Mjt, that is great news!!

Hopefully your scan will go well, can't wait to hear all about it!
Yeah, 12 weeks isn't nearly long enough...I am going to try to take a leave of absence next year, so hopefully will get a year in with the seahorse before sending it to daycare...my mom is watching the baby when I go back in March, since I will be off for summer holiday at the end of June, so it's only a few months.

I think leabving my LO, even just with my mom, is gonna be awful.
Blondie, can't wait to see the maternity pics!!

I'm sure your sis will let you post them, it is free advertising, after all!
Well, after today, I have only 13 days of school left before mat leave, since I have to take a day off for DH's greencard interview on the 9th, and we have a federal holiday on the 11th!