Late ovulation

Yeah it's been so lovely getting to know you and have you share it with me, it would be so lovely if we both got our BFPs together and continue the journey, but even if you got a BFP and I didn't would still love to keep in touch throughout your pregnancy :) it is so exciting!!

It would be lovely if we got our BFPs this month, but I also keep telling myself not to expect it to just happen like that!! It took my mum 3 months to conceive her first, and that night to conceive me, so I wonder if I will follow in her steps and maybe take a few months with our first! My friend conceived first month with both of hers, as did her mother, so I do wonder if it's hereditary or not!!

Hope your cold and chest don't give you too much hassle, my throat is killing but won't let that get in the way!! Let's hope the next few weeks fly by!
Yeah it's been so lovely getting to know you and have you share it with me, it would be so lovely if we both got our BFPs together and continue the journey, but even if you got a BFP and I didn't would still love to keep in touch throughout your pregnancy :) it is so exciting!!

It would be lovely if we got our BFPs this month, but I also keep telling myself not to expect it to just happen like that!! It took my mum 3 months to conceive her first, and that night to conceive me, so I wonder if I will follow in her steps and maybe take a few months with our first! My friend conceived first month with both of hers, as did her mother, so I do wonder if it's hereditary or not!!

Hope your cold and chest don't give you too much hassle, my throat is killing but won't let that get in the way!! Let's hope the next few weeks fly by!

Vice versa hun! Plus I don't want to tell anyone other than B&B when I get pregnant so having buddies on here to tell and vent to will help me keep my mouth shut lol. Im quite enjoying coming on here, it passes the time!

It would be perfect if we got our BFPs. And that's a good point! I reckon fetility runs in families myself as my sisters got pregnant pretty quick and I have a large family!

Im feeling a lot better now, how are you feeling lately? Been bd'ing loads? My fertile window began today so this morning we did the deed! Lol
Yeah I imagine I'll be sharing my news on here when it happens before we tell family if I can't contain my excitement! Lol. I like coming on here in the evenings and catching up with the lovely ladies who are sharing the experience with me :)

Fingers crossed you'll follow your sisters and family :) I'm not sure how my gran got on with ttc as she has passed away and my mum doesn't know, so it's a tough one as my mum doesn't have any sisters and neither do I!

I'm good thank you, feeling nice and relaxed over the whole situation. We have BD'd every other day from cd10, currently on cd13 (almost cd14) and I'm hoping we will continue with this. It might end up being every 2 days sometimes rather than every other, however, hopefully come Thursday/Friday/Saturday we will be DTD at least every other as according to my apps that's when I ovulate. I'm going to continue to be every other day even after Saturday (O day) I'm case as I don't want to rely on these apps, they could be completely wrong!

What cd are you on now? Are you aiming for daily/every other or just as and when? Won't be long until I'll be in the TWW, I don't want to symptom spot though lol but I know I will! I'm feeling relaxed ATM, and don't feel stressed over it, but it's always in the back of my mind, thinking about it, hoping it'll happen!
Yeah I imagine I'll be sharing my news on here when it happens before we tell family if I can't contain my excitement! Lol. I like coming on here in the evenings and catching up with the lovely ladies who are sharing the experience with me :)

Fingers crossed you'll follow your sisters and family :) I'm not sure how my gran got on with ttc as she has passed away and my mum doesn't know, so it's a tough one as my mum doesn't have any sisters and neither do I!

I'm good thank you, feeling nice and relaxed over the whole situation. We have BD'd every other day from cd10, currently on cd13 (almost cd14) and I'm hoping we will continue with this. It might end up being every 2 days sometimes rather than every other, however, hopefully come Thursday/Friday/Saturday we will be DTD at least every other as according to my apps that's when I ovulate. I'm going to continue to be every other day even after Saturday (O day) I'm case as I don't want to rely on these apps, they could be completely wrong!

What cd are you on now? Are you aiming for daily/every other or just as and when? Won't be long until I'll be in the TWW, I don't want to symptom spot though lol but I know I will! I'm feeling relaxed ATM, and don't feel stressed over it, but it's always in the back of my mind, thinking about it, hoping it'll happen!

Hey hun,

Sorry I haven't been on! I am a bit of a worry guys today. I am supposed to be on CD14 today and I woke up, went to the loo and there was blood when I wiped. It is still there now, just not enough to go on to the pad! I have light twinges around my womb area, they're niggly and very annoying. I guess ttc is now put on hold until this spotting goes. Ive never really had a bleed mid cycle so very confused.

