My boyfriend is currently on probation, has been to jail, (it sounds awful, but it was all for drinking. He is a recovering alcoholic and is on the straight and narrow, finally.) and he will be 22 in March. I am only 17 and am currently expecting. Although my parents will not be pleased, they love my boyfriend, probably even more than they love me sometimes haha, and would never press charges. I will not be 18 until June so there is absolutely no way to play this off as if I was legal age. What are the legal repercussions and how do I avoid them? We are planning on marrying as we are a highly functional couple and being in love doesn't hurt either , but planning a wedding while I attend nursing school, work part time and prepping for a baby doesn't sound like a high priority. However, if a wedding would save him from trouble and such, I'm on board. Has anyone ever had any experience with this type of situation? Thanks in advance!