Hi ladies,
I had an early miscarriage Nov 15th and got my first period exactly 6 weeks later. This next cycle I tried OPK's and got a positive reading with two different brands on CD 34. However, now I'm CD 56 with no sign of AF and BFN's (last tested at CD 53). My cycles have always been irregular, but I've only once gone over 50 days.
I wrote my OB and they said it seemed strange that I got a positive OPK but haven't had AF yet. Their advice was to keep testing and if no period by CD 90 to come in get a provera injection to jump start my cycle.
Has this happened to anyone else, where your 2nd cycle after miscarrriage was very late? How long did it take to get back to normal? Would love to hear some of your experiences!
I had an early miscarriage Nov 15th and got my first period exactly 6 weeks later. This next cycle I tried OPK's and got a positive reading with two different brands on CD 34. However, now I'm CD 56 with no sign of AF and BFN's (last tested at CD 53). My cycles have always been irregular, but I've only once gone over 50 days.
I wrote my OB and they said it seemed strange that I got a positive OPK but haven't had AF yet. Their advice was to keep testing and if no period by CD 90 to come in get a provera injection to jump start my cycle.
Has this happened to anyone else, where your 2nd cycle after miscarrriage was very late? How long did it take to get back to normal? Would love to hear some of your experiences!