Late ovulation

Oooooh fingers crossed lilegg2014, roll on the weekend for both of us!!

My symptoms havent been as noticeable today....although felt like I'd come on earlier but I hadn't. I really don't know what's going on...I don't think I am pregnant the more I think about it! I picked up a test earlier is asda but put it back down & told myself to be patient lol. Chin up lovely, Friday will be here before you know it :)
My symptoms have calmed down too! I no long have sore breasts. BUT I went to the toilet this morning and I have got (sorry TMI alert!!) dark yellow/almost brown discharge in my underwear, but nothing when I wiped! I was sure AF was on her way about 2 days ago because of the cramps I was having which I no longer have. I have a couple of spots too. Im now on CD26. Last cycle was 25 days long. So who knows! I hope we get our answers very soon cause god forbid I am getting so impatient!
Could be promising lilegg14 :) fingers crossed that's a good sign for you!

I've been to the toilet lots today, haven't stopped weeing lol not sure if I have a heightened sense of smell either because I could smell something earlier but my friend couldn't. But tbh I don't think this is my month. I just want AF here so we can officially start in january!! If AF arrives I hope we'll be close in dates so we can share experiences etc :) my boobs aren't sore either but still have lower back pain (it was horrendous last night!)
Just wanted to add my experience here as well -

I do ovulate late as well and it can vary a lot from cycle to cycle. Some months, I ovulate on CD14 and others, like the one I am in now, it is CD25 and I am still waiting to ovulate. Three months ago, I had a chemical pregnancy and I ovulated on CD21 that cycle. When I went to my ob/gyn, he told me not to worry about late ovulation as long as I have a good luteal phase (I have 14-15 day luteal phase). There is a lot of conflicting info on the web about late ovulation and implantation problems because the lining could be too thick but my doc suggested that I dont look into it all and just keep BD'ing. I have read tons of women having healthy pregnancies with ovulations as late as CD40's or CD50's. So, I decided that I wont worry about it. Just thought you should know this as well :)

Good luck and hope you get a BFP soon :dust:
Lilegg2014 has AF arrived for you? Mine arrived last night so officially in our first month of trying :) so exciting!! God knows what all the symptoms were for!! Lol.

Thank you shudknow that's helpful :) I tend to have 30 day cycles and don't know when I ovulate as don't use OPKs etc yet, but it's always great to know info about our bodies etc. I'm guessing if I have a 30 day cycle I wouldn't ovulate really late? Do you have long cycles?
Lilegg2014 has AF arrived for you? Mine arrived last night so officially in our first month of trying :) so exciting!! God knows what all the symptoms were for!! Lol.

Thank you shudknow that's helpful :) I tend to have 30 day cycles and don't know when I ovulate as don't use OPKs etc yet, but it's always great to know info about our bodies etc. I'm guessing if I have a 30 day cycle I wouldn't ovulate really late? Do you have long cycles?

Omg are you serious?! So did I! I had a 28 day cycle and I am over the moon! Im on CD1. So so happy for both of us that AF has finally arrived! And I feel the same way with the symptoms I was getting! If my last cycle was 25 days and this one was 28 days then I must be just about regular! I dont have really long cycles. They tend to be between 28 and 33 days long!! The cycle just gone, if I went by a 28 day cycle I would have O'd on boxing day! Which makes sense to why I didnt conceive. Think we BD christmas eve morning and then nothing for at least 4 days!!
Omg how weird!! Lol. This month I had a 29 day cycle, last month was 30 so seems regular to me. This is cd2 for me, I cant believe we are so close!! How exciting!! Yeah we would've O'd around then too which makes sense as DH was poorly so couldn't DTD then, we did it on 28th which was waaaay too late!

So excited to share this month together!!
Omg how weird!! Lol. This month I had a 29 day cycle, last month was 30 so seems regular to me. This is cd2 for me, I cant believe we are so close!! How exciting!! Yeah we would've O'd around then too which makes sense as DH was poorly so couldn't DTD then, we did it on 28th which was waaaay too late!

So excited to share this month together!!

I can't believe it! Although last night I had severe pain in my uterus. I took painkillers and no pain since! Also just been to the toilet and it doesn't seem to be getting heavy? Its like it's stopping. Hardly anything on the pad, apart from a few smudges! Time will tell, I will know by the end of the day if this is normal AF. Awwh can't believe I have a buddy that I am kind of in sync with 😊 hopefully we both get our BFPs at the same time!!
Mine was a slow starter too....yesterday I had some spotting and that was it really, this morning is a different story, usual first full day etc. Hope yours sorts itself out and we can stay together through this :) it would be amazing if we get BFPs at the same time & share a H & H 9 months :) do you want to find out the sex of baby?
Mine was a slow starter too....yesterday I had some spotting and that was it really, this morning is a different story, usual first full day etc. Hope yours sorts itself out and we can stay together through this :) it would be amazing if we get BFPs at the same time & share a H & H 9 months :) do you want to find out the sex of baby?

