It's hard! i'm 8 dpo today and had to fight NOT to test!
I'm doing ok, going to hold off with any symptom spotting until about 6-7 DPO
if I can help it! I'm pretty sure I ovulated when I was expecting, I had ovulation spotting and cramps, just gotta hope did his job right.
I hope I don't get any symptoms because I feel it will give me false hope.
Hi can u add me please! wud love a christmas bfp! Me and my boyfriend are both 20, have been together 5 years and are trying for our first! on cycle 4 and are testing on the 23rd sept! Not feelin very positive for this month though cus not sure when i ovulated, was using opk but think i missed it! good luck and to everyone!
Sorry ruskie, oct test dates already, the months are flying in this year!!!
I bought some tests on my way home, hadn't peed for at least 4 hours, so thought I might aswell do it on a stick!!! I think I got a v v v faint 2nd line! I kind of have to move test about in light to c it so maybe just my eyes playing tricks but I'm shaking with even glimmer of hope it might b a v early bfp!!! Omg!!!!
Ooo yes, i do tend to get a bit obsessive with symptom spotting! how many dpo are you?
Yes i love twilight, team edward lol! xx