Late period...


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Well me and hubby aren't actively trying right now so I figured I would post here. I mean we are waiting to actively try but we definitely aren't preventing. Lately I have been having a few symptoms of pregnancy and I am late, in the back of my mind I knew the chances were low but I kept my spirits up and took a test anyway. Lucky for me I still had one extra to spare. I got First Response because I hear they are good.

Anyway, I took the test and this is what I see.

:bfn: :cry: I don't know why I get my hopes up like that. I am not usually late and I have no stress so I don't know why it is delayed. And even though we aren't trying very hard I still get broody from time to time especially now. I am just sadder than usual today...
How late are you?
Maybe its too early still?

Thanks for the hug. :flower:
By a day. So I guess it would be too early. If in a few days AF still isn't here then I will take another test and if that is negative again then off to the doctor I go. Guess I shouldn't test early but usually I am on time. Can't help but be impatient. :haha:
I had the same situation last month. I usually start AF exactly 12 days after I feel O when day 13 came last month, i pulled out the test only to have that stark white BFN staring back at me :(

How many DPO are you? Statistically if you test at day 13 and it's negative, you aren't likely to get a positive later.

Perhaps you just had anovulation this cycle? Or maybe stress around the time of ovulation caused you to ovulate late? Of course it is always possible that you are preggers and it's not showing up yet.

What makes you think pregnancy was a risk (you said chances were low)?
I had the same situation last month. I usually start AF exactly 12 days after I feel O when day 13 came last month, i pulled out the test only to have that stark white BFN staring back at me :(

How many DPO are you? Statistically if you test at day 13 and it's negative, you aren't likely to get a positive later.

Perhaps you just had anovulation this cycle? Or maybe stress around the time of ovulation caused you to ovulate late? Of course it is always possible that you are preggers and it's not showing up yet.

What makes you think pregnancy was a risk (you said chances were low)?

Sorry you had to go through the same things. Definitely not fun. I am not sure about DPO as I am still learning how to track things etc. Still a newbie. Lol.

Well I consider it a low chance just because my hubby has Cystic Fibrosis and only a low percentage can impregnate without the help of IVF. The doctor told us not to give up though and that we could have a good chance so that is what we are doing. If in a couple of years we still don't have results then off to the IVF clinic we go. No biggie but at least the doctors reassured us not to give up on the chance because some guys still can on their own. So if there is any glimmer of hope to have one without IVF then I guess we can have fun with that for a while.

If he is producing sperm and not just in the testes then it could still be low motility and such. Is there anything to increase this? So yeah chances are low but I have always been a hopeful person and believing in miracles. I see the possible in the impossible.

I hope you get your BFP when you are wanting it.
Thank you, same to you!

Keep your head up, things have a habit of happening when they're meant to. I know buying a house isn't the same as TTC but when fiance & I started house hunting, we thought it would be a pretty swift process. Sadly it took over 7 months to find a house (the market around here is a seller's market for sure and houses get snatched up left and right and bought waaaaaay over asking price). Then one day we found our perfect home that was meant for us. The owner, a widowed grandmother, sadly died and her children were selling the house. Ironically my fiance's grandmother died around the same time...and everything just fell right into place!

I wish the best for you :)
Thank you, same to you!

Keep your head up, things have a habit of happening when they're meant to. I know buying a house isn't the same as TTC but when fiance & I started house hunting, we thought it would be a pretty swift process. Sadly it took over 7 months to find a house (the market around here is a seller's market for sure and houses get snatched up left and right and bought waaaaaay over asking price). Then one day we found our perfect home that was meant for us. The owner, a widowed grandmother, sadly died and her children were selling the house. Ironically my fiance's grandmother died around the same time...and everything just fell right into place!

I wish the best for you :)

Thank you so very much. What you sad has uplifted me as your story was very inspiring and I appreciate you sharing it with me. Very kind of you. I wish you all the best as well. :thumbup:
Still no sign of AF today. The times I wait for her she isn't here and the time I don't want her, there she is. I will keep all of you posted.

I don't have irregular periods and haven't been stressed at all (which is different for me) so I don't know what to think of all of this. So if there is a baby then grow baby grow. And if not well then AF stop torturing me please.
Still not sure what is going on with my body. Another day gone by again without AF. My body is acting way out of whack and I don't know what to do.

Here are the things going on with me:
1. Sharp lower back pain on left side (a few days ago)
2. A bit of a pain on the left side of pelvic area (past week)
3. Abdomen is swollen and bloated (past week but few days especially)
4. Peeing a lot
5. Full breasts
6. Nausea especially at night
7. TMI but nipples are a bit tender

I really don't want to think I am pregnant until a few more days have passed without AF. If that is the case then I will be picking up some more tests. Which are good ones? If they are negative then I will be going to the doctor as I am concerned because I haven't dealt with this all before. :help:
Still not sure what is going on with my body. Another day gone by again without AF. My body is acting way out of whack and I don't know what to do.

Here are the things going on with me:
1. Sharp lower back pain on left side (a few days ago)
2. A bit of a pain on the left side of pelvic area (past week)
3. Abdomen is swollen and bloated (past week but few days especially)
4. Peeing a lot
5. Full breasts
6. Nausea especially at night
7. TMI but nipples are a bit tender

I really don't want to think I am pregnant until a few more days have passed without AF. If that is the case then I will be picking up some more tests. Which are good ones? If they are negative then I will be going to the doctor as I am concerned because I haven't dealt with this all before. :help:


im in CD40, and still no AF, so as you can probably understand, I am going insane! :haha:

Ive got the pains, aches, and everything else, its crap, I know.

