Having been the person to try and convince employer to take on under 18's (FREE or for £2.50 an hour) The amount of people who want nothing to do with the 'youth' I would say is about 80% of people who have suitable job/on job training opportunities for them
Basically you are knackered either way. Near enough no one wants a 16-18 year old because they are unreliable, untrustworthy, have to have more H+S vetting, come in tired/drunk, have bad attitude. I dont think this is true of 80% of teens more like say 20% or even less, working on the Not in Education or Employment program may have sewed my view.
Then on the other side if you stay in education, say till 21, do a degree. No one wants you because you have no working experience. (unless youve managed to get a PT job or have been willing/able to work for free/voluntary) Or you too over qualified for the basic level jobs and they think youll leave as soon as a better off comes along.
Do I think the solution is to keep changing the school age. Most certainly not we need to look at the way the country views young people and the way the look at themselves. Having delivered NVQS, NEET programs and keys skills in maths, english and communication. I have seen the people the normal school system has failed. Maybe we failed them too, we most certainly didnt have a 100% success rating especially in the long term.
I do agree that formal education environments are suitable for the minority rather than the majority. However I think it is too idealist to believe that these children are going to be given work experience when society has such a bad view on these children. I think theyll just be even more lost in 'the system' than they are now.