Mrs Eleflump
Ok...opinions please!
I'm 29 weeks, so plenty time to come up with a name, and we don't know what we're having, so this may not even be an issue if baby turns out to be a girl, but we haven't discussed names much at all.
A couple of years ago when we were having a semi-serious, semi-silly conversation about baby names, Hubby floated the idea of naming a boy Leoben.
The name comes from battlestar Galactica, and is the name of one of the minor characters, but it also appears to be a 'real' name in itself, i.e. not just made up for the show. It's pronounced with the emphasis on the middle syllable, so 'Lee-OH-ben' rather than 'LEO-ben'.
I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but he mentioned it again a couple of weeks ago, so it's still in his head, which makes me think he's got it as a serious contender.
I'm not sure what I think about it, it's so unusual, I don't know if it's too unusual for me. I wouldn't like it shortened to Lee or Ben, though Leo I could live with.
Our surname is quite long, it's a Mc___ name with three syllables, so don't know if a three-syllable first name would flow properly, though hubby also has three syllables in his first name and it goes fine.
My problem is that there are very, very few names for either gender that I like enough to use, so I know I'm going to be majorly picky and difficult about it
I do like the more classic traditional names, e.g. Anna has been my favourite for a girl for a few years now. I really struggle badly with boy's names, though. I don't think there's a single one I like enough to use!
Anyway, what does everyone think?
I'm 29 weeks, so plenty time to come up with a name, and we don't know what we're having, so this may not even be an issue if baby turns out to be a girl, but we haven't discussed names much at all.
A couple of years ago when we were having a semi-serious, semi-silly conversation about baby names, Hubby floated the idea of naming a boy Leoben.
The name comes from battlestar Galactica, and is the name of one of the minor characters, but it also appears to be a 'real' name in itself, i.e. not just made up for the show. It's pronounced with the emphasis on the middle syllable, so 'Lee-OH-ben' rather than 'LEO-ben'.
I wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but he mentioned it again a couple of weeks ago, so it's still in his head, which makes me think he's got it as a serious contender.
I'm not sure what I think about it, it's so unusual, I don't know if it's too unusual for me. I wouldn't like it shortened to Lee or Ben, though Leo I could live with.
Our surname is quite long, it's a Mc___ name with three syllables, so don't know if a three-syllable first name would flow properly, though hubby also has three syllables in his first name and it goes fine.
My problem is that there are very, very few names for either gender that I like enough to use, so I know I'm going to be majorly picky and difficult about it

Anyway, what does everyone think?