Awww, Jenny, of course you should try again!

I think you have a great attitude, and often women get pregnant quite quickly after a miscarriage. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and Paul, and you must stay with the knocked-up naughties and keep us posted on your journey. You are still one of us. I am so sorry for your loss, sweetie.
Samzi, Yay for 12 weeks!!!

Well, 24 weeks today, and so we're VIABLE!

Congrats Tori and Blondie, can't believe we made it this far!
Well, things here have been good, other than the fact that yesterday I had a very scary dizzy spell when I woke up, like the whole room was spinning/shifting. Chris got me food, and I felt better after I ate. Then this morning I am a bit dizzy again, not as bad as yesterday, though. Wonder what's going on with me?

It's freaking me out a bit...