So ladies I made another thread but just gonna post it here cause I'm confused and need your ladies help (I'm copying and pasting cause I'm lazy lol)
So I'm using fertility friend for the first time this cycle, and charting for the first time! I love ff and am starting to love charting. So I had a problem this cycle. On cd15 I got a peak reading on the Clearblue Advanced digital ovulation test (smiley face) and only a high reading on my clearblue fertility monitor. So I put peak in on ff and a few days later it guessed my o day as cd19. I stopped testing because I thought I had already o'd but ff kept saying info didnt match up so I decided to change the peak reading to high and it changed my o day to cd23, and everything else lined up. I dont know if I should think I'm 10dpo or 6dpo.
Also the clearn blue advanced digital ovulation test sticks were a few months expired (not sure if this makes a difference)
Also I went to the dr the day I got my peak for a post coital test, which is supposed to be done right before o, dr told us he couldn't find any sperm, if the test was done too early it would have been a false test, So I guess I'm hoping ff is right.
I would love any advice, thank you in advance. Oh and by the way I have been testing since I thought I was 10dpo, so thankful for ic or I would be broke lol