I think it is AF. The pains are much milder but still there. Haven't had any painkillers since last night, don't feel I need any. I hope it stays, I hope its just a slow start myself because I am thrilled with it being normal 28 day cycle! And yes I will definitely be finding out the sex but whether I tell anyone is a different story! Will probably let all my baby and bump buddies know but my friends and family on the outside world I want to try and keep it quiet from as a surprise. Was thinking of maybe saying I wasn't able to find out the sex. I would want to know because of clothing etc. Wouldn't want to get all neutral
How's AF now lilegg2014? I've been trying to pm you but I'm getting so many pop ups on here today it's driving me insane!!

You're so good to keep it to yourselves, I wouldn't be able to! Lol. I know as soon as we find out we will tell everyone! I don't want everything pink/blue, but I would like to buy certain stuff in the colour we have, and little dresses if we have a girl!

I've been looking at upcoming dates if we conceive this month and when we can tell family. I am so excited I just want to be pregnant already haha I need to calm down a little!
Yeah she is in full force!! She began normally within the last few hours. I was worried. Ive never had it where its took this long to get heavy. Not sure why I just spotted by there we go!

I wouldnt get all pink or all blue either. Would get neutral but not all neutral. There are some beautiful neutral baby clothes that I have seen before. So damn cute. I don't mind what sex we have first either as long as he/she healthy thats all that matters 😊

And its alright to be excited! Nothing wrong with planning ahead 😊
Glad she's in full force now and you can get this cycle going soon :)

I will be mixed with clothes etc, I love the White/neutral clothes but also love the little gender baby grows etc. We are both keen to find out so luckily there's no disagreement there's! Lol. We also both want a girl - not necessarily first, but at some point we'd love a girl as there's no baby girls in our family, just nephews for us! But if we had a boy we'd still be over the moon, as long as baby is healthy we are happy! We have names sorted for both genders too! :)

Today I've woken up and feeling baby crazy!! I'm wishing I was pregnant/already had a baby and it's driving DH insane!! As we are NTNP rather than actively ttc I don't know if he's gunna be up for every other day this month and think he'll pick up on it lol as we don't normally do it that often, but I'm sure he won't say no!

How long does your AF normally last for?
Glad she's in full force now and you can get this cycle going soon :)

I will be mixed with clothes etc, I love the White/neutral clothes but also love the little gender baby grows etc. We are both keen to find out so luckily there's no disagreement there's! Lol. We also both want a girl - not necessarily first, but at some point we'd love a girl as there's no baby girls in our family, just nephews for us! But if we had a boy we'd still be over the moon, as long as baby is healthy we are happy! We have names sorted for both genders too! :)

Today I've woken up and feeling baby crazy!! I'm wishing I was pregnant/already had a baby and it's driving DH insane!! As we are NTNP rather than actively ttc I don't know if he's gunna be up for every other day this month and think he'll pick up on it lol as we don't normally do it that often, but I'm sure he won't say no!

How long does your AF normally last for?

I would be happy with one of each, I wouldn't mind which way it happened either! As you just said, as long as they're healthy that is all that matters.

I know the feeling, I am getting rather impatient although AF has been. Time seems to be going so slow atm. It actually feels like a lifetime. I hope I am ovulating too. I don't use OPKs, but I might just cave in and get some!! Me and OH bd quite a lot, so hoping it's enough to catch the eggy lol.

My AF lasts around 3-5 days normally, which is in the normal zone I think. How are you anyway?
I'd love one of each but definitely picture myself with a little girl for some reason....not sure why! But I really will just be over the moon to be pregnant and have a baby the gender won't matter!!

I'm hoping this week flies by so we can get BD-ing. I'm at the tail end of AF so by Wednesday we should be able to start. I imagine we will DTD every 2/3 days if we can. On the weekend hubby went over to the baby section in Toys r Us cooing over everything and said 'I'm so excited now' which got me even more excited to know he's keen now too!

I'm not sure whether to use the OPKs or not. Ive got a pack here that I bought a while ago but didn't use, so tempted to use just to see if and when I ovulate so I know for future too if we aren't successful this month, but still very torn on it!

I'm good thank you, how are you? Would love to fast forward to the end of the month!!
I'd love one of each but definitely picture myself with a little girl for some reason....not sure why! But I really will just be over the moon to be pregnant and have a baby the gender won't matter!!

I'm hoping this week flies by so we can get BD-ing. I'm at the tail end of AF so by Wednesday we should be able to start. I imagine we will DTD every 2/3 days if we can. On the weekend hubby went over to the baby section in Toys r Us cooing over everything and said 'I'm so excited now' which got me even more excited to know he's keen now too!

