Laprascopy and Pregnancy/Birth


May 10, 2010
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End of March this year I had a laprascopy (key-hole surgery in simple terms).

After having read just some general articles about scars etc and how long it all takes before it's back to "normal" I really wonder if anyone here know how long after a laprascopy you can get pregnant without it doing any damage to what I have had closed together inside my stomach and also the scars on the skins.
Also if it would have any effect on what kind of birth I would have to have? We are TTC in 2011 so the birth would be at the earliest in October.

I really hate scars and I can barely even touch them without feeling that I have ripped it open and starts stinging :blush:
Hm, sorry I can't help you but didn't want to read and run. I think the only useful thing to do in your situation is speak to your doctors. Only they can tell you if and how your particular situation is going to impact a pregnancy. But I would think if they haven't mentioned it so far you'll probably be ok?
I have just had a lap on Thursday. You can get pregnant as soon as the month after and it not cause any harm.

What did you have done? Anything removed? Did they find anything?

hi hun, I've not had a laprascopy but have had a c-section and I was told to leave it at least a year between pregancies (ie, LO was born Dec 09 so I should avoid pregnancy until Dec 10), but everyone heals at different rates and I have heard of some women getting pregnant just a few months after c-section :thumbup: Obviously a C-section is a much bigger procedure than a lap (in the way that they open up the uterus with a bigger incision) and assuming you didnt have anything done/removed then you shold be fine to TTC pretty quickly.

As said though, your Doc is the best person to ask as every one heals differently and it could take longer/shorter for you to heal fully :flower:
I have just had a lap on Thursday. You can get pregnant as soon as the month after and it not cause any harm.

What did you have done? Anything removed? Did they find anything?


The shoulder pain is the worst! Feeling with you :hugs:

They thought it was my appendix but couldn't find anything wrong with it. But they did find lots of liquid all over my abdomen so they removed that and had a look at all my organs to see that they where healthy etc (including my womb and ovaries which was a bit of a relief for me). So the pain I had is gone now and thank god for that :thumbup: Did you have anything specific or just for diagnosis?

hi hun, I've not had a laprascopy but have had a c-section and I was told to leave it at least a year between pregancies (ie, LO was born Dec 09 so I should avoid pregnancy until Dec 10), but everyone heals at different rates and I have heard of some women getting pregnant just a few months after c-section :thumbup: Obviously a C-section is a much bigger procedure than a lap (in the way that they open up the uterus with a bigger incision) and assuming you didnt have anything done/removed then you shold be fine to TTC pretty quickly.

As said though, your Doc is the best person to ask as every one heals differently and it could take longer/shorter for you to heal fully :flower:

I can understand a c-section being way longer than a laprascopy. The incisions I have are very tiny, both on the skin and inside and with nothing removed (that's supposed to be there anyway) the healing time can't surely be as long as a year!

I didn't ask my doctor as we had not decided yet that we were going to TTC :blush: And even now it's still some time left for it.
I had a lap in November to check out ovarian cysts (make sure they weren't endometriomas)--turns out they were just blood filled cysts that I get sometimes, but they must resolve themselves because they were gone when we did the lap--go figure. We were looking for endometriosis too, since my mom had a super bad case of it in her mid-late 30's and had a full hysterectomy. Not only were all my cysts gone but she didn't see any signs of endo, at least nothing visible.

So I had that in November, my IUD removed 3 mo later, and doc never mentioned a thing about getting pregnant too early after lap. I will be 7 months past the lap before we start trying.

I think you'll be fine since the incisions and scars are small. Best of luck!

Oh and yes--that shoulder pain. Worst pain ever up to this point in my life....
Yeah shoulder pain is awful has eased off now thankfully. Just got a bit of bruising round my incisions.

It was just for diagnosis. I had suspected endo but just turns out I have an ovary full of scar tissue which is most likely causing the pain and a blocked tube as they did a dye test whilst they were in there. Both on my left side so I guess I am lucky.

I'm glad you both didn't find anything extreme when you had yours :flower: The worst part for me was going in for diagnosis and just being scared that there was going to be bad news after you wake up.

And that pain, honestly I sat in one position for 3 days. Slept like that and everything only got up to go to the toilet!

So do any of you have to have another lap then?

