Hi ladies,
I'm finaly back in the uk and a little more tanned than before (although i have a very white tummy as George really doesn't like heat or flying for the matter)
We went away with DH family and to be honest it's going to take at least a month to get over it!
Bumps huge now which i love
blondie: yay you you've got a bump at last i can now stop being jealous of you and you flat tummy, although i'm sure when you have LO you'll go back to your pre preg tummy and i will be on a lighter life for a while lol
Caitlenc: long island again? lol is it your second home now? your dizzy spells will go i had this with DD and i was ok after a dose of the dreaded iron pills grrr there just awful (but good for you and bump in he long run)
Beth: 20 weeks already god your seems to flying by faster than us 3 at 25 week and congrats on being on bump blue yay for us, i'm sure once george and your kitten comes out we can compare how fast we get the nappie on them before they pee on us
Jenny: Hun i'm so sorry for your loss but you really are the bravest person i know i can't imagen where you get your stregh from but keep it up your a true model for us all
Rae Rae: thrid Tri already, i keep looking over in the threads and each time they remind me of what i haven't got for the baby etc not long before us 3 join you tho!
Samzi: your pics are so cute you must be so proud

msmith how are you today?
To any ladies i've missed i'm so sorry butn i'm a little tired and have just managed to read all 25 pages i missed since i left.
well i'm going to buy the furniture soon for the nusery and also decided on boarders and beds for DD as i feel she needs new everything now so she doesn't feel left out and also to fill up her new room as it twice as big as hers at the moment,
I'm also trying my hardest now to freak out at all the dust the builders have caused it's hard tho as i have OCD and this is one area i find i can't control when i'm stressed so DH has made me a safe area of where i can go and clean to my hearts content or just to get away from it all, He's been lovely over the last month and i really don't know what i would do without him
well i'm off to burn my Credit card
love to all
me and George (who may be called Myles or Orry)