Late arrival of my gorgeous boy, Kane!


Mummy to 2 beautiful boys
Feb 21, 2009
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My boy is 2 weeks old now, I'm so bad at typing these things up! :blush:

Kane was due on the 12th September, but was a no show and ended up being born on the 24th September at 11.21am, 14 days overdue! Weighing 7lbs 13oz :cloud9:

I was due to be induced on the 24th September, woke up that morning with pains in my lower back. I'd been losing my plug for 3 days, decided to phone the labour ward and see what they said. The midwife on duty said I was going into labour myself and to not bother going in today! :dohh: Asked what I should do if the pains become more intense etc, she said I could phone the Midwife Led Ward. I was chuffed about this as I really wanted a water birth, and the Midwife Led Ward was brand new and was more like a hotel, my OH could stay over and as many visitors as I wanted, unlike the labour ward which was 2 visitors at a time, and the visiting hours were strict :nope:

I tried to stay home for as long as possible, so that afternoon decided to go up my mums to get out so OH could drive me over all the humps :rofl:
It was around 3pm or so and my contractions in my back were coming every few minutes, had my mum rubbing my back (she was a star!) decided to phone the Midwife Led Ward and see what they said, they advised me to take paracetemol and if the pains become more intense to phone back. I lasted another hour I think before the pain got to much, phoned back and they told me to go in.

Arrived at the hospital with my mum and OH, was monitored and given an internal and I was only bloody 2cms :growlmad:
As I was 14 days overdue and the little guy was back to back with me, the midwife decided I should be consultant led as it was going to be a 'long and painful labour' :shock:
So I got transferred upstairs and stayed overnight, didn't get much sleep as the pains were becoming more intense and the room had 3 other women in who were in the same boat as me so you can imagine the noises!
The next day my mum and OH came back up that morning, the midwife advised me to keep on my feet to help things along, so in my hospital gown and socks me, OH and my mum walk down to the concourse to buy food and magazines and had god knows how many contractions on the way!
That afternoon I started on the gas and air, while bouncing on my ball - was great! Took alot of the edge off.
Later that afternoon I was checked and was around 5cm, so finally got transferred to my own room!

This is where all the drama started.... I was checked by a midwife who was going to look after me all night, she sweeped around my cervix and said he had alot of hair :)happydance:) and my waters could be broken if I wanted, which I agreed to - Didn't even feel them being broken, was weird feeling all warm lol. Was put back on the dreaded monitors (Bloody hated them! :growlmad:)
Was checked again later in the evening and I was 9cm, I was so proud of myself for doing it on just gas and air :smug: they decided to let me go another few hours then see if I was fully dilated - I was then checked again, I had gone back DOWN to 6cm!!! I couldn't believe it neither could the midwifes, they had never seen it happen before. My mum then let them know it happened to her on my brother, her womb contracted him back up :wacko:
By this time I was knackered, in alot of pain - each contraction in my back I had my mum and OH either side rubbing my back. Around 3am myself and the midwifes decided it would be in my best interest to have an epidural so I could get some rest for the next day.
I finally managed to get some rest, the midwife was fantastic and stayed with me all night, my OH and mum stayed to - my mum bless her had work at 8am! She left at 6am to go, but her works let her come back and she was back with me at 10am.

Was checked at 9.30am and was fully dilated :happydance: and could start pushing, I was pushing for an hour or so. My OH was brilliant, he told me when a contraction was coming and when to push as I couldn't feel them. Midwife then went to get the doctor as the baby wasn't coming down - as he was back to back with me, but had tried to turn he hadn't turned fully and was in an awkward position. So they decided to interven and take me to surgery for a forceps delivery, the midwife who had looked after me all night had to go as it was a shift change but said she would come see me later.
The new midwife thought she was a complete know it all :dohh: and said I'll probably end up having a c-section, the doctor was adament I would be able to deliver with forceps.
Only one person could come with me into theatre, so my OH came looking very swish in his blue gown and hat :rofl:
I was starting to get scared as I had to have a top up with my epidural and they were rubbing ice cubes over me asking if I could feel it, if it was cold or wet :wacko: was so scared of getting it wrong!

I was finally ready, the doctor was great 3 pushes, with the help of forceps and my little guy was finally here!! They had to take him straight away as I had grade 3 meconium and he had fluid on his lungs. As soon as he was placed on my chest I burst out crying - he was gorgeous :cloud9:
They then took him back off me to clean him up etc, the team I had in surgery were great and we were all placing bets at how much he would weigh :rofl:
OH also cut the cord, which I didn't think he would do! The doctor spent ages stitching me up, as I was given an episiotomy and I also tore. I also lost 100mls of blood (Only realized when I got home and checked my folder!)

I was then allowed home on the 27th :) So sorry, this is a right essay!!

The little mark on his head is from the forceps.
Well done lovely!!! you and little kane are Both troopers!!!


c0ongratulations on your little man he is beautiful.x.

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