No second lap for me. Mine was diagnostic and I was given a clean bill of health from it, sans the ovary cysts that seem to be cyclical. Since they go away on their own and stay fairly small, I don't have to worry about them. I don't think I started getting cysts until I had the Mirena coil--so now that that has been out for 4 months, I'm hoping the cysts will also become less prevalent, and I think they have--no more pain with sex, no more random spotting and sharp pains. I do love having the photos of my ovaries, tubes,'s pretty cool. She said everything looked pretty in there ;)

The bruising was pretty bad on me. My surgery was Tuesday before T-giving. My SO proposed to me on Thanksgiving day and then we went to the beach on Friday, so 3 days later I wore jeans to the bruising that night was really really bad, scary looking. I should have not worn jeans that early! We took it easy on the beach day but I was pretty well feeling normal by that day (Friday).
That's great :hugs: I don't know so much about cysts so just have to ask! How did you get the pictures of your ovaries and that tho? Did you just ask them?

I didn't have any bruising at all actually. I was fine to do most things about 5 days after the operation but I do feel maybe I pushed myself a bit to "get well" fast as I went to London (the whole tourist part. Walked around literally for 3 days and loads of people and stress) And when I got home from that everything was aching and I was told to take it easy. After a month I wore some suit trousers that were a bit tight (ahem :blush:) and later that day I took them off it really fell like I had ripped something open in there and it was quite uncomfortable... again.

Hate not being able to manage what I normally manage :nope:
dang, i just lost my entire post--quicker reply now...

i was going to try and post an image of the bruising i had 9 days post surgery...but it won't work. oh well...i don't know how to do it, or if it's possible.

as for photos-my doctor just printed them out when she came to talk to me right after surgery. she was great--sat down and told me what everything was and labeled them for me--R. ovary, L. ovary, R tube, L tube, liver, appendix etc...the ovaries are really cool looking--everything is so pink and dark color and then there are these two beautiful white ovaries...they stand out in all the other stuff because they are so white.
your doc should be able to give you copies of the images they took. they would have them on file still....or they should?
Seems the forum has been down some minutes at a time this past hour!

Certainly would be interesting to see that. Some google pictures show them as really white and stand out as you say. But it must be so cool having pictures of what your insides look like :thumbup:

I don't know if they took any. After all they only found liquids.
I had a laparotomy which is the vertical scar from belly button down at the end of Feb 09 due to having a large ovarian cyst and my right ovary removed aswell as part of my abdomen wall. I was told at my 8 week check to try for a baby ASAP and it was this time last year I found out I was pregnant and now have a healthy 4 month old. Yes, my tummy muscles are all mucked up as I couldnt bend for 8 weeks after op, then decided not to bend when I was pregnant so I need to work on toning them now. Obviously my op was more intense on my body than yours, I guess what I'm saying is that it is possible and I had complete backing from Doctors and specialists. If anything, all the midwives and obstetricians said how lucky I was getting pregnant at all, and how quickly. Funnily enough I'm off for a scan this morning on my left ovary to make sure there isnt any cysts appear on that one. Really dont want to have to go through that again! x
I had a laparotomy which is the vertical scar from belly button down at the end of Feb 09 due to having a large ovarian cyst and my right ovary removed aswell as part of my abdomen wall. I was told at my 8 week check to try for a baby ASAP and it was this time last year I found out I was pregnant and now have a healthy 4 month old. Yes, my tummy muscles are all mucked up as I couldnt bend for 8 weeks after op, then decided not to bend when I was pregnant so I need to work on toning them now. Obviously my op was more intense on my body than yours, I guess what I'm saying is that it is possible and I had complete backing from Doctors and specialists. If anything, all the midwives and obstetricians said how lucky I was getting pregnant at all, and how quickly. Funnily enough I'm off for a scan this morning on my left ovary to make sure there isnt any cysts appear on that one. Really dont want to have to go through that again! x

I'm sorry to hear about your problems :hugs: Can't imagine what it must be like to have a big surgery to then be told to TTC as soon as possible. I would be terrified if I couldn't become pregnant as a result of the cyst and the operation! It's nice to see that you now got a gorgeous LO. Just shows what wonders the body is capable of even if the odds are against it.

