Pulling out the lip is a great step! If you can do that, don't worry so much about getting the latch right from the start, just fix it and you're helping to train them to do it right. They really do get better at it and as their mouths get bigger its easier for them. The important thing right now is to not have it hurt. I remember how hard it was with flailing arms, baby falling asleep after only a few sucks etc... get through that phase first and then worry about the rest
My LO does the same, the only way i can make her get a good latch is waiting for her to scream the house down, then when she is in mid scream whack it in haha! but obviously for night feeds and when out this isnt the best! so i tend to let her have her own way when screaming isnt an option. im hoping as she grows she will learn, it doesnt hurt when she does it her way and she still gets her milk so im not worried.
how the hell do you manage to pull out their bottom lip? how many hands do you women have? lol! i have 1 holding LO, 1 holding boob which takes it in turn to hols back hands which like to push my boob away but it has to be quick otherwise Lo will end up smothering under the excess boobage lol! xx
Lol... well you have to hold them with one hand, hold your breast with the other, then when you have them latched, support their bodies with a pillow... I think I used my thumb that was holding the baby to pop the lip out. When you hold the baby in cradle hold, tuck their butt into the crook of your arm, support the base of their neck with the webbing between your thumb and forefinger.
I did find the football/rugby hold to help since his body didn't have to be held so much in that position and I could just worry about holding my giant breast in position. That came with its own problems though as he liked to kick off the back of the chair I was sitting on without letting go of my nipple..