags (and normaly shoes)
well all my good plans today have gone to
waste as i had to give in and sleep and good damn it was the best thing i could of done,

Caitlenc I can't believe your still not on mat leave (altho i understand why) but god damn how are you surving hun? I can't go a whole day without my eye's closing. your a better girl than me

Ladies i really don't know when I'll pop but me and George have an aggrement that he has to come at least 3 days before the 19th Nov or 1 day after the 1st of Dec the reason for this My MIL and DH have booked her a flight to come over between the 19 Nov and goes on the 1st Dec, So she can be here when George arrives and i really don't want MIL seeing me go into to labour lose my waters and possibly cry at some points. I know it may sound horrible but I feel really strongly about the bonding time you have in those vital days after giving birth and also my own privacy . But we will see may need to by a plug jus in case lol

I'm so with you there Tori - it's ridiculous just how tired I am all the time now, by the time I've had a shower and got dressed in a morning I need a nap - Caitlen - you must be superwoman :)

As for your MIL Tori - God I feel for you there - I'm dreading the MIL arriving and I've told DH not to text anyone or tell anyone until baby has been born as I don't even like the idea of him texting her to tell her I'm in labour "but she wants to send you positive thoughts" he said - "f" that I don't want her thinking of me in labour at all and if I had my way she wouldn't be coming to visit until baby is at least 18 (years that is) :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

I totaly agree with you, I'm dreading it I can honestly say i would happily stick pins in my eyes then have the MIL around at this time.

I keep going through things that could happen while she's here and the one that gets me in a complete nark is if she tries to take over i have been known not to speak to DH for at least 3 hours just thinking about it. Bless him, He's going over on thursday for a couple of days and he has a list (as big as little one's santa letter i must add) of things he has to discuss and rules of the house (ohhh listen to me i sound like me gran)

I've never met someone who dislikes there MIL as much as me it must be a northern thing.

**Just to explain to some of the ladies I'm not a nasty person and i am pleasant to my MIL face to face but a lot has happened in the past for me to react this way, and i can see what is coming with baby George and it's a case of i have to put my foot down now or things will spiral out of control and i will be looking at MIL coming back every month. which is never a good thing as she can be over controling and over bareing sometimes, Sorry a little rant there but didn't want you think i was a horrible person or anything***
Don't worry Tori - I think pretty much everyone understands :hugs: - my MIL did a fantastic job of screwing up my husbands life which I finally resolved by talking him into going to counselling when we first met - she only thought it the right time to tell him that his "dad" was not the person on his birth certificate when he was 30! and even then it's only been this year (he is now 40!) that she has finally told us about who his dad is and we think he is dead now as searches have proved fruitless - so aside from robbing my DH of a father, marrying 4 times and managing to screw up each one of those and put my DH through a misery of a childhood - if she thinks she can now even try to wade in and tell me how to raise my child she has another think coming :)

Whereas my parents have been married 45 years, raised 5 kids who are all close to each other and get on like a house on fire and are happy as ever :) My family is very much a lower "class" to the MIL but my god it's a billion times nicer to be around than his :)

Sorry rant over :rofl: :rofl:

Right hospital bags today - that is my mission!

Caitlen - get an ice cube and hold it on the top of your bump - seahorse will soon head south to warmer climate :rofl: :rofl: - I've tried it and it seems to work - gosh I'm a cruel horrible mummy :rofl:
thats a fab idea blondie, not cruel at all you need to breath!

tori, no one thinks your horrid, im so lucky i dont have a MIL to worry about.
Thanks for all the advice, girls, I'll have to try these things today. Hopefully they'll help!:shrug:

I am fortunate that my MIL, who I actually adore, lives over in the UK, and I only have to deal with her a couple of times a year. I do wonder if I would like her so much if I actually had to deal with her more?:haha:
hey all, just back from midwife.

she had a bit of trouble finding the heartbeat which had me worried a bit cos i hadnt felt him all afternoon, but she then found the heartbeat and all is perfect, he has shifted right round from where he was last and is now head down all over on my right. :happydance: which explains why i sometimes think my bump looks lopsided.

she described him as an archy baby, lol. he is measuring bang on my dates at 30 cm. hb 148.

i also asked about the swine flu vaccine and we went and spoke to the practice nurse and as i expected, i cant have it cos im allergic to eggs, so at least that stops me trying to decied whether to have it or not.
Rae he is sooo gorgeous you must be a very proud mum, congratultions.

Topaz, I don't know what to do about the swine flu jabs either :shrug: I've never had full blown flu (touch wood) but because I'm in and out of hospitals all day knowing my luck I'll probably catch it, I'm just worried about the risks to the baby.

I feel very lucky, my MIL is great, we get on really well and she will even be looking after LO when he/she is born as she's a childminder anyway, I can talk to her frankly so if she annoys me I would just tell her as she's very easy going.

Well I'm over 14 weeks now and I noticed that me and Freyasmum moved up another notch on our trackers, :happydance: I've got my next midwife appointment next Wednesday so I'm hoping to hear the heartbeat as I've not heard it as of yet. Where did everyone get their doppler thingys from?

Anyway enough for now, hugs to you all. xx
Hey all.
You all make me laugh, with the compaining about the MIL. It's such a cliche, isn't it? I've never had much chance to dislike mine - she was half a world away when we met & married, and I only met her a couple of times. Sadly she died 3 years ago.

