Okay, first of all, how are you temping? Your temps are all over the place and you have a lot of empty circles which means you are probably not testing at the same time everyday. I saw you had a +OPK last cycle and then your period came 14 days later. So, it seems to me, that you probably have a 14 day LP, which means you should ovulate exactly 14 days before your period is due. Even if you have wonky cycles, the LP never really changes. Mine is 12 days and its always 12 days even if I have a 31 day cycle, 35 day cycle or, like this month, a 43 day cycle.
Second, in order to have a period every month, that means that you are ovulating at some point. For myself, I didn't ovulate for the past 7 months, so I didn't have a period naturally. I had to take progesterone to get a period.
So, if you are wanting to figure out your ovulation better, my suggestion is to first be sure to take your temp at the EXACT same time every day, no exceptions. I personally set an alarm at 6:00 am every morning which is way before I normally get up, but it makes sure that my temps are accurate. Also, once you take your temp, you can not get out of bed or anything, you need to lie there and take your temp the second you wake up. Lastly, you need to sleep atleast 3-4 hours straight through before you take your temp. If you have a restless night, or go to bed really late, your temps the next morning won't be accurate.
Anyway, I hope that helps!