I really hope you catch the egg this cycle! Be nice for someone to, would make me happy to know you got your BFP!
Hey lovely,

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! How odd....when are you due to Ov? You don't think you O'd super early and could be IB? Can some women bleed during Ov? Have you DTD, which maybe caused some light bleeding? Hopefully it'll pass soon and you can carry on ttc! I hope you're ok, big hugs!!

I'm not sure if we will tbh....I gave in and used the opks I had in, and the first one there was a faint line, second was a little stronger but not pos, then they've gone back down fainter again, so I don't's not like they've built up stronger each day for it to possible happen. So I either O'd early or haven't O'd yet. I don't think I'll buy another pack, they aren't for us, it's only because I had a pack here that I thought I'd try. They make me feel worse and stressed seeing as now I'm wondering if I even O. But I have regular 28-30 day cycles? Hm I dunno, annoying and regret starting them as they've got my head in a mess now!! Would love to catch first cycle but not likely I guess! We will keep DTD every other (although we didn't manage to do it every other on wed night, so we DTD Monday night and left it til Thursday night because DH was out, argh!! Never mind, we'll keep going!! X
Hey lovely,

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! How odd....when are you due to Ov? You don't think you O'd super early and could be IB? Can some women bleed during Ov? Have you DTD, which maybe caused some light bleeding? Hopefully it'll pass soon and you can carry on ttc! I hope you're ok, big hugs!!

I'm not sure if we will tbh....I gave in and used the opks I had in, and the first one there was a faint line, second was a little stronger but not pos, then they've gone back down fainter again, so I don't's not like they've built up stronger each day for it to possible happen. So I either O'd early or haven't O'd yet. I don't think I'll buy another pack, they aren't for us, it's only because I had a pack here that I thought I'd try. They make me feel worse and stressed seeing as now I'm wondering if I even O. But I have regular 28-30 day cycles? Hm I dunno, annoying and regret starting them as they've got my head in a mess now!! Would love to catch first cycle but not likely I guess! We will keep DTD every other (although we didn't manage to do it every other on wed night, so we DTD Monday night and left it til Thursday night because DH was out, argh!! Never mind, we'll keep going!! X

Hey hun!

The bleeding stopped! It was never enough to get onto to the pad which is super strange. The blood looked nearly orange in colour, so weird. Probably because it was light'ish. I had a near positive OPK about 4 days ago so I could of absolutely O'd earlier as I don't have a clue when I O.

Me and OH bd this morning and before every other day. I just hope it was enough! You might have O'd because I have heard that OPKs can be pretty unreliable. Your surge might have been quite short, thats normal by the way. You will still O but just won't come up on OPK for very long!
So glad the bleeding stopped, how odd! Fx it's a good sign for you! Keep me posted on any other symptoms :)

Hm it makes me think I could've O'd Tuesday....a faint line Monday, no test Tuesday because of car problems, then Wednesday it was stronger but not positive, so I'm thinking it could've been Tuesday, but we only BD'd Monday and Thursday. Makes me think we could've missed it!! But I had some slight cramping this morn, not sure if it was O though. I hate this unknown business!!

Hope your cycle gets better lovely! X
So glad the bleeding stopped, how odd! Fx it's a good sign for you! Keep me posted on any other symptoms :)

Hm it makes me think I could've O'd Tuesday....a faint line Monday, no test Tuesday because of car problems, then Wednesday it was stronger but not positive, so I'm thinking it could've been Tuesday, but we only BD'd Monday and Thursday. Makes me think we could've missed it!! But I had some slight cramping this morn, not sure if it was O though. I hate this unknown business!!

Hope your cycle gets better lovely! X

I caved and tested with a test from the pound shop today with results that are 90% accurate and it was a definite BFN. I wasn't expecting a result so early so I don't feel down. I definitely think I am still in with a chance. I've decided if AF doesn't show her face by Monday I will be going off and buying a FRER. Im pretty sure I had implantation bleeding 3 days ago when I had the light bleed that lasted a day!

I must have O'd much earlier than I thought when I got a near positive OPK. It would make sense!!

How are you feeling today?
How many dpo do you think you are lilegg? What cd are you now? I'm terrible for forgetting lol. Sorry it was a bfn but as you say it is still early. Your plan sounds good, to wait it out until Monday and then do a frer. What cd did you get your near positive OPK?