I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow. I'm excited about it, but also very nervous. I am so worried that she won't be able to find the heartbeat...
I am, however, looking forward to getting confirmation on my dates. I'm leaning towards what was on the 12 week scan, which would put me at 15 + 1 today. I haven't updated my ticker yet though. Thought I'd wait till tomorrow.
Tell you what though, I'm glad my ticker moved on from the box talking about baby peeing!! :rofl: I mean, of course I know it happens, I just don't think I need a constant reminder!

You girls are so organised, packing for the hospital already. I didn't bother with Freya, until I got my induction date (figured seeing as I knew the date I really ought to do it!). Guess I was lucky she was so late!!
Hey all.
You all make me laugh, with the compaining about the MIL. It's such a cliche, isn't it? I've never had much chance to dislike mine - she was half a world away when we met & married, and I only met her a couple of times. Sadly she died 3 years ago.

I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow. I'm excited about it, but also very nervous. I am so worried that she won't be able to find the heartbeat...
I am, however, looking forward to getting confirmation on my dates. I'm leaning towards what was on the 12 week scan, which would put me at 15 + 1 today. I haven't updated my ticker yet though. Thought I'd wait till tomorrow.
Tell you what though, I'm glad my ticker moved on from the box talking about baby peeing!! :rofl: I mean, of course I know it happens, I just don't think I need a constant reminder!

You girls are so organised, packing for the hospital already. I didn't bother with Freya, until I got my induction date (figured seeing as I knew the date I really ought to do it!). Guess I was lucky she was so late!!

Nope Freyasmum I'm not that organised but have to be by the end of the day as I'm stopping at my mums for the next 4 days while DH is away and I told my mum i have already packed to rest her mind so if i don't turn up with three bags she'll go nuts bless her.

Good luck with the MW appointment hun x
the first batch of the naughty babies will soon be here :happydance:
Oooh, last box!!! Can't believe it, never thought we'd get here!:happydance:

Pipkin, I got my doppler online, I can't remember the website, but there are a bunch of them. I think it's a great investment for peace of mind, I used mine a whole lot. I have the hi-BeBe one.

Beth, so glad all went well with your midwife. :happydance: You're moving right along, girl!

Pip, I had the swine flu vaccine last week, and have had no side effects. My doctor told me if his wife was pregnant he'd have her get it, which was enough for me.

Samzi, how are you feeling?

Freyasmum, good luck at the midwife, I know you'll hear a nice strong heartbeat!:thumbup:

:hugs: to all I've missed!
Im good thanks cait :) got the MW today for 24 week appt even though im not 24 week till sunday :lol:
So, girls, I went to my OB yesterday (I now have to go once a week, what about you?). Anyway, everything looked good, and they did my Strep B swab, and then he checked my cervix. Apparently I am 1cm dialated and 30% effaced. It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but he said it was a good sign for a first pregnancy, and it hopefully means I'll go on time. He also said if I ended up needing to be induced, it is much easier when the woman has already started dialating.

But the cutest thing was when I told DH I was 1cm, and he goes "OMG, does that mean you're in labor?" and got all excited. Bless.:haha:
awe bless hubby, def a good sign you wont go over.

im still on 3 weekly visits to midwife but after 34 weeks we go to 2 weekly then weekly once you hit 40 weeks. im hoping i wont get there though.

im already planning on a reflexology session to try and encourage him to come just that bit early, i really want him here for christmas so my family can have a drink over christmas, other wise they will all be joining me on the pop incase i go into labour and need driving to the hospital.
OMG last box :happydance:

Just back from Holland and Barratts where I've been stocking up on Raspberry Leaf Tea, Clary Sage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. Give it a couple more weeks and I'll be starting the eviction process :rofl:

I'm on 2 weekly visits at the moment - have been since 28 weeks due to weight issues - we don't get internals here until labour or overdue Caitlen so no idea whether I'm dilating or not yet. I think once I get passed next Wednesday ( when DH is away for the night) I'll be happy to go anytime after that :) Just want to see my little baby now :cloud9:

Last night DH upset me a bit as he said he didn't understand this whole bonding with the bump business - he has probably only felt baby moving a couple of times as he just doesn't like it. I'm sure once baby is here he will be fine but at the moment I feel a bit like a freak as he just doesn't want to touch me :cry:
Blondie, my OH was the same. He was a bit weirded out by the whole baby-in-there thing. He didn't even once feel Freya moving. I was a bit upset about it too, but as soon as Freya was born he was so in love.
I think it can be hard for our partners, because they are not as intimately connected to baby as we are.

You are by no means a freak!! :)
Mines was the same at first (still does if he's honest) it freaked him out just watching my belly move like waves, and he did explain that he knew George was in there but it was surreal to him as he couldn't feel the kicks all the time he could just see them, We're as me i feel them everyday and am so use to them i hardly know they are there most of the time.

Your not a freak chick not at all hun

Have you completed your mission of packing your bags yet?
Caitlenc: we tend not to have internals over here until 38-40 weeks, I went to see MW today and all she would do was confirm he is head down (which is a start i suppose) glad yours went well chick,

Primrose, Sage oil and raspberry leaf tea all the way for us three now lets see if it works.


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