Late ovulation


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2014
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Just wandering if many women ovulate late in their cycle? I don't have a clue if/when I ovulate. I had a little cramping this morning, a little cramping Sunday morning, and some around Christmas eve. I don't want to use OPKs just yet as we are having a relaxed approach for now so just wandering how other ladies ovulation dates work? I'm on cd 25 of a 30-32 day cycle (they vary between 30-32 days)
Hi there! It can really range with each individual. I have a 30 day cycle and I had assumed that I ovulated on day 17 with a 14 day luteal phase (the length of time form when you ovulate to when your period begins). However, using my temps and opks I found that I tend to ovulate on cycle day 14 and have a 16 day luteal phase- this was really useful to me :-)

One other way to tell is to notice your cervical mucus. It tends to get watery as you enter your fertile period and then gets to be the consistence of egg whites before ovulation- those are your most fertile days.

Good luck!
Thanks spiritbear, I find it so helpful to hear about other women even though I know I am different. Thank you :)
It is very common for women to ovulate late in their cycle. I saw a woman post that she ovulated late CD20s and still got a BFP. I guess everyone body is different. I don't even have a clue when I ovulate. My cycles are so out of whack right now!!
Thanks lilegg2014. I don't track or use OPKs so it's hard to know when best time is to bd so it might have to be every other day or every three days if we can keep up with that lol. Women's bodies are a strange thing!!
Thanks lilegg2014. I don't track or use OPKs so it's hard to know when best time is to bd so it might have to be every other day or every three days if we can keep up with that lol. Women's bodies are a strange thing!!

I don't either hun! But I might have to next cycle with the OPKs. I have been keeping a close eye on my body but its pretty hard to tell when I O. Gonna buy bulk OPKs off eBay if I am not pg this cycle. I'm on cd22/23 today. Last cycle was 25 days long and one before was 46 days long. Hopefully this is also 25 day cycle as I've got very promising symptoms!! I bd every night if I can. Sometimes I get in those moods where I don't do it for a few days straight. So could miss it then! Gah! Patience it is then 😩
Yeah I've been keeping an eye on my body too but I don't know if the bit of cramping I get is O or not lol i, hoping we'll manage to conceive without all the fuss of OPKs etc I couldn't be bothered with that! Lol. I have a pack here but yet to use them! Are you ttc ATM?
Same! I am having slight cramps today and I'm not sure what that is from. As my last cycle was 25 days then if I'm not pg I should be due my AF in the next 2/3 days. I'm not sure if the symptoms I'm experiencing is because of AF or what. In a way I wouldn't mind if AF did arrive on CD25 then at least I'd be regular? I'm not using OPKs atm no, and I'm TTC yes. Have been since July! How long have you been TTC for?
It's so difficult to know isn't it?! So many people manage to conceive without OPKs so I'm hoping I'll be one of them! Lol. Yeah it would help you knowing you've got regular cycles, have they been irregular for a while now? Are you ttc #1?

Well DH and I said we would ttc from my January cycle, however just after Christmas he didn't bother putting a condom on which started us a little earlier I guess lol but not early enough to call it a month of ttc. I think we were too late to have caught that egg but have had symptoms but trying not to get my hopes high! X
Yeah they have been irregular since I got onto the depo. Worst mistake of my life. Heard so many stories about it and I wasn't told by the doctor it could take up to a year for my fertility to return. He just said it was a nice effective contraceptive. I've had two pregnancies. The first one was nearly 5 years ago and that was a little girl. I lost her to turner syndrome when I was 18 weeks pregnant. I also lost a baby through MMC last February at 8weeks 4days. I went on the depo in the April so ran out July last year. Been trying ever since. My proper AF returned after depo on Oct 2nd and that cycle lasted 46 days which meant I got my next cycle on November 17th. That cycle lasted 25 days. I am now on the next cycle and I'm on CD22/23. I have some pg symptoms and some hpts. Trying to hold out until Wednesday just in case its too early to pick up!
Hopefully it doesn't take you too long to catch the egg! I'm getting too impatient now 😩
So sorry for your losses, I can't begin to imagine what you've been through.