Ive heard that Superdrugs own brand are really good, so maybe wait for a few days more. I went to the doctors on Friday when I was 6 days late, and she tested, and it was negative. But she did say that it was still quite early, which I was surprised at, and said that they don't usually start testing properly until AF is 2 weeks late. Unfortunately, I just went to the loo and when I wiped there was a tiny tinge of brown.. so I think AF is on its way.

Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated :)
Still not sure what is going on with my body. Another day gone by again without AF. My body is acting way out of whack and I don't know what to do.

Here are the things going on with me:
1. Sharp lower back pain on left side (a few days ago)
2. A bit of a pain on the left side of pelvic area (past week)
3. Abdomen is swollen and bloated (past week but few days especially)
4. Peeing a lot
5. Full breasts
6. Nausea especially at night
7. TMI but nipples are a bit tender

I really don't want to think I am pregnant until a few more days have passed without AF. If that is the case then I will be picking up some more tests. Which are good ones? If they are negative then I will be going to the doctor as I am concerned because I haven't dealt with this all before. :help:


im in CD40, and still no AF, so as you can probably understand, I am going insane! :haha:

Ive got the pains, aches, and everything else, its crap, I know.

Ive heard that Superdrugs own brand are really good, so maybe wait for a few days more. I went to the doctors on Friday when I was 6 days late, and she tested, and it was negative. But she did say that it was still quite early, which I was surprised at, and said that they don't usually start testing properly until AF is 2 weeks late. Unfortunately, I just went to the loo and when I wiped there was a tiny tinge of brown.. so I think AF is on its way.

Fingers crossed for you, keep us updated :)

Oh I know how you mean about going insane ugh. I still have the pains and aches but if it is a baby then I encourage it. I mean we may have a higher chance of pregnancy this month because I started logging my periods and intimacy dates on my apps on my phone. In November, AF came right on time with no symptoms but we BD 4 times and really concentrated on the fertile days. In December we had BD 9 times and didn't concentrate on the fertile days as I guess I didn't trust the app anymore. I hear that you are supposed to wait until 2 weeks to actually test but I mean who can make it until then? :haha:

This wait is going to kill me. I am sending lots of luck your way now. :dust:
I will be praying for the both of us. The only update I have is that I am more nauseated today and I did talk to my mom who said she was only nauseous in the evenings which I currently am. I hear that to get an idea of what you may experience as signs of pregnancy you can looks towards your mom as you do have the same genetic code and go through some of the same things.

Also, this morning when going to the bathroom (tmi but I have been wearing a pad ready for AF) and I noticed a very VERY light pinkish/brownish tint. I mean you would barely even notice it unless you really look but when I wiped there wasn't anything. So that seems good so either way I don't mind. I am expected AF or to be sharing news of a baby soon. Hehe. I think we are going out today and I am going to buy a few just to stock up. :blush: I will try to wait to test again. I don't think we have that brand out here in Canada but I can check.

Again thanks for posting and best of luck to you and your little embie. If you think it, you shall get it. It might be crazy but I have been rubbing my belly already and telling my body to take care of my bean in there. Talking to the embie telling it is okay to grow and we will love it. I truly believe if I imagine my body taking care of it and one growing then it should happen. I mean they do say if you want to achieve something then you must invision it first. Now you may feel silly for talking to your belly when you aren't sure something is in there or not but maybe you should do that. Let your body know you encourage it no matter what and if there is a baby to embrace it and let it grow. The body will do the rest. :thumbup:
I keep doing exactly the same - rubbing my belly and talking - im so glad we're all going through the same thing, or people would be having us locked up for insanity :haha:

I think the brown stuff that im experiencing will most definitely be AF on her way, as its way too late for implantation I should think?

I really do have everything crossed for us both. Good luck and buckets of baby dust to you

So another day passed without AF and last night I bought two more tests. Me and DH never really talk about children since we were told for so long that we couldn't have one without IVF but recently his doctor telling us not to give up because we can, gave us some hope. Still the hope is getting dimmer and dimmer some days. Most days I am okay with it but when this type of thing happens I get very unhappy.

It was so sweet to hear the way he was talking about everything. Last night we went out to eat and we were even talking of names. I also slipped and almost feel on the ground from ice but he rushed to catch me before I could because he knew that if I had a baby in there that me getting hurt right now wouldn't be good. I suckered in and took a test last night. And of course I got :bfn: I am trying not to mope around the house but I am very devastated right now. I was really hoping this could be our miracle baby. So AF if you are in there either come on or just give me a sign of a baby. I can't handle this. :cry:

If still no AF in the next couple of days I am testing again and going to the doctor.
Caved in again to take my 3rd test. Just to let everyone know I tend to get impatient take them at night which I know isn't always the best.

My first test about 5 or so days ago was First Response and came out BFN
My second test about 2 days ago was One Step Pregnancy test and came out BFN
And this third test I took tonight was One Step Pregnancy test. I am not sure it is BFN or BFP because there is what looks to be the start of a second line at the top. I also instead of just POAS decided to pee in a cup and dipped it for the time it said. I was afraid I wasn't POAS exactly right so I decided on the other easiest option.

Still missing AF, feeling very warm, and nauseous. Either AF is coming, I have the flu, or I am pregnant. And since I cannot say whether or not I am pregnant or not for sure I have decided to purchase another test and use morning pee this time coming up.
Just letting everyone know that the :witch: caught up to me today. But ever since AF coming I am having extreme pain near my ovaries. Is this normal for being late or could have had a miscarriage?
GrantsWife--sounds to me like you may have an ovarian cyst. They're pretty common, not usually harmful, and may have given you the symptoms you described.

I had that once because it caused me heavy bleeding. If it's giving you any more trouble I would get checked out; the good news is it's easily treated with pills. The bad news is the pill to treat it is birth control :(

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