What I had was nothing compared to you. I just imagine it's worse than what it is because I cringe at the thought of scars :blush: So this thread has made me not so worried

Good luck on your scan today. I hope everything checks out okay for you :flower:
I had a laparotomy which is the vertical scar from belly button down at the end of Feb 09 due to having a large ovarian cyst and my right ovary removed aswell as part of my abdomen wall. I was told at my 8 week check to try for a baby ASAP and it was this time last year I found out I was pregnant and now have a healthy 4 month old. Yes, my tummy muscles are all mucked up as I couldnt bend for 8 weeks after op, then decided not to bend when I was pregnant so I need to work on toning them now. Obviously my op was more intense on my body than yours, I guess what I'm saying is that it is possible and I had complete backing from Doctors and specialists. If anything, all the midwives and obstetricians said how lucky I was getting pregnant at all, and how quickly. Funnily enough I'm off for a scan this morning on my left ovary to make sure there isnt any cysts appear on that one. Really dont want to have to go through that again! x

I'm sorry to hear about your problems :hugs: Can't imagine what it must be like to have a big surgery to then be told to TTC as soon as possible. I would be terrified if I couldn't become pregnant as a result of the cyst and the operation! It's nice to see that you now got a gorgeous LO. Just shows what wonders the body is capable of even if the odds are against it.

What I had was nothing compared to you. I just imagine it's worse than what it is because I cringe at the thought of scars :blush: So this thread has made me not so worried

Good luck on your scan today. I hope everything checks out okay for you :flower:

Thanks Lady. I am sure you will be fine and be getting that BFP before you know it. It was a tough year. Due to get married on valentines day but in January the specialist made me cancel my honeymoon as I could rupture, and wanted the wedding cancelled too. No way!!! And then to be operated on by a cancer surgeon at the age of 29 and not really know whats happening. I think what some people dont understand is the emotional strain on you too, not just physical. I grieved for my ovary (I sound mad don't i?), and had the most awful nightmare after my op which I think had something to do with the anaesthetic and it still haunts me now. But my marriage is strong and we started off with the crapest year and made it, so here's to the fab years ahead.

You are only human to be worried, concerned, anxious, the list is endless. A scar though is just a mark on the outside, a story to tell. It is the person on the inside that is important. stay strong and healthy x
Thanks Lady. I am sure you will be fine and be getting that BFP before you know it. It was a tough year. Due to get married on valentines day but in January the specialist made me cancel my honeymoon as I could rupture, and wanted the wedding cancelled too. No way!!! And then to be operated on by a cancer surgeon at the age of 29 and not really know whats happening. I think what some people dont understand is the emotional strain on you too, not just physical. I grieved for my ovary (I sound mad don't i?), and had the most awful nightmare after my op which I think had something to do with the anaesthetic and it still haunts me now. But my marriage is strong and we started off with the crapest year and made it, so here's to the fab years ahead.

You are only human to be worried, concerned, anxious, the list is endless. A scar though is just a mark on the outside, a story to tell. It is the person on the inside that is important. stay strong and healthy x

What a year! I would say it's only natural to grieve over something that is such a huge part of being female. And also especially at the age of 29, so young!

That which does not kill you makes you stronger, and in your case that definitely counts :hugs:
I was up doing the washing and making my OH tea last night as he is crap at looking after me. Got fed up of his huffing and puffing.

I got pictures but they are in my medical notes I didnt take them away was interesting to have a look though.

If I have trouble TTC when I am actually allowed I will maybe be given clomid and if that doesnt work they may try and fix my broken tube so I may have to have another op. Nothing is definate though.

Also I had the lap cause of pain. If my ovary keeps giving me pain they may just remove it. Have to see how I get on.

An interesting side note for you magpies--my doctor told me that for some reason many women who experience pain before lap (pain with sex, pain with periods, pain for no reason etc...) often have less pain after lap, even if nothing was done or found. she suggested it could have something to do with the temporary distention of the abdomen during the surgery--sort of allowing things to move around some and resettle. I know it sounds strange, but here's hoping your pain will subside!
4magpies: Hoping that you don't have to take that route :hugs:

membas: It's true what you say. They say that might be the reason my pain is gone as liquids might not be something that will cause pains.
Well my tube on that side is blocked anyway so its not like my ovary on that side is much use! Haha.


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