Let's grab that BFP with both hands and make it ours! January Testing Thread

Wish-I don't believe you. hee hee. It's a fluke, you were tired I'm sure and just imagining...say it isn't so.

Fezzle-C'mon luckiness!!!

Futuremom/ERose-Any updates?

SPP-Glad you're feeling great today. Woohoo!!

oldermom-I have to get back on my prenatal vitamin routine. Well, it wasn't really a routine because if it was, I'd still be on it, but I need to put it on my nightstand so I remember to take it before I go to bed.

Have a great day everybody!
We really Need to get some BFPs in here for the last week!!!!

Uufta! This is a rough month. Sorry to all who got AF. Boo hiss. And boo hiss, again!

I hope everyone moves over to Sis' Feb thread so we can see who gets BFPs during the month of love. <3

All my symptoms are leading me to AF, so I will be moving over there next week. But I decided instead of getting bummed out every time AF comes, I'm going to do something special for myself instead. And I don't mean drinking a glass of wine or two... Because at this point, that's just a given. I mean like going and getting a massage or a pedicure or something like that. Something I can look forward to if the witch comes!
I totally had to Google those SPP!!!! :haha:

So glad the Vitex seems to be working My DH said to keep taking it I'm actually In a good mood :haha: E dominance is a :witch: and makes U a B1+€h !!!! :rofl:
:haha: Good old Dr. Google is the best and worst lol. Oh yes indeed my friend, estro dom is a horrific hoarmonger and makes you insane :wacko: . Vitex is my estro dom slaying :ninja: lol. Aaaaand I think adding the almost daily shots of raw apple cider vinegar is helping now as well so here's to hoping!! :wine:

I forgot to add that I had myself a chuckle and smile at your DH's propping terri :) . So sweet and thoughtful of him even if propping time hadn't come around just yet :cloud9: . I love it when they really try to show they're with us on things <3.
Uufta! This is a rough month. Sorry to all who got AF. Boo hiss. And boo hiss, again!

I hope everyone moves over to Sis' Feb thread so we can see who gets BFPs during the month of love. <3

All my symptoms are leading me to AF, so I will be moving over there next week. But I decided instead of getting bummed out every time AF comes, I'm going to do something special for myself instead. And I don't mean drinking a glass of wine or two... Because at this point, that's just a given. I mean like going and getting a massage or a pedicure or something like that. Something I can look forward to if the witch comes!
That's the spirit girly :change: . We win either way :haha: .
Wish, I wouldn't give up just yet! You're only 10dpo and your temps are still looking great! Do you normally have short cycles? A tinge of blood in CM could mean good things. Implantation bleeding, perhaps? :winkwink: Especially at this point in your cycle.

SPP, I had to giggle at your chips and dip comment, lol. You come up with the funniest things.

Katie, thats a great attitude to have for when AF comes! Spoil yourself instead of getting bummed out. :) I love it!

AFM, my temp spiked up this morning, and much higher than the lows I was complaining about previously. Its one of those ridiculously high temps that terri and I agree just screams drama. LOL
Wow did you sleep in the top of an oven ER:haha:

Amazing temp spike:wacko:

Love to all the other ladies still stalking just got a lot going on with my eldest at the moment - he has autism (sometimes I think hubby is right he says we can't cope with the two we have) so maybe we shouldn't have any more:cry:

Today is one of those days:cry:


ERose - yes my cycles are ridiculously short - always have been - when I got pregnant with my youngest (eek 18 years ago - I feel old writing that :cry:) my periods were every 16 days - so about 23 day cycle w/AF...and today my average is 23 days... looks like this month will be a 21/22 day cycle ...
I just really can't believe it. I have taken my supplements every stinking day... I thought there would be a difference - I was bracing for a longer cycle instead I got a shorter one... and my temp didn't drop...WTH!!!

I can't even bring myself to tell the DH...

Anyways.... Dr appt today at 1045... I will probably cry my eyes out trying to tell her what I want!!! sometimes being an emotional girl stinks!!

I agree with treating ourselves when AF shows... maybe I will this weekend...
good news - I got my treadmill run in this morning... atleast that is something...
Erin, Congratulations on the temp spike! I don't really know the significance of this, but it sounds like it's a really good thing!

Wish, Have you been taking supplements to help increase your luetal phase? Because I've noticed that sometimes my B6 works, and other months it doesn't, but overall, I seem to be gaining a day or two. Don't fret!! Doesn't mean that your cycles are shortening for the long-haul. Sometimes we just have a wonky cycle!
More :hugs: for you garfie. I really wish we could get some helpful new breakthroughs in autism research :( .

Wish, very nice getting in the treadmill time :thumbup: . What supplements are you taking? How long have you been taking them? I cosign with Katie, your cycles may not be shortening for good. Working on a cycle overhaul gets quite frustrating I know :hugs: . Don't give up!!!
And Garfie, let me share my goofy cereal commercial theory on life. In the 1980s, there was this cereal commercial that played on TV that really had an impact and stayed with me as I felt overwhelmed with life (whether it was way too much schoolwork, too much professional work, too much housecleaning, too much personal drama, too many toddler ear infections, etc.)

In the commercial, it's a woman who is taking over the family farm from her father. And it shows her getting up at the crack of dawn and feeding the chickens, baling hay, milking cows, etc. And she's saying, she didn't know how she would do, being in charge of the family farm and that it was a big responsibility. And she said, although it never feels like there will be enough hours in the day to get everything done, the funny thing is, when there are things that need to be done you always find a way.