I hope your cycles become regular and if AF is going to come this month it'll be in the next few days! What symptoms have you had so far? I am also getting impatient, mentioned I might test Thursday but DH said just to wait until the weekend to see if AF arrives! Hope the week flies by! Lol.
Its okay, I'm a very strong person inside! Runs in my family's genes. I will miss the everyday but I have to make them proud! 😊
I can't tell if I even ovulated this cycle but yes you're right. If my last cycle was 25 days I could be due soon. Depends how the depo and if the depot is still messing with me.

My symptoms today. I have quite a lot. Over the last few nights have had some really strange dreams that don't make sense. I woke up in the early hours drenched in sweat, honestly I was so shocked. It was cold sweats. Ive been having broken sleep too. I had a scratchy throat earlier, took some painkillers and its alright now. I feel a bit wet down there but not overly. I've had light cramps and very slight back pain. In the mornings as well for the last few days I've been dry retching and actually sick twice. My sense of smell has been heightened as I could smell things my OH couldnt smell. I could smell sewage and it was really weird. I really haven't got my hopes up cause all this could be AF making her way or the tricks of the depo. Who knows! Try and hold out the testing and I will too. I'm just so curious and a little convinced
I forgot to mention my breasts have been achy and my nipples are sore to the touch and look bigger and slightly different colour.
Just wandering if many women ovulate late in their cycle? I don't have a clue if/when I ovulate. I had a little cramping this morning, a little cramping Sunday morning, and some around Christmas eve. I don't want to use OPKs just yet as we are having a relaxed approach for now so just wandering how other ladies ovulation dates work? I'm on cd 25 of a 30-32 day cycle (they vary between 30-32 days)

Hey MummyKP, it's a good idea to take a relaxed approach. My ovulation varies between CD19-21 and my cycle varied between 33-35 days. 13-14 days of luteal phase.

If your cycle is 30-32 days long and your CD25 today, then I'd say your at least 4-6 days past ovulation. It's possible to have cramping during your luteal phase.

Hope you get your BFP! :)
Those are promising symptoms lilegg2014, but I understand not wanting to get your hopes high. I have similar symptoms to you - tender breasts, mild cramping, dry retching particularly in the morning, back pain, and wind (sorry!) I want fthe weekend here already to see if AF turns up, I hate this waiting! I really don't know if I feel it or not....half of me does and half of me doesn't....I guess I don't want that disappointment if I'm not so try not to think about it, but I constantly do!! Lol. These could all be signs from LP or from the progesterone!!

Thanks Taima for your reply, very helpful. I don't know my ovulation day but I guess if I have a regular o date then yeah, 4-6 dpo sounds about right
Thank you :)
I did it.. I caved in lol. Took a HPT this morning and not even a hint of a line! I guess there is more time until AF shows her ugly self! If I dont have anything by Friday that will be my next testing day. Feel a bit disheartened lol. Never mind.. Both of our times will come 😊
Oh sorry to hear that lilegg2014, what cd are you on? I've had cramping the past few hours and feel like AF is here (down there - sorry!) but she isn't. I really want to test....but know I shouldnt! Lol. It's driving me insane not knowing! I hope you get a BFP on Friday if AF doesn't show up. Keep me posted :)
Should be on CD23/24! Last cycle was 25 days so witch could be here tomorrow or the next day! Im only going by my last cycle, hoping it will be the same! Who knows!
Also dont worry if you think something you say is tmi, doesnt bother me 😊 we are all women and we go through the same! Ooooh I dont want to encourage you, but maybe you should test? Thats if you can handle the result if its not what you wanna see!
I will most definitely keep you posted!
I hope you get AF soon so you can get on with the next cycle if you don't get your BFP this month.

I know I should test really but I think it's still a little early, if I o'dnwhen app says then I'm 8dpo which I know can show up on a frer, but for some reason I'm telling myself to wait until the weekend and I don't know why!! Lol. Also DH is saying to wait until after AF is due, but Sunday seems a long way off haha tempted to buy some cheapies from asda! If I had my way I guess I'd test on Wednesday or Thursday!
AF hasnt arrived yet so still hope. Going to get another few HPTs tomorrow to test on Friday or Saturday 😊
You should test when you feel the time is right. Them extra few days of waiting will pay off! You will see a stronger line! Im a bit gutted I caved the other day. Put me on a bit of a downer but just trying to forget about it for a few days!

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