I'm good thank you lovely, just hating this waiting around unknown to what's going on in my body. I'm on cd19 and still BD'ing every other day (out of enjoyment not to catch the egg). I feel like our chance has passed this month for some reason, like I should've ovulated by now if I do ovulate this month. Went to the Drs for my smear test but she wouldn't do it with there being a chance of being pregnant. I just hope I am!! I think I'll cry if AF arrives, and probably think we can't have children etc as I know I'll instantly think the worst out of the situation.

Have you had many other symptoms other than the bleed? It's a good sign of IB :) xx
I am on CD 18/19 and the near positive OPK was CD10 I think. I think I may have O'd cycle day 9. Do you think you can O early like that on a 28 day cycle?

My nipples are kind of sore but not overly. Enough to notice though! And I had that light bleed 3 days ago!

Earlier I was watching the Jeremy Kyle and felt so emotional when someone passed the lie detector test. I never get emotional over that sort of stuff.

In a way, I think I am out myself! Just got this feeling :(
I've heard of people O'ing early, how about starting a thread about it? It's always good to know other people's stories as it can really help :) I had a near positive OPK on cd14, but it wasn't positive cd15, so I dunno if I O'd cd13 or if I did it when my apps predicted. So I could be 6dpo, or 3dpo....or maybe none if I haven't O'd! I've still got lots of cm when I go to the toilet, but I thought after O you dry up? I don't know, I keep looking online but I don't think I should! I've had hiccups all day long and they're driving me insane!!

Aw emotions are so horrible, I was like that last month. Cried at everything. But I also had a load of other symptoms but AF arrived!

I hope you're ok! Just remember you aren't out until she shows up! Stay positive :) big hugs xx
Do you know what, I think I just might after I have finished this post! Im not sure if I have O'd either so looks like we are in the same boat! At least we have each others company in this dreadful tww! I am a bit damp down there but not dry. I took an OPK and it looked like another near positive so I am unsure what to think!

Im okay hun, just this waiting is really doing my head in. I long to cradle my own little bundle of joy, to keep them safe and love them with all I have!

Its emotional to think I could have my little rainbow in my arms by this time next year! When are you going to test?
Hope you get some answers on your thread, I'll keep an eye out :) we definitely seem to be in the same boat, and I'm thankful to have you to chat to on here! So confusing with your OPKs, they confused me and I don't think I'll use them again! Although I can see how people can get obsessed over them!

I agree, I hate the waiting!! It's really getting to me and AF isn't due until 6th feb earliest!! I think I'll see how my body is over the next 11 days. If I get lots of symptoms I might test on 6th feb, if not I'll wait it out until the Sunday or Monday. How about you, when will you test? I can't wait either, I long to have my own baby, and just to be pregnant!! Our time will come, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Hope you get some answers on your thread, I'll keep an eye out :) we definitely seem to be in the same boat, and I'm thankful to have you to chat to on here! So confusing with your OPKs, they confused me and I don't think I'll use them again! Although I can see how people can get obsessed over them!

I agree, I hate the waiting!! It's really getting to me and AF isn't due until 6th feb earliest!! I think I'll see how my body is over the next 11 days. If I get lots of symptoms I might test on 6th feb, if not I'll wait it out until the Sunday or Monday. How about you, when will you test? I can't wait either, I long to have my own baby, and just to be pregnant!! Our time will come, hopefully sooner rather than later!

I literally just made the thread now! Now to wait on experiences/stories/advice. Im getting bored with the OPKs as they're not really giving me any answers other than putting me down. I think if AF comes I might leave the OPKs and use preseed as I don't get a lot of EWCM.

If I go by 28 days cycle, I should be due AF 5th Feb. If I go by 25 day cycle I should be due on the 2nd! Im going to test with a FRER on Monday if I don't get AF and I have more symptoms! I do have a cheapie that I may use over the weekend just because.

I got everything crossed for us!
Hope you get some answers on there! Just think this time next week you might have had a BFP!! :) not long to wait for you!!

My cycles can be anything from 28-30 days so I feel I should wait until Sunday 8th feb, but that'll drive me insane lol. Especially if I get the right signs! But time will tell....I'd like to think this time next week I'll have had some symptoms!

Yeah I agree with the OPKs. I didn't get any answers, they've just made me more confused & unsure of my cycle! So I won't use them next time if we aren't successful this month!

I dont get a lot of EWCM either, although I've noticed a bit this month....had more tonight which makes me think I still haven't O'd, but it seems so late!! Lol. Our bodies are so frustrating!!

Me too, let's hope we get our BFPs!!

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