So that was a very long explanation, but the point is...it's true! There are some days when you both may feel like its a struggle enough raising your current children. But the truth is, if another baby came into the picture, you would find a way to do it all. No matter how challenging or daunting things seem, life always has a way of working itself out. You adapt and adjust to growing responsibilities and that's exactly what you will do!! And let's be honest, nobody sane ever looks back and says, "Yeahhh, having that last baby was a huge mistake!" It's just more love added to your family!
:hugs: garfie. I used to do ABA with children with autism and their moms were some of the most amazing women I've ever known!
I'm swamped at work, so yeah ERose-The dramatic increase-It's much more exciting than the dramatic plunge. I'm so excited!!

Wish-*(&$)&(*_@$@ I know you're a wholesome gal, so I'll just put the symbols. :hugs: and sorry. The witch sucks, but at least you can join us on the Feb. thread. It'll be fun there too. I know it's not much of a consolation but we are right here with you, and feel your pain. Every.single.time.

See you chicas tonight. Back to the grind!
My thermometer burnt out this morning...so no idea what my temp was. No longer feeling any cramping or back pain... I'll be testing Saturday.
moni FX crossed for Saturday!! :happydance::happydance:

and I forgot earlier - welcome back Atty!!!

garfie - I second what katie wrote - I have never met anyone that said man we shouldn't have had that last kid... feel free to vent to us when you need too...

Erose - I do love your temperature spike - here's to hoping that is a VERY good sign for you!!:thumbup:

sweet potato - I am taking fertilaid for women (1 pill 3 x a day), CQ10 (200 mg 3x a day), DHEA (25mg 3x a day)
I've taken the fertilaid off and on since August... but I have taken all three this cycle - not missing a day since 2 January (CD1)

AFM: I talked to my Dr today... this whole situation is out of her area of expertise - so she wrote down all of my concerns - I showed her my FF chart, my supplements (which she ok'd - but then again she didn't know what AMH is LOL) and she is going to call me next week - she wants to get me in with an OB/GYN that will try Clomid for me (as well as test for the hormone issues I have self diagnosed :winkwink:) ... but she wants to talk to 3 different OB's she knows and see what is the best - since she knows DH and I are against IVF... really against the local FE... she wants to explain the situation to each dr and see what the recommendation will be for me...
she really is so sweet... and I know she wants to help... but the "call you next week" puts this cycle out... by the time she calls and I go see this other dr... maybe the next one too...

somewhere along the line I made the mistake to pray for patience!!!
Hope you ladies have a great evening!!! and thank you for the encouragement - I needed it today...
Wish, your temp didn't drop below the coverline today? In fact, it's almost just as high as it was yesterday...! Are you SURE this is AF? I noticed you put "Light" bleeding... I know I shouldn't get your hopes up, but if it's really light, maybe its just a little spotting..?? I know, I am WAY overly optimistic sometimes. Btw, you mentioned possibly getting on clomid... I take Clomid also, and it got me pregnant in my third month on it. I wasn't allowed to take it this month right after m/c, but I plan on taking it next month for sure.

Yes terri, the dramatic temp increase is indeed better than the dramatic drop, lol! I really am feeling crampy today though... and since this is a non-clomid cycle, it will be shorter than my clomid cycles. I looked back at some of my earlier charts, and there were times when I had a huge crazy spike like this, only to have it drop the very next day and AF show up.

Garfie, :hugs: to you and your sweet, sweet boy. And don't you dare think about not having a third! We like having you here too much!

Moni, good luck, good luck!! I'm super excited for you!! I have a feeling the IUI worked for you. Just a gut feeling. :)
moni-So are you going to run out and get a new battery/thermometer, or are you going to just go with the flow. This is as the egg turns around here! hee hee.

ERose-Shut up about your other charts! HA!!HA!! Be happy for the spike! And crampy may be a good thing as well. We'll find out as the day progresses.

garfie-I agree with Katie. Not having another child is not an option. You want it, you'll get it!

Wish-Good for you for running. I hope your doctor gets on the horn quickly and gets you the help that you may need. I have an appt. coming up on the 6th and I'm debating whether I should go. It's my annual appt., but I just want to call and get the directions for when I'm supposed to go get an HSG. I don't think my tubes are having problems. I forget what she told me and I can't remember where I wrote it down. Yeah, FFoe is a nice app, and my smartphone is pretty smart, but there are too many places to jot stuff down. I guess I should go back to :jo: er&#8230;paper and a notebook. hee hee. Honestly, I just want to be pregnant, and it's not like I have even made it to step 1-fertilize the egg. Once that happens, then we can worry about if it's making it's way down the tube. Right?? *sigh* Or maybe it moves and fertilizes. I guess I should watch that video again. *giggle*

Katie-When/Are you testing or are you letting nature take its course? I guess I should just go back to the front page to find out. I'm waiting in February. I need to get some OPKs tomorrow. I have 4 left and I think I'm going to switch back to the CB digi. I liked it, and I'm fine spending the money. My FR OPK didn't really help me considering I had two solid lines every day after the digi. NOT HELPING!! I'm still going to use them, though :haha:

Sorry for the book. I missed you girls today!

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