I'm not sure whether to use the OPKs or not. Ive got a pack here that I bought a while ago but didn't use, so tempted to use just to see if and when I ovulate so I know for future too if we aren't successful this month, but still very torn on it!

I'm good thank you, how are you? Would love to fast forward to the end of the month!!

Awwh I wouldn't mind what gender but I know OH would love to have a little girl as he has 3 boys from previous relationship!

AF has gone and left me alone now! Now the fun begins! Ever so excited because I should be regular. And OH birthday is next month and I would love him to know he was gonna be a daddy as a present! He would absolutely love that. Me and OH are like that, whenever we are in a shop and see the baby section we always look at each other and smile. The thought of us having a family makes my heart melt!

Personally, I am not bothering with OPKs, we are just going to make sure we bd plenty. I just think OPKs will stress me out. If it happens, it happens! But obviously if you feel you want to use them, then why not :)

I am okay hun! I also want the same! For it to be the end of the month. The tww is going to be agony lol
Glad AF has gone! It would be perfect if you get a BFP before OH's birthday!! It's so nice when they are excited over it too, makes all the difference!!

AF finished yesterday for me, so was hoping to start BD'ing tonight, however, I can feel the dreaded flu coming on and currently feel horrendous!! I hope it doesn't stick around for long as I'd hate to miss this months chance because I'm poorly!!

I am very much like you with the OPKs, I don't really want to do them just yet I'd rather just bd and hope it happens. I can't see me using them, I've had them for a few months now so could've tracked beforehand but don't fancy the stress!

Glad I'm not the only impatient one lol. Hopefully the month will fly by (despite the TWW!)
Glad AF has gone! It would be perfect if you get a BFP before OH's birthday!! It's so nice when they are excited over it too, makes all the difference!!

AF finished yesterday for me, so was hoping to start BD'ing tonight, however, I can feel the dreaded flu coming on and currently feel horrendous!! I hope it doesn't stick around for long as I'd hate to miss this months chance because I'm poorly!!

I am very much like you with the OPKs, I don't really want to do them just yet I'd rather just bd and hope it happens. I can't see me using them, I've had them for a few months now so could've tracked beforehand but don't fancy the stress!

Glad I'm not the only impatient one lol. Hopefully the month will fly by (despite the TWW!)

Sorry I haven't replied for like ages! I read your reply the other day and was meant to reply back and got sidetracked.

My fertile window this month is 20th-25th. So in a few days time! Im hoping I ovulate this month, seems like ages that I have been waiting. I would love to give my OH the best present ever.

Did you end up coming down with the flu? I got a blocked nose and chesty cough. Its so annoying! I got everything crossed for the pair of us this month.
We have very close ovulation dates, my apps are saying my fertile window starts tomorrow (19th) until Friday (23rd). I'm trying to keep an eye on any pains I feel too, so far nothing just yet! I don't know why I just feel if we conceived this cycle everything would be perfect - we'd be able to do the announcement we'd like to do at 12 weeks (timed with Easter), seeing family in the next 4-6 weeks so wouldn't need to plan other trips to see them for our announcement, and just a load of other stuff that I have thought about and it would just be perfect!! But if it doesn't happen then I've got to remind myself it is only our first month & try not to be disheartened.

It would be perfect for you too, so fx for us both!!

I did, but I'm much better than I was thankfully. Left with a cold and sore throat but managing to get through with that! I'd love to fast forward the next few weeks!
We have very close ovulation dates, my apps are saying my fertile window starts tomorrow (19th) until Friday (23rd). I'm trying to keep an eye on any pains I feel too, so far nothing just yet! I don't know why I just feel if we conceived this cycle everything would be perfect - we'd be able to do the announcement we'd like to do at 12 weeks (timed with Easter), seeing family in the next 4-6 weeks so wouldn't need to plan other trips to see them for our announcement, and just a load of other stuff that I have thought about and it would just be perfect!! But if it doesn't happen then I've got to remind myself it is only our first month & try not to be disheartened.

It would be perfect for you too, so fx for us both!!

I did, but I'm much better than I was thankfully. Left with a cold and sore throat but managing to get through with that! I'd love to fast forward the next few weeks!

I think it's exciting our O dates are basically the same! Just imagine if both of us got our BFPs, will be so amazing and we can share our journey together over B&B.

Even if one of us just gets our BFP we can still support each other, its been very nice talking to you! If neither of us get BFPs then here is to another month!

We will get there, and hopefully it will be this month it happens, then we can say goodbye to the tww and hello to the 9 month wait lol!

I have a blocked nose and a bad chest atm. I also want to fast forward these next few weeks!

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